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Introduction to EPA's Drinking Water Source Protection Programs

(an EPA Drinking Water Academy module)

A big part of watershed management involves protecting ground water and drinking water; within EPA the Drinking Water Academy specializes in web-based and live training about groundwater and drinking water issues. Their training provides information to help EPA, States, Tribes, and others increase their capability to implement the 1996 Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments, which will, in turn, promote better compliance and greater public health protection.

Introduction to EPA's Drinking Water Source Protection Programs (PDF format, 4.7 MB, 119 pages) provides an overview of one aspect of drinking water programs with a very strong connection to watershed management: the protection of potential groundwater and surface water sources for potable water supplies. In particular the module emphasizes state and local protections for source water areas and describes how these relate to the Safe Drinking Water Act and the Clean Water Act.



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