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Related Data Centers

  • ASF DAAC - Alaska Satellite Facility Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC)
  • GHRC - Global Hydrology Resource Center
  • PO. DAAC - Physical Oceanography  DAAC
  • LP DAAC - Land Processes DAAC
  • Langley ASDC DAAC - NASA Langley Atmospheric Sciences Data Center (LaRC) DAAC
  • NSIDC DAAC - National Snow and Ice Data Center DAAC
  • ORNL DAAC - Oak Ridge National Labratory DAAC
  • SEDAC - Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center


Catalog Interoperability Experiment, in cooperation with the Committee on Earth Observing Satellites (CEOS)

  • BOM - Satellite Section at the Bureau of Meteorology - Remote Sensing Data for Atmosphere
  • CCRS - Canadian Centre for Remote Sensing - Remote Sensing Data for Land (RADARSAT)
  • DLR-DFD - Deutsche Forschungsanstalt für Luft-und Raumfahrt - Deutsche Fernerkundungsdatenzentrum - Remote Sensing Data for Atmosphere, Land
  • DSRS - Dundee Satellite Receiving Station - Remote Sensing Data for Land
  • IRE-CPSSI - IRE RAS Center of Processing and Storing the Space Information - PRIRODA Project on MIR
  • ISA-MEIDA - Israel Space Agency - Middle East Interactive Data Archive - Atmosphere
  • JAXA-EOC - Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency - Earth Observation Center - Remote Sensing Data for Atmosphere, Land, Ocean

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  • Last updated: July 19, 2006 20:06:31 GMT