Title 5--Administrative Personnel



TEXT PDF315.201 Service requirement for career tenure.
TEXT PDF315.202 Conversion from career-conditional to career tenure.
TEXT PDF315.301 Tenure on appointment from register.
TEXT PDF315.302 Acquisition of competitive status.
TEXT PDF315.401 Reinstatement.
TEXT PDF315.402 Tenure on reinstatement.
TEXT PDF315.403 Acquisition of competitive status.
TEXT PDF315.501 Transfer.
TEXT PDF315.502 Tenure on transfer.
TEXT PDF315.503 Acquisition of competitive status.
TEXT PDF315.601 Appointment of former employees of the Canal Zone Merit System or Panama Canal Employment System.
TEXT PDF315.602 Appointment based on service in the Office of the President or Vice-President or on the White House Staff.
TEXT PDF315.603 Appointment based on former incumbency of a position brought into the competitive service.
TEXT PDF315.604 Employment of disabled veterans who have completed a training course under Chapter 31 of title 38, United States Code.
TEXT PDF315.605 Appointment of former ACTION volunteers.
TEXT PDF315.606 Noncompetitive appointment of certain present and former Foreign Service officers and employees.
TEXT PDF315.607 Noncompetitive appointment of present and former Peace Corps personnel.
TEXT PDF315.608 Noncompetitive appointment of certain former overseas employees.
TEXT PDF315.609 Appointment based on service in United States positions of the Panama Canal Commission.
TEXT PDF315.610 Noncompetitive appointment of certain National Guard technicians.
TEXT PDF315.611 Appointment of certain veterans who have competed under agency merit promotion announcements.
TEXT PDF315.701 Incumbents of positions brought into the competitive service.
TEXT PDF315.702 Employees serving without competitive examination in rare cases.
TEXT PDF315.703 Employees formerly reached on a register.
TEXT PDF315.704 Conversion to career employment from indefinite or temporary employment.
TEXT PDF315.705 Employees serving under transitional or veterans readjustment appointments.
TEXT PDF315.706 Certain nonpermanent employees of the Department of Energy.
TEXT PDF315.707 Disabled veterans.
TEXT PDF315.708 Conversion based on service as a Presidential Management Intern.
TEXT PDF315.709 Employees who are mentally retarded, severely physically handicapped, or have psychiatric disabilities serving under Schedule A appointments.
TEXT PDF315.710 Professional and administrative career employees serving under Schedule B appointments.
TEXT PDF315.711 Readers, interpreters, and personal assistants serving under Schedule A appointments.
TEXT PDF315.725 Disqualifications.
TEXT PDF315.801 Probationary period; when required.
TEXT PDF315.802 Length of probationary period; crediting service.
TEXT PDF315.803 Agency action during probationary period (general).
TEXT PDF315.804 Termination of probationers for unsatisfactory performance or conduct.
TEXT PDF315.805 Termination of probationers for conditions arising before appointment.
TEXT PDF315.806 Appeal rights to the Merit Systems Protection Board.
TEXT PDF315.901 Statutory requirement.
TEXT PDF315.902 Definitions.
TEXT PDF315.903 Coverage.
TEXT PDF315.904 Basic requirement.
TEXT PDF315.905 Length of the probationary period.
TEXT PDF315.906 Crediting service toward completion of the probationary period.
TEXT PDF315.907 Failure to complete the probationary period.
TEXT PDF315.908 Appeals.
TEXT PDF315.909 Relationship to other actions.

