Title for MeetingAbstracts
Alphabetical listing of titles
Relationship between the Menstrual Cycle and the Daily Pattern of HIV-1 RNA Shedding in the Genital Tract of HIV-1-Infected Women.
Relationship between the virological characteristics of HIV-1 and the clinical response to highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART).
Relationship between Tonsillar Tissue Viral Burden (TTVL) and Plasma Viral Load (PVL), peripheral blood T lymphocyte subsets and Lymphoproliferative Responses (LPR).
Relationship between treatment scheme and short hospital stay in AIDS patients without the use of AZT.
Relationship between tRNALys3 concentration, placement and viral infectivity in HIV-1.
Relationship between trough plasma concentrations of HIV antiretroviral drugs and virological response and mutations reversion in gighaart trial (anrs 097).
Relationship between Unmet Health Needs, Age, Gender and Rurality in American Indian and Alaskan Native Elders.
Relationship between Uridine Diphosphate-Glucuronosyl Transferase (UDP-GT) 1A1 Genotype and Total Bilirubin Elevations in Healthy Subjects Receiving BMS-232632 and Saquinavir.
Relationship between Virulence and Resistance to Several Antimicrobial Agents among Uropathogenic Escherichia coli.
Relationship between weight, body surface area (BSA) and zidovudine (ZDV) levels.
Relationship dynamics and disease risk among drug-using women and their primary male sex partners in New York City.
Relationship Observed in the Production of Rapamycin and FKBPs from Rapamycin Producing Streptomyces hygroscopicus.
Relationship of adolescent drug abuse prevention to young adult sexual risk behaviors.
Relationship of anal lesions with HIV infection in Mulago Hospital, Kampala, Uganda.
Relationship of anemia type to survival in HIV positive veterans.
Relationship of anergy testing methods to usefulness in predicting outcomes.
Relationship of Antibiotic (AB) Prescribing Patterns (PP) to Patient Diagnoses (DX).
Relationship of Attitudes towards Doctors and the Receipt of Preventative Services.
Relationship of baseline genotype to RNA response in ACTG 333 after switching from long term saquinavir (SQVhc) to indinavir (IDV) or saquinavir soft gelatin capsule (SQVsgc).
Relationship of baseline viral phenotype and genotype to RNA response after switching from long-term saquinavir (SQVhc) to indinavir (IDV) or saquinavir soft-gelatin capsule (SQVsgc) in ACTG 333.
Relationship of CCR5 and SDF-1 allelic frequencies to HIV-1 disease stage, viral load, CD4 T-cell count, and progression to AIDS dementia complex (ADC).
Relationship of CD28 and CD95 Expression to Immunologic Memory on T Cell Subsets in HIV-Infected Individuals.
Relationship of CD4 cell counts to cervical cytologic abnormalities and gynecologic infections in 150 HIV-infected women.
Relationship of CD4 counts and zidovudine therapy to survival in a cohort of HIV positive hemophiliacs. The Multicenter Hemophilia Cohort Study.
Relationship of CD4, CD8, NK cells and immunological dysfunction within one year before the emergence of HIV-related event.
Relationship of cell proliferation and morphogenesis in Candida albicans.
Relationship of Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) White Blood Cells (WBCs) to CSF and Systemic HIV Infection: Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Analysis.
Relationship of cerebrospinal fluid HIV-1 RNA levels (CSF RNA) to plasma RNA, CSF pleocytosis, stage of HIV infection and cognitive functioning.
Relationship of cognitive health behavior model to the practice of anal and oral intercourse in homosexual males.
Relationship of complement activation and monocyte phenotype and function in HIV infection.