Earth Science Data Tools and Web Sites

Many of the data sets available from the DAACs require the use of special tools for image processing and analysis. These tools were created either within the data centers or by external software developers and data users. The Data Tools Web page gives information about the tools and provides links to data tool Web pages for many of the data centers.

The data centers also provide center-unique tools for functions such as searching and subsettting data. The table below lists and describes some of the data-handling and service tools available from the DAACs.


Data Center Data Tool/Service Description
Alaska Satellite Facility DAAC (ASF DAAC) SAR Software Tools The ASF software tools are designed to make it easier for users to process ASF data products and translate them into a variety of other formats. A graphical user interface exists which guides the user through the process of ingesting, geocoding, and exporting datasets.

The tools can ingest most Level 1 ASF products, and produce geocoded (or ungeocoded) GeoTIFF, TIFF, JPEG, or portable pixmap images. The ASF software tools can be downloaded via ftp. The same page also provides access to tutorials on the ASF software tools and the ASF Forum, a place for the user community and ASF staff to interact with each other online about technical topics related to ASF data, ASF software tools, SAR applications and other issues. [+ Visit ASF Software]
GSFC Earth Sciences DAAC
Online Analysis Tools The GES DAAC provides tools for online analysis of various Earth science data products.
* Giovanni The GES-DISC Interactive Online Visualization and Analysis Infrastructure (Giovanni) is the underlying infrastructure for a growing family of Web interfaces that allows users to analyze gridded data interactively online without having to download any data. Through Giovanni, users are invited to discover and explore our data using sophisticated analyses and visualizations. The following Giovanni instances are currently available: Ocean color, Atmospheric, MODIS, and TRMM.
[+ More on Giovanni]
Data Tools Many tools are available to handle HDF and HDF-EOS data.
[+ More on Data Tools]
* AIRS Online Channel/ Variable Subsetter The AIRS subsetter provides channel and/or variable subsetting of Level 1B and Level 2 data products. The subset files are staged on an anonymous FTP site and the user is notified to download the output files.
* READ_HDF This command-line program allows a user to view the contents of an HDF file, as well as subset the data therein. Data can be subset along any dimension, or the entire data can be dumped if no subset options are given. There is also a mode to print a hierarchical tree list of the objects in the file. Data can be sent to an ASCII text file, a set of flat binary files, or displayed on the screen (default).
* HE5Subset A command line C program for viewing the contents of an HDF-EOS5 file, and subetting the data within. Any of the HDF- EOS5 objects (Grid, Point, Swath, ZA) within a file and their data fields can be listed. Files may be subset by parameter, spatially, and/or temporally, or along any other field or dimension.
WHOM The Web based Hierarchical Ordering Mechanism (WHOM) is a search-and-order system that allows the user to search the GES DAAC data archive in several ways: (1) Data Pool, which allows the user to search most frequently requested data sets, (2) Earth science data type, and (3) data set. [+ Visit WHOM]

WHOM has the following functionalities:


  • Attribute filtering - Users can search by using spatial, temporal, parameter (Ocean Level 3), and day/night flag criteria.
  • Ocean parameter subsetting - This function is implemented for Level 2 and Level 3 data. Users can select and order only the parameters they need. For Level 2, the subset file incorporates all requested parameters, corresponding quality arrays, and geolocation arrays.
  • On-demand channel/band subsetting - Users request only the channels (bands) they need from Level 1B calibrated radiances. This function is implemented for MOD021KM and MYD021KM data.
Global Hydrology Resource Center
HyDRO The Hydrologic Data Search, Retrieval, and Order (HyDRO) system allows the user to search data set holdings at GHRC. HyDRO provides a list of GHRC data sets specific to the user's requirements. Users are able to browse the online information and tools or services for each data set. They can download online data sets by FTP or place an order.
[+ More on HyDRO]
Data Pool The GHRC Data Pool provides on-line access to half a terabyte of passive microwave data.
[+ Visit Data Pool]


