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Account Servicing FAQs


Account Servicing FAQs

Online Access FAQs

Social Investment Standards FAQs

Product-Related FAQs




Account Servicing Questions

How much does it cost to initially invest in Domini?

Do I have to maintain a minimum balance?  

Do you accept third party checks?
What type of accounts does Domini offer for minors?
What are the advantages of opening a UGMA/UTMA account?
How are taxes handled in a joint tenancy account?

Why didn’t I receive a Form 1099-DIV from you?

Does Domini offer dollar-cost averaging?
What is your Automatic Investment Plan?

How do I change my Automatic Investment Plan (AIP) withdrawals?

How do I change the registration on an account?
How often are statements mailed out?

Is there a fee for wiring money?
What is the procedure for transferring money between a Domini Fund and the Domini Money Market Account?
What is "Good Order"? 
How is the price of my shares determined?

How do you determine what price I will get when I buy shares?
How do you determine what price I will get when I sell shares?

When are dividends and capital gains paid out?


How much does it cost to initially invest in a Domini Fund?

The minimum initial investment to open a non-retirement account at Domini Social Investments is $2,500. However, if you decide to invest through our Automatic Investment Plan, the minimum investment is $1,500, with required minimum additional investments of $50. Our minimum initial investment for IRAs is $1,500. The minimum initial investment for the Domini Institutional Social Equity Fund is $2,000,000 (only available for certain qualified individuals and institutions). Please note that each investment minimum is per fund.

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Do I have to maintain a minimum balance?

For the Domini Funds and the Domini Money Market Account, there is no minimum balance to maintain after the initial minimum investment amount of $2,500 is met. However, we reserve the right to close your account if your balance falls below $1,500. (This does not apply to IRA or Automatic Investment Plan accounts.) If this happens to your account, you will be notified and given a chance to make additional investments to bring up your account balance.

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Do you accept third party checks?


We do not accept third party checks, cashier’s checks, money orders, starter checks, or traveler’s checks. Any check submitted for investment must be made payable to Domini Funds.

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What type of accounts does Domini offer for minors?

Domini Social Investments offers a Unified Gift/Transfer to Minor (UGMA/UTMA) account that allows you to set aside money specifically for a child's future. In addition we also offer Coverdell Education Savings Accounts (formerly known as Education IRAs).

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What are the advantages of opening a UGMA/UTMA account?

A UGMA or UTMA lets a donor transfer ownership of assets to a minor and control how the assets are invested until the child reaches the age of majority. The age of majority is the age at which the child is old enough to assume control of the account, and is determined by the state in which the minor resides. The tax benefit associated with this is that your assets will be taxed at the child's tax rate, which may be considerably lower than your own. You must check with your state to see what the tax rate is for minors. Each donor may provide gifts up to $11,000 per child per year without being subject to federal gift taxes.

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How are taxes handled in a joint tenancy account?

Every application requires inclusion of a tax identification number. The individual or business whose number is listed on the application is responsible for any tax liabilities generated from that account from dividends and redemptions. If one of the joint tenants dies, all income from the account goes to the surviving tenants and not to the estate of the deceased tenant.

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Why didn’t I receive a Form 1099-DIV from you?


If taxable income on your account amounted to less than $10, you did not receive a Form 1099-DIV because the IRS does not require that we send you one. However, any taxable income should be reported on your Form 1040. Please see your year-end account statement for the amount of taxable income you received.

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Does Domini offer dollar-cost averaging?

Yes. The Domini Automatic Investment Plan (AIP) is a convenient plan that allows you to pursue a dollar-cost averaging strategy. Participation in the plan involves continuous investment in a Fund regardless of fluctuating price levels of the Fund. Therefore, you should consider your financial ability to continue purchases through periods of low price levels. This is a long-term strategy, and does not guarantee a lower price per share.


Dollar-cost averaging is an investment strategy designed to avoid the pitfalls of market timing by investing equal amounts of money at regular intervals (monthly, quarterly, and so on) over a long period of time. The advantage of dollar-cost averaging is that an investor buys more shares at lower prices, and fewer shares at higher prices. As a result, an investor ends up paying an average price per share over a period of time. The key to dollar-cost averaging is to stick with it for the long term, through periods of rising and falling markets. Of course, no strategy can guarantee a profit, or protect your investment from losses. Strictly adhering to a long-term dollar-cost averaging strategy, however, is a good way to avoid the mistake of investing all of your money when the market is high.

