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United States Environmental Protection Agency
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Beach closings
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Great Lakes Monitoring

Plankton Program

Plankton Images Soft algae, zooplankton and diatoms March 2001

Plankton in Lake Michigan 1983 - 1992 asterinellaformosa
Epilimnetic Phytoplankton and Zooplankton Biomass and Species Composition in Lake Michigan, 1983 to 1992
Joseph C. Makarewicz, Theodore Lewis and Paul Bertram
October 1994

Plankton in Lake Ontario 1986 - 1992
Epilimnetic Phytoplankton and Zooplankton Biomass and Species Composition in Lake Ontario, 1986 to 1992
Joseph C. Makarewicz, Theodore Lewis and Paul Bertram
July 1995

Vertical Distribution of Zooplankton
Effects of the Vertical distribution of Zooplankton on the Estimation of Abundance and Biovolume Using Deep and Shallow Tows
Richard P. Barbiero, Lori L. Schacht and Mark A. DiMartino
January 2000

Open Water Surveillance Program
Results from the GLNPO's Biological Open Water Surveillance Program of the Laurentian Great Lakes for 1998
Richard P. Barbiero
January 2000

Biological Program - Species List
The Great Lakes National Program Office's Biology program has compiled lists of phytoplankton, zooplankton, and benthos species that have been found by the program in the Great Lakes, including both past and present species.



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