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Website Policies
Access to or use of the FDIC website constitutes consent to the following terms. The FDIC has taken reasonable measures to ensure that the information and data presented on this website is accurate and current. However, the FDIC makes no express or implied warranty regarding such information or data, and hereby expressly disclaims all legal liability and responsibility to persons or entities who use or access this site and its content, based on their reliance on any information or data that is available through this website. The information available on this website is not intended to constitute and should not be considered as legal advice, nor is it intended to substitute for obtaining legal advice from competent, independent, legal counsel in the relevant jurisdiction. Transmission and receipt of this information is not intended to create and does not constitute an attorney-client relationship. This website does not purport to authoritatively interpret current federal statutes, regulations, orders or other federal authority, nor does it bind the FDIC or any other federal agency or entity with regard to the matters presented. The content of this website is not designed or intended to provide authoritative financial, accounting, investment, or other professional advice which may be reasonably relied on by its readers. If expert assistance in this area is required, the services of a qualified professional should be sought. Reference to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacture, or otherwise does not constitute an endorsement, a recommendation, or a favoring by the FDIC or the United States government. The FDIC website provides links to other websites for convenience and informational purposes only. Users should be aware that when they select a link on the FDIC's website to an external website, they are leaving the FDIC's site. Linked sites are not under the control of FDIC, and FDIC is not responsible for the contents of any linked site or any link contained in a linked site, or any changes or updates to such sites. FDIC is not responsible for any transmission received from a linked site. The inclusion of a link does not imply endorsement by FDIC of the site, its content, advertisers or sponsors. External sites may contain information that is copyrighted with restrictions on reuse. Permission to use copyrighted materials must be obtained from the original source and cannot be obtained from the FDIC. This government computer system employs software security programs to monitor network traffic to identify unauthorized attempts to upload or change information, or otherwise cause damage. Such attempts are strictly prohibited and may be punishable under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 and the National Information Infrastructure Protection Act. Except for authorized law enforcement investigations, no other attempts are made to identify individual users or their usage habits. This general disclaimer is in addition to, and not in lieu of, any other disclaimers found on pages, applications or programs within this site. In addition, the terms of this disclaimer extend to the FDIC, its directors, officers, and employees. Privacy PolicyThe FDIC is strongly committed to maintaining the privacy of your personal information. The following discloses our information gathering and dissemination practices for this site. The information the FDIC receives depends upon your actions when visiting the Corporation's website. Information Collected About Your Visit to the website The FDIC automatically collects and stores the following information about you when you visit our website:
Some parts of the FDIC website may use a "cookie", which is a file placed on your computer hard drive, that allows the FDIC web server to log the pages you use in the FDIC site and to determine if you have visited the site before. The cookie captures no personally identifying information. The FDIC server uses this information to provide certain features during your visit to the website. You can set your browser to warn you when placement of a cookie is requested, and decide whether or not to accept it. By rejecting a cookie some of the features available on the site may not function properly. Other than the automatic data collection described above, this site collects no personally identifying information. The sole exception is when you knowingly and voluntarily provide information, such as when you fill in your name and address on the FOIA request form. The FDIC uses the information we collect for internal system administrative purposes to measure the volume of requests for specific website pages, and to continually improve the FDIC Internet site to be responsive to the needs of users. Your choice to use the FDIC website or to send electronic mail to FDIC will be considered your consent for the FDIC to use the information collected therefrom as stated in this notice. Intrusion Detection MonitoringThis government computer system employs software security programs to monitor network traffic to identify unauthorized attempts to upload or change information, or otherwise cause damage. Such attempts are strictly prohibited and may be punishable under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 and the National Information Infrastructure Protection Act. Except for authorized law enforcement investigations, no other attempts are made to identify individual users or their usage habits. Information Collected From You You may decide to send the FDIC information, including personally identifying information. The information you supply - whether through a secure Web form, a standard Web form, or by sending an electronic mail message - is maintained by the FDIC for the purpose of processing your request or inquiry. The FDIC also uses the information you supply in other ways to further the FDIC's mission of maintaining stability and public confidence in the nation's banking system. Various employees of the FDIC may see the information you submit in the course of their official duties. The information may also be shared by the FDIC with third parties to advance the purpose for which you provide the information, including other federal or state government agencies. For example, if you file a complaint, it may be sent to a financial institution for action, or information may be supplied to the Department of Justice in the event it appears that federal criminal statutes have been violated by an entity you are reporting to the FDIC. The primary use of personally identifying information will be to enable the government to contact you in the event we have questions regarding the information you have reported. Under certain circumstances, the FDIC may be required by law to disclose information you submit to the Corporation, for example, to respond to a Congressional inquiry or subpoena. If you register with an FDIC online mailing list, the information you provide may also be used to send you FDIC communiqués or notify you about updates to our website. When you choose to send e-mail to