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What is your Automatic Investment Plan?

The Domini Automatic Investment Plan allows you to have specified amounts automatically deducted from your bank account or Domini Money Market Account and invested in a Fund in monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual intervals. Please follow the instructions in the Account Application to establish this service when you open your account. This service can be established for your account at any time. Call the Funds' transfer agent at 1-800-582-6757 for more information.


This service may take up to 4 weeks to begin. Also, due to the varying procedures to prepare, process, and forward the bank withdrawal information to the Funds, there may be periodic delays between the time of the bank withdrawal and the time your money reaches the appropriate Fund.

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How do I change my Automatic Investment Plan (AIP) withdrawals? 

You may increase, decrease, or change the allocation of your automatic withdrawals in one of three ways:


1. Visit Account Access at our website to log into your account.


2. Call us at 1-800-582-6757.


3. Fill out our Automatic Investment Plan form. This form may also used to begin an Automatic Investment Plan or to change your banking information. Please mail the completed form to Domini Social Investments, P.O. Box 9785, Providence RI 02940.

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How do I change the registration on an account?

To change the registration on an account, you must send us a letter of instruction with a Medallion Signature Guarantee, which is signed by all current shareholders and explains what the change is. To change the tax identification number, you must also fill out a new account application and attach it to the letter. A Medallion Signature Guarantee is a guarantee by a financial institution that your signature is genuine and that the financial institution accepts liability for any forgery. You may obtain a Medallion Signature Guarantee at your local commercial bank or a brokerage firm that is a member of the New York Stock Exchange.  

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How often are statements mailed out?

Quarterly, in January, April, July, and October. Confirmation notices are mailed out with each transaction.

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Is there a fee for wiring money?

There is no fee for wiring money to Domini. There is a $10 wiring fee and a $1,000 minimum for wiring money out of a Domini account.

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What is the procedure for transferring money between a Domini Fund and the Domini Money Market Account?

In order to transfer money to between any of the Domini Funds and the Domini Money Market Account, call our Investor Services line at 1-800-582-6757 between 9 am and 5 pm EST to do one of the following:

  • Request the transfer using a live representative,
  • Request a PIN for online account access and complete your transfer online, or.
  • Request a PIN for our Voice Response Unit and complete your transfer with an automated telephone line.

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What is "Good Order"?

Purchase, exchange, and sale requests must be in "good order" to be accepted by a Fund. To be in "good order" a request must include the following:

·         The Fund name and your account number.

·         The funds for the purchase by check or by wire or the amount of the transaction (in dollars or shares) for the exchange or sale.

·         Name, address and other information that will allow us to identify you.

·         Signatures of all owners exactly as registered on the account (for redemption requests by mail).

·         A Medallion Signature Guarantee, if required (see the Prospectus).

·         Any supporting legal documentation that may be required.

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How is the price of my shares determined?

Each Fund determines its share price (or “NAV” or net asset value per share) at the close of regular trading on the New York Stock Exchange, normally 4 pm Eastern Time, on each day the Exchange is open for trading. This calculation is made by deducting the amount of the Fund’s liabilities (debts) from the value of its assets, and dividing the difference by the number of outstanding shares of that Fund.



Total Assets - Total Liabilities

Net Asset Value (NAV) =


Number of Shares Outstanding


To calculate the value of your investment, simply multiply the NAV by the number of shares of the Fund you own.

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How do you determine what price I will get when I buy shares?

If your order is received by the Funds' transfer agent by 4:00 pm Eastern Time in good order, you will receive the NAV determined at the end of that day. See “What is 'Good Order'?”.


For current shareholders who place Automated Clearing House (ACH) transactions online or through the automated telephone account access system, please note that your ACH transaction will be considered in good order on the date the payment for shares is received by the Funds.  This may take up to 48 hours.


Each Fund may stop offering its shares for sale at any time and may reject any order for the purchase of its shares.

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How do you determine what price I will get when I sell shares?

