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Tax Incentives In Ohio

The Office of Tax Incentives (OTI) is responsible for managing the state's business development tax incentive programs and overseeing the administrative performance of various local property tax incentive programs. Office staff also provides support to the members of the Ohio Tax Credit Authority, who are charged with the duty of reviewing and approving tax credits for job creation and retention projects throughout the state. The Authority consists of five members appointed by the Governor, Speaker of the Ohio House of Representatives, and President of the Ohio Senate.

OTI staff also provides technical assistance support to communities and local elected officials that establish and administer real and personal property tax incentive programs. Such programs require the involvement of OTI in the establishment of areas eligible to offer property tax incentives and the execution of select agreements involving the movement of assets within the state. Businesses receiving property tax incentives are required to file an annual progress report with OTI, which is used to generate an annual program report for the Ohio General Assembly on the performance of such incentives.

Contact: Office of Tax Incentives at (614) 466-2317 or (800) 848-1300.

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Ohio Department of Development - Ted Strickland, Governor     Lee Fisher, Lieutenant Governor    Director, Ohio Department of Development

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