  • Multiple views of available data, e.g. search, ftp and calendars
  • Data search based on product, instrument, platform and date
  • SSM/I, TMI, and AMSU-A Coarse Grain Subsetting
  • Shopping cart style order creation
  • Automated order packaging for FTP delivery
  • Integration with GHRC Order Tracking System for metrics and user services support
  • Direct FTP access to online data sets
  • DODS/OPeNDAP data access
  • Web Mapping Services
Coincidence Search Engine The Coincidence Search Engine may be used to search for times when up to four satellites were over or within the same geographic area simultaneously. Searches may be constrained by time, geographic area, and/or distance between the satellites. The output consists of a sequence of text lines listing the date, time, satellite name, and latitude and longitude.
[+ Coincidence Search Engine]
Coarse Grain Subsetter With the use of special internal coverage files, this tool provides a very quick retrieval of the passes in the user's area of interest. The subsetter can be used on SSM/I, AMSU-A, and TMI data. It is available on the GHRC Data Pool and through User Services for SSM/I data that is not available on the Data Pool.
[+ Coarse Grain Subsetter]
HDF-EOS Subsetter The HDF-EOS Subsetting Engine (HSE), a dataset-independent subsetting service for HDF-EOS data, provides robust, operational subsetting software, available for use within EOSDIS and by the science community. HSE supports both HDF-EOS (based on HDF 4) and HDF-EOS 5 (based on HDF 5) data formats. HSE-based products include the HDF-EOS Subsetting Appliance (HSA) for integration with ECS data order Processing, a simplified stand-alone subsetting tool called "hewbe", and a subsetting web service (in work).
[+ HDF-EOS Subsetter]
SPOT A companion program to HSE, SPOT can be used to check HDF-EOS files for subsettability by HSE. SPOT is invoked using a simple command-line interface. It checks that