When you sell shares you will receive the next share price that is calculated after your sale request is received by the Funds in good order. See "What is 'Good Order'?". Please note that redemption requests received after the share price has been calculated for any Fund, normally 4 pm, Eastern Time, will be processed at the next share price that is calculated by the Fund the next business day a Fund’s share price is calculated. The appropriate Fund will normally pay for the shares on the next day the New York Stock Exchange is open for trading, but in any event within 7 days.


Sales of shares made within 30 days of settlement of a purchase or acquisition through exchange will be subject to an early redemption fee, with certain exceptions (See the Prospectus for more information.) If you purchased the shares you are selling by check, a Fund may delay the payment of the redemption proceeds until the check has cleared, which may take up to 8 business days from the purchase date.  Each Fund may pay by check or, if you have completed the appropriate box on the Account Application, by wire transfer.


Access to the automated telephone system and online processing may be limited during periods of peak demand, market volatility, systems upgrades, maintenance, or other reasons.

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When are dividends and capital gains paid out?

Income dividends for our stock funds are normally paid semi-annually in June and December. Dividends for the Domini Social Bond Fund are paid monthly. Capital gain distributions for all Domini Funds are normally paid in December.

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Online Access Questions

How can I  get access to my account online?

How can I change my password?

What if I forget my password?

How can I sign up for e-delivery?

How can I change or cancel my e-delivery service?




How can I get access to my account online?


Domini Social Investments offers online account access, allowing you to make transactions and review your accounts from our website. To access your account for the first time, go to our website and click on Account Access. Then click on Register Now.


You will then be required to choose your own user ID and password. Please be prepared to provide some basic information, including your existing account number, Social Security number, date of birth, and mother’s maiden name.


Our website is highly secure to prevent unauthorized access to your account information.


You may also register for online services by calling 1-800-582-6757. A customer service representative will ask you a series of questions to verify your identify and set up your designated user ID and a temporary password. The temporary password will allow you to log in to the Account Accessarea of our website. Once you are logged in, you will be prompted to change your temporary password to a new password, which will be known only to you.


Please contact Shareholder Services at 1-800-582-6757 weekdays from 9 am to 5 pm Eastern Time if you have any questions.

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How can I change my password?


If you are already logged onto your account, you can change your existing password to a new password by going to “Account Maintenance” on the menu bar at the top of your screen and selecting “Change Password.”

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What if I forget my password?


In case you forget your password, you will be able to create a replacement password by using the “Forgot Your Password?” link on the Login page.

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How can I sign up for e-delivery?


To receive documents electronically rather than by mail, you must first sign up for online access to your account. (Follow the directions under “How can I get access to my account online?”)


To sign up for e-delivery, click Account Access. Once you sign in, select Account Maintenance from the menu bar on the top of the page. Then select E-Delivery. Follow the instructions to choose the documents you would like to receive electronically.

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How can I change or cancel my e-delivery service?


To make changes to your e-delivery service, click on Account Access. Once you sign in, select Account Maintenance from the menu bar on the top of the page. The select E-Delivery. Follow the instructions to choose the documents you would now like to receive by mail instead of electronically. If you experience any problems, please call Shareholder Services at 1-800-582-6757 weekdays from 9 am to 5 pm Eastern Time, and a representative will be glad to help.

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Social Investment Standards Questions

What are social investment standards?
What are your social investment standards?
Are there companies I won't like in the Domini Funds?

What are social investment standards?

All investment decisions rely on the application of standards, screens, or criteria.  These guidelines define which securities will be included in a portfolio, and which will be excluded. The securities held in the Domini Funds are selected using social and environmental standards. These are standards that assess the impact of a company's behavior and products on communities, employees, and the environment. Visit our Global Investment Standards section to learn more.

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What are your social investment standards?

Two fundamental principles underlie our investment standards: the promotion of a society that values human dignity and the enrichment of our natural environment. We view these twin goals as crucial to a healthier, wealthier, and more sustainable world. Visit our Global Investment Standards section to learn more.

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Are there companies I won't like in the Domini Funds?

By including a company in the Fund’s portfolio, we are not endorsing it as having a completely positive social impact. Indeed, there are few perfect companies in the world.