the FDIC you are consenting to the FDIC using the information provided therein, including personally identifying information, in accordance with this notice, unless you expressly state in the e-mail your objection to any use(s). As required by federal law, Privacy Act statements are located throughout this website where the FDIC requests information from you. Information QualityFederal Deposit Insurance Corporation Guidelines for Ensuring and Maximizing the Quality, Objectivity, Utility, and Integrity of Information Disseminated to the Public by the FDIC Introduction On September 28, 2001, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) published guidelines in the Federal Register requiring federal agencies to develop procedures for reviewing and substantiating the quality of their information before it is disseminated to the public. OMB's quality guidelines for dissemination of information to the public were issued under Section 515 of the Treasury and General Government Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2001 (Public Law 106-554) and were revised and reissued on February 22, 2002. The guidelines require that each agency create a mechanism by which affected persons may seek, and obtain where appropriate, correction of information disseminated by the agency that does not comply with the agency's or OMB's guidelines. Starting in January 2004, agencies are required to submit an annual report to OMB detailing the number, nature, and resolution of any requests for a Section 515 correction. Background The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) provides information including economic and statistical reports, research and staff studies, educational brochures, booklets, and pamphlets to a broad spectrum of individuals and organizations including the public. The FDIC is committed to following the suggested OMB guidelines and agrees with the underlying principles that the guidelines apply to a wide variety of government information dissemination activities ranging in importance and scope; that the guidelines are generic enough to fit all media whether printed, electronic or other form; and that they have the flexibility for the FDIC to incorporate any special data quality requirements for specific types of publications. Clearly, the more significant the information, the higher the quality standards to which it should be held, e.g., influential scientific, financial or statistical information. The FDIC takes pride in the quality, objectivity, utility, and integrity of the information that it disseminates to the public. Before any information or data are released, the FDIC utilizes an established set of quality procedures to ensure accuracy and value. DefinitionsThe definitions below are derived from the OMB guidelines published in the Federal Register on February 22, 2002 (67FR8459-8460).
FDIC Information Quality Guidelines The FDIC has created the following guidelines to promulgate its quality standards and formalize its correction mechanism. The FDIC will continue to disseminate information that meets the agency's high standards as confirmed by stringent internal review and approval processes. The Corporation is committed to integrating the principle of information quality into every step of its development of information, including its creation, collection, maintenance and dissemination. The policies and procedures that the FDIC currently has in place ensure, to the best of the Corporation's ability, that the quality of the information and data released to the public is accurate and appropriate and meets the FDIC's internal definitions of objectivity, utility, and integrity in accordance with the OMB guidelines. The FDIC uses proven practices and standard review methods for ensuring quality and its key constituents: objectivity, utility, and integrity. The FDIC recognizes the need to address these constituents in unique ways. Objectivity refers to the accuracy, reliability, and unbiased nature of the information. The FDIC's information products are presented in an unbiased, clear, complete and well-documented manner. The FDIC uses a variety of methods to achieve objectivity, utilizing both internal and external resources. It uses highly reliable review sources for corroboration and seeks public comment as appropriate. It also conducts specialized surveys and peer reviews using methodologies that are consistent with generally accepted industry standards for all aspects of survey design and implementation. The FDIC makes both original and supporting data and the source of the data available when appropriate. The Corporation's methods are transparent unless it must protect proprietary or confidential information. Transparency is achieved by referencing sources, identifying statistical methods employed, and utilizing sound research and analytical techniques. The FDIC has several specialized committees that conduct cross-divisional reviews to ensure information currency and work together to modify or change some of the Corporation's major publications. Data provided to the FDIC for various outputs, including statistical releases and consumer education and guidance, are subjected to a variety of informational editing processes and levels of review. Utility refers to the usefulness of information to its intended users. The FDIC seeks to ensure utility by regularly conducting structured reviews of key information output products to ensure they are current. The Corporation also continually seeks feedback from its target audiences to evaluate the utility of the products it disseminates. The FDIC strives to make its key information distributions available through its website in order to enhance the material's availability to the public. FDIC subject matter experts are actively involved in the banking and regulatory industry to ensure timeliness and value in the presentation of the Corporation's distributed products. Integrity refers to the security of information from unauthorized access or revision to ensure that the information is not compromised through corruption or falsification. Secure information systems are essential to providing high-quality information to the public and to protect critical systems and information. The FDIC has instituted a comprehensive set of policies, procedures, guidelines and controls for security. FDIC Complaint and Appeals ProcessThese guidelines permit persons to seek and, where warranted, obtain correction of non-compliant information or data disseminated by the FDIC. If you believe that information disseminated by the FDIC does not comply with OMB or FDIC guidelines, you may seek correction of this information by submitting a "Section 515 Complaint" to the FDIC, in accordance with the procedure set forth in this section. These are known as Section 515 Complaints because the FDIC's data quality guidelines are issued pursuant to Section 515 of Public Law 106-554. The existence of the Section 515 procedure does not preclude you from contacting the FDIC by other methods to inquire about information disseminations or requesting corrections. On occasion, the FDIC may disseminate a study, analysis, or other information prior to taking final agency action or issuing an information product. In such cases, the FDIC will consider a Section 515 Complaint relating to the study, analysis or other information only where: (1) the FDIC determines that a response in advance of the final agency action or information product would not unduly delay issuance of the agency action or information product and; (2) you demonstrate a reasonable likelihood that you will suffer actual harm from the FDIC's dissemination if the FDIC does not resolve your complaint prior to the final agency action or information product. By submitting a Section 515 complaint, the FDIC will track your complaint separately from other informal inquiries and you will have an appeal right if you disagree with the FDIC's initial response. How to Submit a Section 515 Complaint with the FDICYou may submit a Section 515 Complaint by mail, personal delivery, fax, or email to the FDIC using the following contact information:
