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I have hypophosphatasia and because of this condition, my kidneys do not fully function. I am also developing severe osteoporosis. Is there treatment for hypophosphatasia that will also increase my bone density without causing additional kidney problems?

  • What is hypophosphatasia? (Back to Top)

  • Hypophosphatasia is a genetic condition in which the activity of an enzyme called alkaline phosphatase is deficient.[2][4]  This enzyme plays an essential role in mineralization - when minerals such as calcium and phosphorus are deposited in developing bones and teeth.  Low activity of this enzyme which characterizes hypophosphatasia also leads to rickets, osteomalacia, or both.  The severity of the symptoms of hypophosphatasia varies widely, from fetal loss during pregnancy to cases in which pathologic fractures first present only in adulthood.[2]  Hypophosphatasia is caused by a mutation in a gene - called the ALPL gene - that provides instructions for making the alkaline phosphatase enzyme.[3] A cure or proven medical therapy for hypophosphatasia has not yet been found.[1] Treatment is generally directed towards preventing or correcting the symptoms or complications.
  • Last Reviewed: 2/26/2008
  • What are the symptoms of hypophosphatasia? (Back to Top)

  • The signs and symptoms of hypophosphatasia vary widely and can appear anywhere from before birth to adulthood. The most severe forms of the disorder tend to occur before birth and in early infancy. Hypophosphatasia weakens and softens the bones, causing skeletal abnormalities similar to another childhood bone disorder called rickets. Affected infants are born with short limbs, an abnormally shaped chest, and soft skull bones. Additional complications in infancy include poor feeding and a failure to gain weight, respiratory problems, and high levels of calcium in the blood (hypercalcemia), which can lead to recurrent vomiting and kidney problems. These complications are life-threatening in some cases.[3]

    The forms of hypophosphatasia that appear in childhood or adulthood are typically less severe than those that appear in infancy. Early loss of primary (baby) teeth is one of the first signs of the condition in children. Affected children may have short stature with bowed legs or knock knees, enlarged wrist and ankle joints, and an abnormal skull shape. Adult forms of hypophosphatasia are characterized by a softening of the bones known as osteomalacia. In adults, recurrent fractures in the foot and thigh bones can lead to chronic pain. Affected adults may lose their secondary (adult) teeth prematurely and are at increased risk for joint pain and inflammation.[3]

    The mildest form of this condition, called odontohypophosphatasia, only affects the teeth. People with this disorder typically experience abnormal tooth development and premature tooth loss, but do not have the skeletal abnormalities seen in other forms of hypophosphatasia.[3]

  • Last Reviewed: 2/26/2008
  • What causes hypophosphatasia? (Back to Top)

  • Mutations in the ALPL gene cause hypophosphatasia.[3]

    The ALPL gene provides instructions for making an enzyme called alkaline phosphatase. This enzyme plays an essential role in mineralization of the skeleton and teeth. Mutations in the ALPL gene lead to the production of an abnormal version of alkaline phosphatase that cannot participate effectively in the mineralization process. A shortage of alkaline phosphatase allows several other substances (phosphoethanolamine, pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (a form of vitamin B6) and inorganic pyrophosphate), which are normally processed by the enzyme, to build up abnormally in the body. Researchers believe that a buildup of one of these compounds, inorganic pyrophosphate (PPi), underlies the defective mineralization of bones and teeth in people with hypophosphatasia.[1][3][6]

    ALPL mutations that almost completely eliminate the activity of alkaline phosphatase usually result in the more severe forms of hypophosphatasia. Other mutations, which reduce but do not eliminate the activity of the enzyme, are often responsible for milder forms of the condition.[3]

    The perinatal and infantile forms of hypophosphatasia are inherited as autosomal recessive conditions. In these cases, the patient receives one defective gene from each parent. Some more mild (childhood or adult) hypophosphatasia cases are also inherited this way. Other mild adult cases seem to be inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern (the patient gets just one defective gene, not two, transmitted from one of his/her parents). In this form, mild hypophosphatasia can occur from generation-to-generation.[1]

    Individuals with hypophosphatasia and parents of children with hypophosphatasia are encouraged to meet with a genetic professional to learn more about the likelihood and severity of hypophosphatasia recurring in their families.