  • The file exists and is readable
  • The file is in HDF format
  • The file is in HDF-EOS format
  • The file contains valid HDF-EOS structures
  • The file contains the metadata needed for subsetting
[+ More on SPOT]
Algorithm Development and Mining System (ADaM) (ADaM) applies data mining technologies to remotely-sensed and other scientific data. ADaM's mining and image processing toolkits consist of interoperable components that can be linked together in a variety of ways for application to diverse problem domains. ADaM has over 75 autonomous components that can be configured to create customized mining processes to provide pattern recognition, image processing, optimization, and association rule mining capabilities. Each component is provided with a C, C++, or other application programming interface (API), an executable in support of generic scripting tools (e.g. Perl, Python, shell scripts) and eventually web service interfaces to support distributed architectures including web and grid applications. Preprocessing and analysis utilities aid users in applying data mining to their specific problems.
[+ More on ADaM]
Web Mapping Services An OGC-compliant web map service is available on the GHRC Data Pool that maps AMSU-A, TMI, and SSM/I data based on specific spatial and temporal request criteria. A web map service returns the image of one specific data layer that users/applications can then overlay or merge with other data layers to create composite maps.
[+ Web Mapping Services]
NLDN Subsetter The NLDN Subsetter, needs only the latitude and longitude of a geographic box along with the time period of interest to greatly reduce the volume of National Lightning Detection Network data. The subsetter will zip through the entire NLDN dataset for the time period designated, and repackage the data into daily files which contain only those lightning events which occur in the user defined box. Note: Distribution of NLDN data is restricted to Earth Observing System (EOS) and TRMM affiliated investigators. When contacting the GHRC for the first time with request for NLDN data, please provide your NASA contract number.
[+ NLDN Subsetter]
NLDN Movie Maker Animated movies of lightning events for a user-specifed area from the NLDN datasets can be custom generated. Note: Distribution of NLDN data is restricted to Earth Observing System (EOS) and TRMM affiliated investigators. When contacting the GHRC for the first time with request for NLDN data, please provide your NASA contract number.
[+ NLDN Movie Maker]
Langley Research Center DAAC (LaRC DAAC) ASDC Data Pool The Data Pool at the LaRC Atmospheric Sciences Data Center (ASDC) is an online, short-term data cache that provides Web links and FTP access to selected ASDC science data products. [+ Visit ASDC Data Pool]
CERES Subsetting Tool Allows subsetting of select CERES data products via the Java version of the ASDC Ordering Tool. The data can be subset by latitude and longitude, start and end time, parameter, and criterion.
[+ CERES Subsetting Tool]
hdfscan A data browser for files in Hierarchical Data Format (HDF), and HDF Earth Observing System (EOS) extension (HDF-EOS) formats. It is specifically written to facilitate access to Terra MISR data products. In particular, many MISR-unique functions are incorporated into the tool, such as data scaling, reformatting, unpacking, fill value recognition, and flag value interpretation. However, because of the standard formats provided by HDF and HDF-EOS, hdfscan can also serve as a general purpose tool for use with any other files making use of these formats.
[+ More on hdfscan]
Image Gallery The ASDC Imagery Gallery provides access to images and color graphics of AirMISR, CERES, MISR, NVAP, POAM II, and SSM/I data products.
[+ ASDC Imagery Gallery]
MISR Browse Tool Allows easy access to images from the MISR instrument. The browse images are produced from the ellipsoid product for each camera, reduced to 2.2 km resolution. The MISR red, green, and blue bands are used to create a color image, which has been intentionally clipped and gamma-stretched to make cloud, ocean, and land features visible. The images are JPEG format.
[+ Browse MISR]
MISR ENVI Tool Imports MISR Level 1B2 Ellipsoid and Terrain stacked block data into ENVI, allows automatic geolocation and correctly interprets band information. The tool consists of a set of routines written in Research Systems, Inc. IDL programming language which implement an ENVI User Function for working with MISR L1B2 data. MISR map projection definitions are provided for augmenting the ENVI defined map projections file, and a sample ENVI menu file which adds a menu item to invoke this tool is also included.
[+ MISR ENVI Tool]
MISR Level 3 Imagery Visualization of parameters contained in the MISR Level 3 global data products such as radiances, aerosol optical depth, surface reflectance, and vegetation indices are available. The Level 3 products are averages of select Level 1 and Level 2 parameters over daily, monthly, seasonal and annual time periods. MISR Level 3 data are available for viewing, animating, and downloading from the Web.
[+ MISR Level 3 Imagery]
MISR Subsetting and Reformatting Tool Allows subsetting and reformatting of MISR data ordered through the EDG. The data can be subset by latitude and longitude, MISR block number, or parameter. This tool extracts the specified data and outputs a smaller file in the same format as the original file. This tool also allows the data to be reformatted in "Conventional HDF-EOS" grid from the original stacked block format.
[+ MISR Subsetting Tool]
misr_view A freely available IDL-based display and analysis tool, can be used with many types of MISR and AirMISR data. It was specifically designed for use with files that use the HDF-EOS "grid" interface.
[+ More on misr_view]
MOPITT Level 2 Viewer IDL-based tool for creating plots of MOPITT Level 2 data products.
[+ MOPITT Level 2 Viewer]
SAGE II Binary File Subset Tool This software subsets SAGE II binary format files. The tool is written in Research Systems, Inc. IDL programming language. It can be run either with a licensed version of the IDL package or by using the IDL Virtual Machine freeware at Subsets may be specified by latitude and longitude regions and/or by parameter. The selected subset is written to an ASCII output file along with header information for profiles that match the subset criteria.
[+ SAGE II Binary File Subset Tool]
view_hdf A freely available IDL-based display and analysis tool for accessing data stored in HDF and HDF-EOS format. Variables from either Science Data Sets or vdata structures in a HDF file, can be subset, rendered as two and three-dimensional graphics, and plotted as geolocated data onto various world map projections. Other features include multiple variable plots, difference plots, and simple statistics.
[+ Visit view_hdf]
Land Processes DAAC
GloVis The USGS Global Visualization Viewer (GloVis) allows users to search, browse, and order ASTER and MODIS data. Users click on a global locator map to view ASTER or MODIS images for their selected geographic area.