In order to be considered a Section 515 Complaint by the FDIC, your request must:
The complainant has the responsibility of clearly presenting the basis for a Section 515 Complaint. As a preliminary matter, the FDIC may determine that your complaint does not meet the threshold requirements for processing. For example, the FDIC may decline to process complaints that do not contain sufficient information; or request correction of information not covered by the guidelines. The FDIC may also reject or deny Section 515 Complaints that do not contain the required information or are too general or vague for the FDIC to make a determination regarding the validity of the complaint. You may seek review of such determinations under the appeals process described below. Review of Section 515 Complaints by the FDICUpon receipt of a properly filed Section 515 Complaint, the FDIC will carefully review the substance of your complaint and any supporting material and will consider whether any changes or corrections to the data are warranted. This review will be conducted by a representative from the FDIC Division or Office that generated or disseminated the information or data. The FDIC will make a good faith effort to respond to complaints in writing within 60 calendar days of receipt. If your request requires more than 60 calendar days to resolve, the FDIC will advise you that more time is required, state the reason(s) more time is required and provide you with an estimated decision date. The format of the response will depend on the character and volume of requests. For example, if the FDIC receives numerous requests concerning the same data or information, it may provide a response through a press release or on its website. Other requests may receive an individual response by letter, fax or email. Complainant's Right to an Appeal If you are not satisfied with the FDIC's determination of your Section 515 Complaint, you may file a Section 515 Appeal with the FDIC in order to seek a final determination. In order to be considered by the FDIC, a Section 515 Appeal must be submitted as follows:
The FDIC received no requests for information quality corrections during calendar year 2008. Any such requests received in the future will be posted here. Privacy Statement The FDIC is authorized to collect the information you provide under Section 515 of the Treasury and General Government Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2001. It is needed to process complaints and appeals filed under these guidelines. The information you furnish is almost never used for any purpose other than to process and respond to your request. However, the FDIC may disclose information you provide (e.g., to a Congressional Office or to the Department of Justice) if authorized or required by Federal law, such as the Privacy Act. FDIC Publishing Policy The FDIC makes all non-sensitive agency information available to the public via its Internet website. Since all information is published as soon as it is available, there is no process for setting priorities. FDIC strives to make information available as soon as possible, recognizing the agency's responsibility for ensuring the information is accurate and complete. Each cyclical publication displays its publication schedule on the opening page. Schedule of all publications Limited English Proficiency The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) is committed to improving access to its programs and activities for persons with limited English proficiency (LEP). For many individuals living in the United States, English is not their primary language. To the extent these individuals have a limited ability to read, write, speak or understand English, they have limited English proficiency. The FDIC conducts a variety of programs and activities designed to address the concerns of consumers and providers of financial services. The FDIC's most innovative program in this regard is the Money Smart financial education curriculum. This program helps those outside the financial mainstream enhance their money management skills and build confidence in their use of banking services. The curriculum is available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese and Russian. The FDIC's popular consumer information brochure, "Your Insured Deposit," and the simplified brochure, "Insuring Your Deposits," describe the FDIC's rules for insurance coverage of bank and savings association deposits and answers frequently asked questions about the FDIC's insurance rules. FDIC is in the process of updating these brochures to explain the new deposit insurance guidelines. Updated versions of these brochures in English and Spanish will be made available for distribution soon. Please consult the FDIC Homepage and the Español link for updates. The FDIC's plan is to provide meaningful access to its programs and activities to persons with limited English proficiency. The FDIC will continue to evaluate and expand its programs and activities in an effort to better serve LEP persons interested in receiving information regarding banking services. This website will be updated as publications and information in other language options become available. For FDIC web products published in languages other than English, it is our policy to simultaneously update any changes made to these products in English and any other published languages. Contacting the FDIC about This WebsiteIf you are concerned about how information about you may have been used in connection with this website, or you have questions about the FDIC's privacy policy and information practices you should contact: FDIC Webmaster FDIC 550 17th Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20429 E-mail: webmaster@fdic.gov Electronic mail is not necessarily secure. You should be very cautious when sending electronic mail containing sensitive, confidential information. As an alternative, you should give consideration to sending it by postal mail. |
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Last Updated 4/15/2009 | webmaster@fdic.gov |
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