  • Last Reviewed: 2/26/2008
  • How is hypophosphatasia treated? (Back to Top)

  • As yet, there is no cure for hypophosphatasia and no proven medical therapy. Treatment is generally directed towards preventing or correcting the symptoms or complications. Expert dental care and physical therapy are recommended. An orthopedic procedure called "rodding" may be especially helpful for adults with painful partial fractures in their thigh bones.[1]

    Some medications are being evaluated. Preliminary results of one study suggest that dietary phosphate restriction could be helpful in the management of hypophosphatasia. In another study teriparatide (the recombinant human parathyroid hormone PTH 1–34) was successfully used to improve and resolve metatarsal stress fractures in adult hypophosphatasia. Enzyme replacement therapy by using a substitutive enzyme targeting mineralized tissue may be the most promising challenge of the next few years.[5]

    Infusion of normal alkaline phosphatase has provided only temporary improvement, but prolonged response has been observed after transplantation of marrow cells which express the normal enzymes.[6]

    In FY 2008, a research project listed in CRISP (Computer Retrieval of Information on Scientific Projects), a searchable database of federally funded biomedical research projects conducted at universities, hospitals, and other research institutions, looks at molecular mechanisms involved in hypophosphatasia. This project entitled, Molecular Pathogenesis and Treatment of Hypophosphatasia, is working to develop treatments for hypophosphatasia and other bone diseases. To read about this study, as well as others related to hypophosphatasia, click on the link below. In the "enter search terms" box, enter "hypophosphatasia". Then click "Submit Query."

  • Last Reviewed: 3/3/2008
  • Is hypophosphatasia treated differently if you have osteoporosis?  (Back to Top)

  • Having hypophosphatasia as a confirmed diagnosis may help patients avoid therapies for osteoporosis or osteomalacia that could be either ineffective or possibly harmful to them.[8] To learn more about a potential treatment which has shown success for individuals with hypophosphatasia and reduced bone density, click here


  • Last Reviewed: 2/26/2008
  • How can I learn more about hypophosphatasia and/or osteoporosis? (Back to Top)

  • You can find relevant journal articles on treatment of hypophosphatasia through a service called PubMed, a searchable database of medical literature. Information on finding an article and its title, authors, and publishing details is listed here. Some articles are available as a complete document, while information on other studies is available as a summary abstract. To obtain the full article, contact a medical/university library (or your local library for interlibrary loan), or order it online using the following link. Using "hypophosphatasia AND treatment" as your search term should locate articles. To narrow your search, click on the “Limits” tab under the search box and specify your criteria for locating more relevant articles. Click here to view a search. Additional articles can be located by using "hypophosphatasia AND osteoporosis" as your search term.

    The National Library of Medicine (NLM) Web site has a page for locating libraries in your area that can provide direct access to journals (print or online) or where you can get articles through interlibrary loan and Loansome Doc (an NLM document-ordering service). You can access this page at the following link. You can also contact the NLM toll-free at 888-346-3656 to locate libraries in your area.

    To learn more about traditional therapies for osteoporosis you can visit the following link from the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS): which sponsors the NIH Osteoporosis and Related Bone Diseases ~ National Resource Center.

    The Osteoporosis and Related Bone Diseases ~ National Resource Center, a part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' National Institutes of Health (NIH), provides patients, health professionals, and the public with an important link to resources and information on metabolic bone diseases, including osteoporosis and hypophosphatasia.

    NIH Osteoporosis and Related Bone Diseases ~ National Resource Center
    National Institute of Health
    2 AMS Circle
    Bethesda, MD 20892-3676
    Toll-free: 800-624-2663
    Phone: 202-223-0344
    TTY: 202-466-4315
    Fax: 202-293-2356
    Web site:

    More information on osteoporosis can be found at the following link from MedlinePlus, the National Library of Medicine Web site designed to help you research your health questions.
  • Last Reviewed: 12/5/2008

References  (Back)
  1. Michael P. Whyte. M.D.. Hypophosphatasia. The Magic Foundation. December 5, 2007 Available at: Accessed February 19, 2008.
  2. Plotkin H, Anadiotis GA. Hypophosphatasia. eMedicine Journal . October 20, 2006 Available at: Accessed February 22, 2008.
  3. Hypophosphatasia. Genetics Home Reference (GHR). 2008 Available at: Accessed February 22, 2008.
  4. Behrman RE, Kliegman RM, Jenson HB . Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 17th edition. In: . Chapter 694--Hypophosphatasia. Philadelphia, PA:Saunders; 2004:2344
  5. Etienne Mornet. Hypophosphatasia. Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2007.
  6. Kronenberg HM, Melmed S, Polonsky, KS, Larsen PR. Williams Textbook of Endocrinology, 11th edition. Philadelphia, PA : Saunders Elsevier; 2008.
  7. Whyte MP, Mumm S, Deal C. . J Clin Endocrinol Metab. April 2007;:. Available at: February 22, 2008.
  8. Khandwala HM, Mumm S, Whyte MP. . Endocr Pract. Nov-Dec 2006;:. Available at: .

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