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Press Release - March 20, 2008

Rise to the Challenge. The National President's Challenge kicks  off March 20. Get in shape and have fun doing it!

March 20, 2008
Contact: Joey King

National President’s Challenge on Physical Activity Kicks Off March 20
Super Bowl Champion Eli Manning Calls on Americans to Sign-up at

WASHINGTON, DC—Super Bowl champion quarterback Eli Manning and Acting Surgeon General Steven K. Galson, M.D., M.P.H., today announced the launch of the National President’s Challenge to encourage Americans to lead healthier lives.  The announcement was made at the National Press Club.

The National President’s Challenge is a six-week challenge issued by the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports to get Americans moving 30 minutes a day, five days a week. 

“As a football player, I lead a very active life, but unfortunately that isn’t true for all Americans,” says Manning, who led the New York Giants to victory in Super Bowl XLII and was named the game’s most valuable player.  “That’s why I’m here today as a member of the President’s Council to issue a challenge to all Americans to join the National President’s Challenge and become healthier through regular physical activity.  I hope that everyone—youth, adults, senior citizens and people with disabilities—will rise to the challenge and take a step toward creating a healthier nation.”

While the President’s Council has been around since 1956, and many people associate the President’s Challenge with the youth fitness test they did in school, this is the first time in its history that the Council is issuing a nationwide challenge, calling on all Americans to be active together. 

Not only are individuals around the country participating, but many corporate leaders and nonprofits are encouraging their employees to be active as part of their wellness programs.  In addition, many governors and mayors are issuing challenges to their states and cities.  The state with the highest participation will be declared the national winner, and special recognition will be given to governors of the top five participating states.

Joining the National President’s Challenge is easy and free, and everyone aged 6 and older can participate.  The online program allows participants to set goals, log their activities, monitor their progress, and challenge themselves to become healthier.  They can also join as an individual or with a group—a great way to get friends, family and co-workers moving.  

To complete the challenge, adults 18 and older need to be active 30 minutes a day five days a week, while youth aged 6-17 need to be active an hour a day for five out of seven days. 

“The National President’s Challenge is a great way for Americans of all ages and abilities to challenge themselves to become healthier and lead more active lives,” says Dr. Galson.  “Physical activity is extremely important for improving the health of our nation, decreasing obesity rates and reducing the risk of many serious diseases.”

Registration Details
Registration for the National President’s Challenge will conclude April 3.  The challenge kicks off March 20, the first day of spring, and concludes May 15 during National Physical Fitness and Sports Month, giving participants eight weeks to complete the six-week program.  Participants can register at   

About The Council
The President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports (PCPFS) is an advisory committee of volunteer citizens who advise the President through the Secretary of Health and Human Services about physical activity, fitness and sports in America. The Office of the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports (PCPFS), the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), is the HHS office containing the PCPFS Executive Director and support staff. Through its programs and partnerships with the public, private and nonprofit sectors, the Office of the PCPFS serves as a catalyst to promote health, physical activity, fitness and enjoyment for people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities through participation in physical activity and sports. For more information about PCPFS please visit


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Last updated on 06/26/2008


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