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"Twilight phenomena" - a project concerning men as buyers of the services of prostitutes as a risk factor.

Pettersson E, Larsson J, Mellberg G, Pettersson B, Svennecke B, Ungerfeldt S; International Conference on AIDS.

Int Conf AIDS. 1989 Jun 4-9; 5: 762 (abstract no. Th.D.P.21).

Gothenburg Social Services, Gothenburg, Sweden

OBJECTIVE: To focus on, reach and influence men to refrain from buying the services of prostitutes. There are far more purchasers than prostitutes; they have greater social, sexual and geographical mobility and their risk-taking behavior links several large peripheral groups together. METHODS: "Twilight phenomena" is a collective name for a number of sub-projects aiming at exposing the role of the man in prostitution and his risk-taking behaviour. This has been achieved by: -Initiating female politicians and civil servants to "on site" seeking out of men and spreading of information. -A seminar for men about men who seek sexual contacts, men with risk-taking behaviour and men as buyers of sexual services. -A Nordic conference on prostitution in Gothenburg to focus interest in Scandinavia on the buyers of the services of prostitutes. -A cultural project with selected films, authors/debaters and specially commissioned work, such as plays, cabarets, music and pictures dealing with the conditions and risks involved in prostitution. We have also applied for funding of a research project from th Governments HIV/AIDS delegation, to find further methods and models to influence men to refrain from buying the services of prostitutes. RESULTS: We have emphasized the role of the man in prostitution and his risk-taking behaviours by involving and activating individuals, groups, administrations and authorities in the municipality of Gothenburg. CONCLUSION: The project "Twilight phenomena" is an example of how, on the basis and within the framework of the Social Services Act, a specific social problem and matter of public health of major municipal interest can be brought to public awareness and tackled by alternative methods.

Publication Types:
  • Meeting Abstracts
  • Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
  • Female
  • HIV Infections
  • HIV Seropositivity
  • Humans
  • Male
  • Prostitution
  • Risk Factors
  • Scandinavia
  • Social Problems
Other ID:
  • 00401789
UI: 102179918

From Meeting Abstracts

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