Solar data online

{Thumbnail image of solar
corona in soft X-rays from Yohkoh Soft X-Ray Telescope (SXT)} The Yohkoh Archive

The Yohkoh spacecraft reentered the earth's atmosphere on 2005 September 12.

The public Yohkoh archive at the SDAC spans the entire Yohkoh mission from launch (1991 September) to end of mission (2001 December). See the Yohkoh archive page for details.

Complete Yohkoh archive now available

The Yohkoh science team has announced the public availability of all mission data.

CME lists

Monthly CME lists from SOHO LASCO data are now available for the periods:

CGRO BATSE Solar Flare Catalog

Click here for a description of the Compton GRO BATSE solar flare database in the SDAC archives, including online access to the catalog. You can get a PostScript light curve for any flare by clicking on its entry in the catalog.

Click here and login as BATSE for interactive access to the BATSE solar flare database.

Browse the BATSE anonymous ftp tree.

CGRO OSSE solar flare site

The US Naval Research Laboratory OSSE solar flare site features information on gamma-ray line and continuum observations of some solar flares in 1991 - 2000.

NOAA SEC solar proton events database available

A table of solar proton events measured by the NOAA GOES spacecraft (1976 - present) is available online at the SDAC.

Plots for any individual time span can also be obtained at the National Geophysical Data Center.

NSO-Sac Peak coronal data

Sacramento Peak coronal data products are available via the NSO Digital Library, which is searchable through the Virtual Solar Observatory.

Skylab white-light coronagraph data

Digitized Skylab SO52 white-light coronagraph data at the High Altitude Observatory are currently offline. We'll post a link when they're back online.

The SMM online archive

Brief descriptions of the Solar Maximum Mission (1980 - 1989), and of several of the individual instrument data sets, are now available.

SOHO SUMER EUV Solar Spectral Atlas

The first EUV spectral atlas obtained with SUMER has been made available on the Web. The atlas covers the spectral range 680 - 1600 Å (340 - 800 Å in 2nd order). The SUMER spectrum, with all its details, clearly demonstrates the strength of this instrument. The solar spectrum below 1200 E is not very well known. Thus, the present spectral atlas, and SUMER observations in general, represents a new important diagnostic tool to study essential physical parameters of the solar atmosphere.

The purpose of presenting this preliminary/uncalibrated version of the SUMER spectrum was that it is useful as a planning tool for setting up SUMER studies. It should be used instead of the synthetical spectrum given in the SUMER Red Book. The atlas gives information about which lines are possible to observe, what dwell times to use, possible blends, and to select proper data extraction windows.

Click here for more information about how to access the atlas.

HRTS database at NRL

Spectra obtained with both the sounding rocket and Spacelab 2 incarnations of the NRL High Resolution Telescope and Spectrograph are available in FITS format at:
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Web curator: Joseph B. Gurman
Responsible NASA official: Joseph B. Gurman, Facility Scientist, Solar Data Analysis Center
[e-mail address: gurman<at>gsfc<dot>nasa<gov>]
+1 301 286-4767

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Solar Physics Branch / Code 612.1
Greenbelt, MD 20771

Last revised 2007 October 10 - J.B. Gurman