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U.S. Office of Personnel Management - Ensuring the Federal Government has an effective civilian workforce

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December 30, 2004





Relief Efforts for Victims of the Asian Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster

As a Nation, we are all troubled by the recent earthquake and resulting tsunami in South Asia. The incredible devastation and significant loss of life are truly horrifying. The anguish is felt around the world and has set in motion a remarkable response towards relief assistance. I share our President’s expression of sympathy to the victims, their families and the affected countries.

Based on the recommendation by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), cash contributions are the most effective way to provide relief assistance. As such, I am authorizing department and agency heads to allow a special solicitation of Federal employees at the workplace to facilitate relief assistance within the Federal government. Such special solicitations will allow Federal employees to assist the ongoing relief efforts in South Asia with a one-time cash or check donation, outside the normal Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) procedures. USAID has provided a list of relief organizations and further information on its website at In addition, a list of frequently asked questions and answers on special solicitations is attached.

I believe the special solicitations are the best option for Federal employees to provide relief assistance. However, a few local CFCs were previously approved for solicitation extensions and are still open. In those areas where the CFC has not yet been concluded, Federal employees wanting to contribute to the relief efforts still may contribute through their participation in the CFC. Federal employees, of course, can also participate by giving directly to charities involved in relief efforts, regardless of whether they participated in their local CFC.

If the CFC is still ongoing in a particular geographic area, Federal employees in that campaign area may contribute to the relief effort through either payroll deduction or by a direct cash or check contribution to a CFC participating relief organization. Federal employees can refer to the CFC national/international list to identify charitable organizations that may be providing relief efforts. The list can be accessed online at or Federal employees can refer to their local CFC brochure/catalogue for the national/international list. Donors are encouraged to contact organizations prior to donating funds to ensure that relief efforts are being conducted by the organization. Pledge cards should be turned in as quickly as possible to Agency keyworkers or coordinators for processing.

If the CFC has already closed in a particular area and the Federal employee’s agency does not conduct a special solicitation, Federal employees can still donate directly to relief organizations. I encourage Federal employees to contact relief organizations directly or visit their websites if the other options are not available.

I encourage departments and agencies to contact OPM’s Office of CFC Operations to let us know about any special solicitation efforts, to allow us to assist you in the development and implementation of such efforts, and to respond to questions about the special solicitation donation process. The Office of CFC Operations can be contacted at (202) 606-2564 or at

I greatly appreciate your efforts in allowing your employees this opportunity to assist those so much in need, and to show again the generous and caring character of Federal employees throughout the Nation.


cc: Chief Human Capital Officers
Human Resources Directors