We will invest in companies with a combination of controversies and praiseworthy initiatives when we feel that, on balance, progress is being made toward long-term benefits for society or the environment. We seek to exclude from our funds companies with mixed records where negatives substantially outweigh the positives. Nevertheless, there are a wide variety of companies in our funds’ portfolios that have mixed records, and some may be involved in substantial controversies from time to time.


By using social and environmental standards to make investment decisions, socially responsible investors are stimulating demand for powerful global corporations to pay close attention to these issues and to disclose their policies and performance in these areas. An increased level of transparency is critical to establishing a higher level of corporate accountability.


You may wish to review a list of the companies in the portfolio to decide if they meet your personal standards. The complete list is available on each Fund’s “Portfolio” page, and in the Funds’ Annual and Semi-Annual Reports. Visit our Global Investment Standards section to learn more about how our holdings are selected.


At Domini, in addition to applying social and environmental standards to all of our investments, we seek to work with companies in which our Funds have invested to improve their social and environmental performance through dialogue with corporate management on these issues when appropriate. We also seek to vote all company proxies in accordance with published guidelines covering a wide range of social, environmental, and corporate governance matters. Visit our Shareholder Activism section to learn more.

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Product-Related FAQs
(Please read the Prospectus for more complete information about the Domini Funds.)


Domini Social Equity Fund

What is the Domini Social Equity Fund?
What is the Domini Social Equity Fund's inception date?
How are the Domini Social Equity Fund's holdings selected?


Domini European Social Equity Fund
What is the Domini European Social Equity Fund?

What are some of the advantages and risks of foreign investing?

What is the Domini European Social Equity Fund's inception date?

How are the Domini European Social Equity Fund's holdings selected?

Domini PacAsia Social Equity Fund
What is the Domini PacAsia Social Equity Fund?

What are some of the advantages and risks of foreign investing?

What is the Domini PacAsia Social Equity Fund's inception date?

How are the Domini PacAsia Social Equity Fund's holdings selected?

Domini European PacAsia Social Equity Fund
What is the Domini European PacAsia Social Equity Fund?

What are some of the advantages and risks of foreign investing?

What is the Domini European PacAsia Social Equity Fund's inception date?

How are the Domini European PacAsia Social Equity Fund's holdings selected?

Domini Social Bond Fund
What is a bond?
What advantages do bond funds offer?
What is the Domini Social Bond Fund's inception date?
What types of bonds and other debt instruments will the Fund typically hold?

Domini Money Market Account
What are the advantages of a Domini Money Market Account (DMMA)?
How safe is my money in a DMMA?
How do I keep track of my DMMA?
How does my DMMA have a social impact?
When do my funds start earning interest?
Can I write checks on my DMMA?
How can I access my funds?

How soon can I withdraw funds after opening my DMMA?



Domini Social Equity Fund


What is the Domini Social Equity Fund?

The Domini Social Equity Fund seeks to provide its shareholders with long-term total return. The Fund may invest in companies of any capitalization, but under normal market conditions will invest primarily in mid-cap to large-cap U.S. companies.  

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What is the Domini Social Equity Fund's inception date?

The Fund's inception date is 6/3/91.

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How are the Domini Social Equity Fund's holdings selected?

The Domini Social Equity Fund invests primarily in stocks of U.S. companies that have been evaluated against Domini’s social and environmental standards. Subject to these standards, Wellington Management Company, the Fund’s submanager, seeks to add value using a diversified quantitative stock selection approach, while managing risk through portfolio construction.

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Domini European Social Equity Fund


What is the Domini European Social Equity Fund?


The Domini European Social Equity Fund seeks to provide its shareholders with long-term total return. The Fund may invest in companies of any capitalization, but under normal market conditions will invest primarily in mid-cap to large-cap European companies.  

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What are some of the advantages and risks of foreign investing?


Investing in European or other foreign securities may allow investors to diversify their portfolio. By investing in a mix of domestic and international securities, investors have historically been able to lower the volatility of their entire investment portfolio. 


