Fall 2006
PCPFS E-Newsletter  
Council Members' Activities
John P. Burke, Chairman
President's Challenge Program Updates
Presidential Active Lifestyle Award Emblem
Become One of Our 50th Anniversary Partners
President's Council 50th Anniversary Logo
Mark Your Calendar
Mark Your Calendar
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In This Issue:
Main Page
Become One of Our 50th Anniversary Partners
Council Members' Activities
Feature Article: International Perspectives on School-Based Physical Activity
Mark Your Calendar
President's Challenge Program Updates
Science Board News and Notes
What's New at HHS
Click here for a printable version of the E-Newsletter.
How to Subscribe

To automatically receive e-mail notification when future President's Council E-Newsletters are available on our web site, use the following procedure:

Send an email to: jane.wargo@hhs.gov

On the subject line, please write “subscribe PCPFSNews” followed by your email address and your name.  For example, the subject line should read:

subscribe PCPFSNews jdoe@jdoe.org John Doe

The full E-Newsletter will not be sent to your e-mail. Therefore, you won't need to worry about large files filling up your in-box. You will simply receive notification that a new E-Newsletter has been posted here on www.fitness.gov, along with a link which will take you directly to the newsletter page.













PCPFS | 200 Independence Ave., SW | Room 738-H | Washington, D.C. 20201-0004 | 202-690-9000 | Fax: 202-690-5211
www.fitness.gov | www.presidentschallenge.org



The President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports