Summer 2005
PCPFS E-Newsletter  
Council Members' Activities
PCPFS Chairman, Lynn Swann
President's Challenge Program Updates
Presidential Active Lifestyle Award Emblem
Publications Through Partnerships
Mark Your Calendar
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In This Issue:
Main Page
Council Members' Activities
Featured Activity: Orienteering
Mark Your Calendar
President's Challenge Program Updates
Publications Through Partnerships
Science Notes
What's New at HHS
Click here for a printable version of the E-Newsletter.
President's Challenge: News and Partnerships

Wisconsin Governor’s Challenge

Wisconsin Governor Jim DoyleOn March 29, 2005, Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle launched the 2nd Annual Spring Wisconsin Governor's Challenge. This effort follows the 2004 Challenge and the January, 2005, initiative. The Wisconsin Governor's Challenge is a 6-week initiative to get more Wisconsin residents up and moving. The Governor’s Challenge is a public/private partnership utilizing the President’s Challenge website. Over 25,000 people have taken part in the Governor's Challenge. These participants formed over 500 worksite, school, community, and government groups to encourage friendly competition. Over 10,000 Wisconsinites of all ages completed the program and received a free, personalized certificate from the Governor’s Challenge recognizing their accomplishment.

John BurkeThe success of the initial program, the continued support of Governor Doyle, and the work of President’s Council member John Burke, a Wisconsin native, led to the launch of a Winter Challenge in January 2005. The Winter Challenge calls for Wisconsinites to register and be active at least 5 days a week (adults for 30 minutes and kids 6-18 for 60 minutes) to be recognized with a certificate from the Governor.

Governor Doyle stated, “I’m challenging you to join me by getting active and logging your activity each day. From shoveling snow to cross country skiing, there are more than 100 activities to choose from, so there’s something for everyone.”

Visit for more information.

Get It in Gear

The Get It in Gear program is provided as a public service by the Trek Bicycle Corporation and its 2,000 Trek dealers nationwide. Through the program, Trek dealers encourage children to be active and practice good bicycle safety habits. Children who participate in the program by registering on the Get It in Gear website and completing the minimum criteria (60 minutes of physical activity five days a week for 6-weeks), are eligible for a President’s Challenge patch and certificate from their local participating Trek dealer.

Visit for more information.

President's Challenge Numbers*
Registered individuals: 235,454
Number of groups: 14,773
Number of schools using Fitness File: 10,015
Top activities (ranked by points): 1. Walking, 2. Running, 3. Biking
Number of people earning the Presidential Active Lifestyle Award: 28,052
Presidential Champions Bronze award (20,000 points): 20,002
Silver (45,000 points): 8,538
Gold (80,000 points): 4,053
Advanced Performance Bronze (40,000 points): 4,775
Advanced Performance Silver (90,000 points): 2,300
Advanced Performance Gold (160,000 points): 1,211
Remember: You're it, Get fit!
*Numbers current as of June 25, 2005
PCPFS | 200 Independence Ave., SW | Room 738-H | Washington, D.C. 20201-0004 | 202-690-9000 | Fax: 202-690-5211 |



The President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports