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Enhancing Cybersecurity

Continuing information technology advances and the growing dependence on new forms of information services necessitate the application of strong cybersecurity practices to all critical systems supporting NS/EP requirements, especially in response to the broader threats these systems face. Addressing adequate cybersecurity practices and response for these environments is taking on greater importance within the work of NSTAC.

  • Network Security. The shifting technology and network environment necessitates ongoing efforts by the NSTAC to ensure up-to-date analysis and recommendations in the cybersecurity realm. The NSTAC currently is exploring key areas of network security and identifying specific issue areas to examine in greater depth. The NSTAC also is considering the legal and regulatory capabilities and restrictions to effective Government or private sector preparedness and mitigation response to cyber incidents.

  • Identity Management. The NSTAC provided an analysis of NS/EP challenges associated with the migration from circuit-switched networks to packet-switched next generation networks (NGN). The committee developed key recommendations essential to assuring NS/EP communications in this evolving network environment, which included recommending that the Federal Government build an effective identity management framework for the NGN. The NSTAC has extended its examination of identity management issues and plans to address the subject as it relates to NS/EP at the 2008 Research and Development Exchange Workshop.

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