Oak Ridge National Laboratory DAAC (ORNL DAAC)

The ORNL DAAC provides data and information about the dynamics between the biological, geological, and chemical components of the Earth's environment. These dynamics are influenced by interactions between organisms and their physical surroundings, including soils, sediments, water, and air.

Available Data

Field Campaign Data

This AirMISR image, covering a 9x9 km portion of northeastern South Africa, was acquired on September 7, 2000 from aboard the NASA ER-2 as part of the SAFARI 2000 field campaign. The project was conducted during 1999-2001 to develop a better understanding of the Earth-atmosphere-human system in southern Africa. This image was taken to characterize a prescribed fire in the Timbavati Private Game Reserve, near Kruger National Park. (Image from King et al. 2003. Remote sensing of smoke, land, and clouds from the NASA ER-2 during SAFARI 2000, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 108.)
  • Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study (BOREAS) and BOREAS Follow-On
    (Availability: Campaign data, 1993 to 1996 and 1993 to 1998; historical background data as early as 1937 | Coverage: A 1,000- by 1,000-km study area with two sites in Manitoba and Saskatchewan, Canada)

    Through remote sensing and field measurements, BOREAS investigated exchanges of energy, water, heat, carbon dioxide, and trace gases between a boreal forest and the atmosphere.

  • First ISLSCP Field Experiment (FIFE) and FIFE Follow-On
    (Availability: Campaign data, 1987 to 1989 and 1987 to 1993; historical background data as early as 1858 | Coverage: A 15- by 15-km study area in Kansas, U.S.A.)

    As part of the International Satellite Land Surface Climatology Project (ISLSCP), FIFE characterized exchanges of radiation, moisture, and carbon dioxide between a prairie site and the atmosphere.

  • Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA)
    (Availability: Background data, 1972 to 1996 | Coverage: Map and site data in the Amazon Basin)

    LBA data include gridded measurements of precipitation in Bolivia, Brazil, and Peru and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery from the rain forest region during 1995 and 1996.

  • Oregon Transect Ecosystem Research (OTTER)
    (Availability: Campaign data, 1989 to 1991; background data, 1989 to 1991 | Coverage: Six sites in Oregon, U.S.A.)

    The OTTER project estimated fluxes of carbon, nitrogen, and water in three Oregon forests, using an ecosystem-process model and remote sensing data.

  • Southern African Regional Science Initiative (SAFARI 2000)
    (Availability: Campaign data, 2000; historical background data, 1879 to 2001 | Coverage: Southern Africa, 5° W to 60° E, 5° N to 35° S)

    SAFARI 2000 studied the linkages between land and atmosphere processes in southern Africa, especially the relationship of biogenic, pyrogenic, and anthropogenic emissions and the functioning of the biogeophysical and biogeochemical systems.

  • Superior National Forest (SNF)
    (Availability: Campaign data, 1983 to 1984; weather data, 1972 to 1990 | Coverage: 50- by 50-km study area in northern Minnesota, U.S.A.)

    SNF research investigated the usefulness of remote sensing data in estimating the biophysical properties (e.g., biomass) of a boreal forest.

Land Validation Data

  • Accelerated Canopy Chemistry Program (ACCP)
    (Availability: Campaign data, 1992 to 1993 | Coverage: Sites in the continental U.S.A.)

    ACCP used remote sensing to study the nitrogen and lignin content of the vegetation canopy in various ecosystems.

  • EOS Land Validation
    (Availability: Campaign data, 1999 to present | Coverage: Global)

    The EOS Land Validation project is using the ORNL DAAC's Mercury system for registering data sets from ground-based and airborne measurements to compare with EOS satellite products.

  • Global Flux Tower Network ("FLUXNET")
    (Availability: Campaign data, 1990 to present | Coverage: Global)

    FLUXNET is compiling measurements of radiation, water vapor, carbon dioxide, and trace gas fluxes provided by regional networks and independent sites. Flux data are used to understand the mechanisms controlling the exchanges of carbon dioxide, water vapor, and energy across a spectrum of temporal and spatial scales to compare to EOS satellite products.

  • MODIS ASCII Subsets
    (Availability: February 2000 to present | Coverage: Global)

    Selected MODIS land products from the Terra and Aqua satellites are available for 280 sites. The products are subset for 7- x 7-km around the field sites. MODIS data are insinusoidal projection in ASCII format. Subset data can be viewed for individual composite periods or as a time series

  • Prototype Validation Exercise (PROVE)
    (Availability: 1997 | Coverage: Jornada Experimental Range near Las Cruces, New Mexico, U.S.A.)

    PROVE collected land and atmospheric measurements to develop methods for validating satellite data. Measurements include surface reflectance, surface temperature, albedo, and leaf area index.

Regional and Global Data

  • Climate Collections
    (Availability: Varies, between 1753 and 1999 | Coverage: Global)

    Data were measured or estimated for grid cells of various sizes. Holdings include historical climatology, mean climatology, and precipitation.

  • Hydroclimatology Collections
    (Availability: 1874 to 1988 | Coverage: U.S.A. and U.S. territories)

    Hydroclimatic characteristics (e.g., streamflow, wetlands, precipitation, temperature) were measured at various sampling sites.

  • Net Primary Productivity (NPP)
    (Availability: Varies, between 1930 and 2001 | Coverage: Global)

    NPP holdings contain field measurements and NPP estimates for a variety of ecosystems.

  • River Discharge (RivDIS)
    (Availability: Varies, between 1807 and 1991 | Coverage: Global)

    Holdings contain long-term monthly averaged values for river discharge measured at various stations.

  • Soil Collections
    (Availability: Varies, between 1940 and 1996 | Coverage: Global)

    Soil characteristics were measured at sampling sites or estimated for grids of various sizes.

  • Vegetation Collections
    (Availability: Varies, between 1932 and 2000 | Coverage: Global and regional)

    Holdings pertain to vegetation characteristics, including the distribution of vegetation types, as well as leaf area index calculated from field measurements.

  • Vegetation/Ecosystem Modeling and Analysis Project (VEMAP)
    (Availability: Climate measurements, 1895 to 1993; climate scenarios, 1994 to 2100 | Coverage: U.S.A.)

    VEMAP studied the global response of biogeography and biogeochemistry to variability in climate and other environmental factors (e.g., elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations).

Data Services

The ORNL DAAC Web site provides links to data centers that offer regional and global environmental data. Users can also search the ORNL Mercury system to locate regional and global data held by other data centers.

The ORNL DAAC also offers three Web map servers to help users locate data from field sites from around the world. Users can select sites and retrieve information about site characteristics and available data for those sites.

Data Access

ORNL DAAC data are available through an online search-and-order system and through the EDG data search-and-order system.

For assistance or additional information, contact:
ORNL DAAC User Services
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Phone: +1 865-241-3952
Fax: +1 865-574-4665
E-mail: ornl@eos.nasa.gov or ornldaac@ornl.gov