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Clean Communities Plan Working Group

AQMD staff is developing the Clean Communities Plan (CCP), formerly called the Air Toxics Control Plan (ATCP).  The draft CCP combines the ATCP and concepts from Cumulative Impacts.  The elements of the draft CCP are community-based solutions, monitoring and enforcement; source-specific programs; agency coordination; nuisance; and education and outreach.

A CCP Working Group has been formed and meets to discuss various aspects of the proposed plan as it evolves.  The CCP Working Group includes representatives from communities, industry, and other government agencies.  Links to presentations and comments for the working group meetings are provided below.



Meeting Dates

Presentations Comments

Jul 16

(PDF-231k) (PDF-1.3MB)

Aug 26


For additional information, please call Cheryl Marshall at (909) 396-2567 or email