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Ohio Department of Development



Business / Industry

Welcome to the Office of Policy Research and Strategic Planning

The Office of Policy Research and Strategic Planning provides data and analysis on the Economic, Industrial, and Demographic trends of the State of Ohio, its businesses and its people. Click here to find out about the Office of Policy Research and Strategic Planning.

Ohio County Profiles

2007 Ohio County Profiles
50,000 facts from over 50 sources. Click here to view them.

Ohio Statistical Updates

Population & Housing


EstimatesIncome Data


Ohio’s PopulationCounty Trends

County Indicators



Business & Industry



Major Employers Publication 

Regional Profiles for Ohio 


Loans, Grants, and Reports 



Private Investment Survey





Industry Series

July to December 2008 Priority Investment Map

Economic Related



Ohio’s innovation economy


Census 2000 Data

Census 2000 Data are now available in downloadable format.

Ohio Department of Development - Ted Strickland, Governor     Lee Fisher, Lieutenant Governor    Director, Ohio Department of Development

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