Investing in European or other foreign securities may represent a greater degree of risk than investing in U.S. securities due to political, social, and economic developments abroad, and differences between the regulations to which U.S. and European issuers and markets are subject. These factors can make foreign investments more volatile and potentially less liquid than U.S. investments. Fluctuations between the U.S. dollar and foreign currencies could negatively affect the value of the Fund's investments in the event of an unfavorable change in the currency exchange rates.

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What is the Domini European Social Equity Fund's inception date?


The Fund’s inception date is 10/3/05.

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How are the Domini European Social Equity Fund's holdings selected?


The Domini European Social Equity Fund invests primarily in stocks of European companies that have been evaluated against Domini’s social and environmental standards. Subject to these standards, Wellington Management Company, the Fund’s submanager, seeks to add value using a diversified quantitative stock selection approach, while managing risk through portfolio construction.

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Domini PacAsia Social Equity Fund


What is the Domini PacAsia Social Equity Fund?

The Domini PacAsia Social Equity Fund seeks to provide its shareholders with long-term total return. The Fund may invest in companies of any capitalization, but under normal market conditions will invest primarily in mid-cap to large-cap Asia-Pacific companies.

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What are some of the advantages and risks of foreign investing?

Investing in Asia-Pacific or other foreign securities may allow investors to diversify their portfolio. By investing in a mix of domestic and international securities, investors have historically been able to lower the volatility of their entire investment portfolio. 

Investing in Asia-Pacific or other foreign securities may represent a greater degree of risk than investing in U.S. securities due to political, social, and economic developments abroad, and differences between the regulations to which U.S. and Asia-Pacific issuers and markets are subject. These factors can make foreign investments more volatile and potentially less liquid than U.S. investments. Fluctuations between the U.S. dollar and foreign currencies could negatively affect the value of the Fund's investments in the event of an unfavorable change in the currency exchange rates.

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What is the Domini PacAsia Social Equity Fund's inception date?

The Fund’s inception date is 12/27/06.

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How are the Domini PacAsia Social Equity Fund's holdings selected?

The Domini PacAsia Social Equity Fund invests primarily in stocks of Asia-Pacific companies that have been evaluated against Domini’s social and environmental standards. Subject to these standards, Wellington Management Company, the Fund’s submanager, seeks to add value using a diversified quantitative stock selection approach, while managing risk through portfolio construction.  

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Domini European PacAsia Social Equity Fund


What is the Domini European PacAsia Social Equity Fund?


The Domini European PacAsia Social Equity Fund seeks to provide its shareholders with long-term total return. The Fund may invest in companies of any capitalization, but under normal market conditions will invest primarily in mid-cap to large-cap European and Asia-Pacific companies.

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What are some of the advantages and risks of foreign investing?


Investing in foreign securities may allow investors to diversify their portfolio. By investing in a mix of domestic and international securities, investors have historically been able to lower the volatility of their entire investment portfolio. 


Investing in foreign securities may represent a greater degree of risk than investing in U.S. securities due to political, social, and economic developments abroad, and differences between the regulations to which U.S. and foreign issuers and markets are subject. These factors can make foreign investments more volatile and potentially less liquid than U.S. investments. Fluctuations between the U.S. dollar and foreign currencies could negatively affect the value of the Fund's investments in the event of an unfavorable change in the currency exchange rates.

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What is the Domini European PacAsia Social Equity Fund's inception date?


The Fund’s inception date is 12/27/06.

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How are the Domini European PacAsia Social Equity Fund's holdings selected?


The Domini European PacAsia Social Equity Fund invests primarily in stocks of European and Asia-Pacific companies that have been evaluated against Domini’s social and environmental standards. Subject to these standards, Wellington Management Company, the Fund’s submanager, seeks to add value using a diversified quantitative stock selection approach, while managing risk through portfolio construction.

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Domini Social Bond Fund


What is a bond?

Essentially, a bond is an IOU issued by a corporation or a government entity. When you purchase a bond, you are lending the issuer a specified amount of money (the principal) for a specified period of time (the term). In exchange, the issuer usually pays regular interest and, when the term is up and the bond matures, the issuer repays the principal amount.


Many investors purchase bonds because the interest income paid tends to be higher than money market funds, certificates of deposit, or bank accounts. Investors also use bonds to help diversify their portfolio because, although bonds and bond funds are subject to market fluctuations, they don't always move in the same direction or to the same degree as stocks.

