United States Department of Veterans Affairs

National Center for Patient Safety

Fall Prevention Toolkit
Introduction | Getting Started | Falls Notebook | Media Tools | Resources | Contact Us

National Center for Patient Safety 2004 Falls Toolkit
narrow green and white stripes National Center for Patient Safety 2004 Falls Toolkit

doctors with ambulatory care patient
Falls are one of the most common adverse events in hospitals.

Many facilities are working to find ways to reduce the number of falls as well as the severity of the falls that do occur. In an effort to help facilities, we created the Falls Toolkit.

The Falls Toolkit provides information on:
• Designing a falls prevention and management program
• Effective interventions for high-risk fall patients
• Implementing hip protectors for high-risk fall patients
• Educating patients, families and staff on falls and fall-injury prevention
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Fall prevention is an important and timely issue. In 2003, falls represented nearly 47% of all safety reports and aggregated events within the VA National Center for Patient Safety's database, and 11% of all Root Cause Analyses occurring in calendar year 2003 were fall-related.

The VA National Center for Patient Safety (NCPS) worked with the Patient Safety Center of Inquiry in Tampa, Florida, and others to develop the NCPS Falls Toolkit. The toolkit is designed to aid facilities in developing a comprehensive falls prevention program.

The Falls Toolkit Introduction Monograph and Falls Toolkit PowerPoint provide background information on falls and the falls toolkit.

You can quiz yourself or others on the Falls Toolkit by playing Falls Toolkit Jeopardy.
If you are looking for: Go To:
Information on falls and fall prevention The Falls Toolkit Notebook
Posters, fliers, brochures and other printed materials Media Tools
Educational materials and other resources Resources
Contact Information Contact Us

We appreciate feedback on this site and materials. Provide us with suggestions for improving the website and pass on stories as to how you used this information to improve the falls prevention program at your facility. To reach us, please see the Contact Us section. Return to top of page


Title Document Format
• Contents PDF
size: 39KB
size: 20.5KB
• Instructions PDF
size: 47KB
size: 36.5KB
• Background PDF
size: 56KB
size: 43KB
• Falls Team PDF
size: 40KB
size: 38KB
• Falls Policy PDF
size: 2.9MB
size: 252KB
• Interventions PDF
size: 89KB
size: 1.72MB
• Measuring Success PDF
size: 68KB
size: 79.5KB
• Resources PDF
size: 90KB
size: 127KB
• Videos 1-2-3 PDF
size: 95KB
size: 104KB

Download the entire Falls Toolkit Notebook
• The Complete Falls Notebook PDF
size: 3.2MB

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File Size: 95KB
Printed Size: 8.5 x 11 in
Pages: 1
At Risk Handout
File Size: 75KB
Printed Size: 11 x 17 in
Pages: 1
CARE mneumonic Poster
File Size: 7KB
Printed Size: 8.5 x 11 in
Pages: 1
Fall Risk Evaluations Handout
File Size: 18KB
Printed Size: 8.5 X 11 in
Pages: 1
Timed Up and Go Test Handout
File Size: 10KB
Printed Size: 3x5 in
Pages: 2
Morse Fall Scale Pocket Card
File Size: 93KB
Printed Size: 11 x 17 in
Pages: 1
Hip Protectors Poster
hip_pad_brochure.pdf (coming soon)
File Size: 88KB
Printed Size: 11 x 8.5 in
Pages: 2
Hip Pad Brochure
File Size: 229KB
Printed Size: 11 x 8.5 in
Pages: 2
Fall Prevention at Home Brochure
File Size: 1.6MB
Printed Size: 8.5 x 11 in
Pages: 1
Falls Toolkit Buttons
Blood Thinners: Risk Factors Associated with Falling and What to Do When You Fall
File Size: 95KB
Printed Size: 11 x 8.5 in
Pages: 2
Anticoagulation Brochure thumbnail
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Education Falls Collaborative Breakthrough Series Web Sites Other Return to top of page


Thank you for your continued commitment to falls prevention. If you have any questions or would like more information use the contact information detailed below.

Erik Stalhandske
Erik.Stalhandske@med.va.gov Return to top of page