[+ More on GloVis]
Data Pool The Data Pool at the LP DAAC is an online archive that provides FTP access to select ASTER and MODIS data products. ASTER Data Pool coverage includes the United States and U.S. Territories. MODIS coverage is global. The Data Pool HDF-EOS to GeoTiff (HEG) tool provides the ability to reformat, reproject, or spatially subset data. Several data types are available at no charge through the Data Pool.
[+ Visit LP DAAC Data Pool]
MODIS LDOPE Tools The MODIS Land Data Operational Product Evaluation (LDOPE) software tools were developed to assist in the quality assessment of MODIS land products. These tools are invoked as standalone executables from a command-line interface. The software is supported on Irix, Solaris, Linux, and Windows operating systems.
[+ Visit LDOPE]
MRT The MODIS Reprojection Tool (MRT) enables users to read MODIS Level 2G, Level 3, and Level 4 land products in HDF-EOS format. The software supports spatial subsetting and spectral subsetting, performs geographic transformation to a different coordinate system or cartographic projection, and writes the output to file formats other than HDF-EOS (GeoTIFF, raw, binary). The MRT is supported on several platforms including SGI and Sun UNIX, Windows and Linux. [+ Visit MRT]
MRTSwath The MODIS Reprojection Tool Swath (MRTSwath) provides the capability to transform MODIS Level 1B and Level 2 land products from HDF-EOS swath format to a uniformly gridded image that is geographically referenced. The software supports spatial subsetting and spectral subsetting, performs geographic transformations, and writes the output to file formats other than HDF-EOS (GeoTIFF, raw, binary). The MRTSwath is supported on several platforms including SGI and Sun UNIX, Windows and Linux.
[+ More on MRTSwath]
MODextract MODextract is a software tool available for retrieving MODIS gridded products from the LP DAAC Data Pool and is executed from the end-user's machine. The MODextract is supported on IRIX, Solaris and LINUX.
[+ More on MODextract]
National Snow and Ice Data Center DAAC (NSIDC DAAC) EASE-Grid Geolocation Tools EASE-Grid tools include IDL routines and map projections for geolocation, and conversion tools to use with EASE-Grid data sets.
[+ Visit EASE-Grid]
EOS-IT The HDF-EOS Imaging Tool (EOS-IT) interface has two modes. One mode opens, geolocates, and visualizes multiple swath or grid products in separate but dynamically linked windows. Another mode allows users to examine individual bits from data fields. (Users must have IDL 5.6 to run EOS-IT.)
[+ Visit EOS-IT]
GISMO The Graphical Interface for Subsetting, Mapping, and Ordering (GISMO) Web-based tool can be used to search, subset, and order gridded data from NSIDC. Data may be queried by spatial range, temporal range, and data-specific parameters. [+ Visit GISMO]
IDL Visualizer The IDL Visualizer reads data from an ICESat/GLAS file making the file viewable as graphical summaries of variables.
[+ IDL Visualizer]
MS2GT The MODIS Swath-to-Grid Toolbox (MS2GT) is a set of software tools that read HDF-EOS files containing MODIS swath data and produce flat binary files with gridded data in a variety of map projections. MS2GT consists of three Perl programs that make calls to several standalone IDL and C programs. Documentation for some products is in development.
[+ Visit MS2GT]
NGAT The NSIDC GLAS Altimetry elevation extractor Tool (NGAT) extracts elevation and geoid data from GLAS altimetry products (GLA06 and GLA12-15) and outputs latitude, longitude, elevation, and geoid in ASCII columns.
[+ IDL Visualizer]
PSQ The Polar Spatial Query (PSQ) tool allows users to search for orbit and scene data sets by collection, parameter (channel), date, and region of interest.
[+ Visit PSQ]
Oak Ridge National Laboratory DAAC
FIND The Federation Interactive Network for Discovery (FIND), based on the Mercury system, allows a user to locate data and information held by all members of the Federation of Earth Science Information Partners.
[+ Visit FIND]
Mercury Mercury is a Web-based system for searching and retrieving metadata and associated data. Data, documentation, and metadata can reside on the individual data providers' servers. Mercury uses the Internet to form a "virtual system" interconnecting those servers and its central system. Mercury keeps the central metadata current by erasing its database and rebuilding it every night. Mercury supports international metadata standards and is compatible with Internet search engines.
[+ Visit Mercury]
MODIS ASCII Subsets Available Users can select subsets of selected land products from the MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) sensor for 277 field sites. These subsetted products, which are in ASCII format for a 7 x 7 km area centered on the field sites, are useful for tracking seasonal dynamics and for validating remote sensing products. Currently, 18 MODIS Land Products from MODIS sensors onboard the Terra and Aqua platforms are offered, along with a tool for creating graphs of single composite periods or time series of the entire period of record.
[+ MODIS ASCII Subsets]
Map Server Three Web map servers enable users to select sites for accessing net primary productivity, FLUXNET, and MODIS ASCII Subset data at the ORNL DAAC. The map servers help users find site-based data for locations around the world. Users "Query" the map and select a site or group of sites; the server provides links to the data sets associated with that site. Users can view one of seven map layers, zoom in on areas of interest, and query multiple sites.
[+ Visit Map Server]
Physical Oceanography DAAC (PO.DAAC) NEREIDS The Near-Real-Time Image Distribution Server (NEREIDS) provides sea surface temperature, ocean surface topography, ocean vector winds, and land and sea ice satellite browse images within a few hours of capture. Binary data files are available for some images. Satellite missions include NOAA AVHRR, TOPEX/POSEIDON, Jason-1, and SeaWinds on QuikSCAT.
[+ Visit NEREIDS]
Data Set Browse Image Tools A Web-based calendar interface browse image tool may be used with the following PO.DAAC data sets to select and display browse images in GIF format:
[+ Data Set Browse Image Tools]


  • SeaWinds on QuikSCAT
  • SeaWinds on ADEOS-II
POET Data subsetting and visualization for many PO.DAAC products are available from the PO.DAAC Ocean ESIP Tool (POET) web-based interface. Output is returned as a latitude-longitude map, animation, time-series graph, or space-time profile. Output formats include: image (GIF, PNG, JPEG), scientific (HDF, netCDF), GIS (GeoTIFF, ArcGrid), binary (UNIX/Mac or PC), and ASCII. POET data also can be accessed by any Web Map server (WMS) viewer. This feature enables you to combine or overlay POET data with data from any other source that complies with this standard. POET was developed by the Ocean ESIP (Earth Science Information Partner).
[+ Visit POET]
Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC) ENTRI The Environmental Treaties and Resource Indicators (ENTRI) is an online query of a relational database.
[+ Visit ENTRI]