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What advantages do bond funds offer?

Bond funds are a convenient way to invest in bonds and other debt instruments because they allow you to invest in a professionally managed pool of bonds and debt instruments. Bond funds offer all of the familiar conveniences of stock mutual funds, such as:


Liquidity. You can buy and sell shares based on the fund's net asset value, priced at the end of each trading day.


Reinvestment of Dividends. If you do not depend upon your investment for regular income, you may choose to reinvest your dividends.


Low Minimum Investment. Purchasing an individual bond can be expensive because of the size of the bond you may be required to purchase. You can invest in the Domini Social Bond Fund for $2,500. If you open your account as an IRA, the minimum is $1,500, and if you choose to use our Automatic Investment Plan the minimum is $1,500.  If you open your account as an UGMA/UTMA, the minimum is $1,000 (Automatic Investment Plan is also available).


Diversification. A bond fund invests in a large number of bonds and other debt instruments. Although bond funds do not provide any guarantees, by investing in a number of bonds and other debt instruments, bond funds may allow you to spread certain risks (such as credit risk) among more than one issuer. Bond funds may also provide balance to your stock portfolio as they have historically provided greater income with typically less volatile returns than equity funds.

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What is the Domini Social Bond Fund's inception date?

The Fund's inception date is 6/1/00.

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What types of bonds and other debt instruments does the Fund typically hold?

The Domini Social Bond Fund typically invests at least 85% of its assets in investment-grade securities. The Fund can buy many types of debt instruments including, without limitation, corporate bonds, bonds issued by U.S. government agencies or instrumentalities, and mortgage- and asset-backed securities. The Fund may also invest in the debt instruments of, and deposit cash with, community development banks, community loan funds, credit unions, and other entities whose mission is community economic development. All of the Fund's holdings are subject to social and environmental standards.

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Domini Money Market Account


What are the advantages of a Domini Money Market Account (DMMA)?

The DMMA offers investors a number of advantages:


FDIC insurance (up to $500,000 per depositor)

Free check-writing (minimum $500)

Free transfers between your mutual fund and DMMA accounts

Competitive interest rate

Direct community development impact

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How safe is my money in a DMMA?

By depositing DMMA assets in two separately chartered banks in the ShoreBank family, we are able to offer each depositor up to $500,000 of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) insurance. (Only your Domini Money Market account is insured. The Domini Funds are not insured, and are subject to market risks.) The amount that you deposit in your Domini Money Market Account will be added to any other money that you have on deposit at ShoreBank for determining the $500,000 insurance limit. 

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How do I keep track of my DMMA?

Your balance and transaction history will appear on your Domini Social Investment Account statement. You may also access your account online, or through our automated phone system.

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How does my DMMA have a social impact?

Your funds become part of ShoreBank's assets which are used for community reinvestment to build and rebuild neighborhoods, create self-sufficiency and jobs, secure decent homes, and finance small businesses.

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When do my funds start earning interest?

Once your check clears, your account will begin earning interest at ShoreBank. Interest is paid monthly at the end of the month.

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Can I write checks on my DMMA?

Yes, with a $500 minimum per check. However, if your DMMA account is an IRA (Traditional, Roth, SIMPLE, SEP, or CESA), you will not be able to write checks.

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How can I access my funds?

Either write a check to yourself or call 1-800-582-6757 to request a wire or check. It will be sent on the next business day. You may also access your account online or through our automated telephone system. Call us at 1-800-582-6757 to set this up.

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How soon can I withdraw funds after opening my DMMA?


You can withdraw funds from your DMMA any time after you open it, without penalty. However, be aware that your funds will not be sent until your check clears, which may take up to 8 business days from receipt of your investment.

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You should consider the Domini Funds' investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses carefully before investing. View or order a copy of the Funds' current prospectus for more complete information on these and other topics. Please read the prospectus carefully before investing or sending money.

For more information about the Domini Funds or to speak with a shareholder representative, call 1-800-762-6814. DSIL Investment Services LLC, Distributor.

Important Legal Information         Notice for Non-U.S. Investors
© 1997-2009 Domini Social Investments LLC. All rights reserved.