Title for MeetingAbstracts
Alphabetical listing of titles
Relationships among Four Measures of Medication Adherence and Virologic Response in ACTG 359.
Relationships among HMO Penetration, Financial Pressure, and Academic Health Center Hospital Performance.
Relationships among perceived stigma and its management, the decision to test for HIV, and high risk behaviors of homosexual males.
Relationships among Selected Nursing Unit Characteristics and Medication Errors Requiring Increased Observation or Treatment.
Relationships among Variables Affecting Well Siblings and Mothers in Families of Children with a Chronic Illness or Disability.
Relationships between AIDS national programs and health care legislations: successes, failures, and lessons from Brazil and Colombia.
Relationships Between b-Lactam Resistance and Virulence in Streptococcus pneumoniae (Sp).
Relationships between CD4 independence, neutralization sensitivity and exposure of a CD4-induced epitope in an HIV-1 envelope protein.
Relationships between CD4 lymphocytes and psychosocial variables among HIV seropositive adults.
Relationships between cell tropism spectrum, cytopathology peculiarities and clinical features for Russian HIV-1 isolates.
Relationships between Efavirenz Pharmacokinetics, Side Effects, Drug Discontinuation, Virologic Response, and Race: Results from ACTG A5095/A5097s.
Relationships between family dysfunction indicators and HIV risk behaviour among adolescent substance users.
Relationships between gender inequalities and HIV preventive practices: implications for intervention evaluation.
Relationships between Hepatitis C Virus-specific Immune Responses and Outcomes of Treatment with Interferon and Ribavirin in HIV/HCV Co-infection.
Relationships between humoral factors in HIV-1 infected mothers and the occurrence of HIV infection in the infant.
Relationships between indinavir (IDV) pharmacokinetics and antiviral activity in phase I/II trials.
Relationships between market competition and the activites and attitudes of medical school faculty.
Relationships between needs of women with HIV and service utilization.
Relationships between Nevirapine Plasma Levels, Chronic Hepatitis C, and the Development of Liver Toxicity.
Relationships between P-glycoprotein, CXCR4 Expression and Saquinavir Antiviral Effect in vitro.
Relationships between Presence of Integrons and Antibiotic Resistance, Environment and Phylogenetic Grouping in Intestinal Escherichia coli from Healthy Community-Living Subjects.
Relationships between psychiatric symptoms and HIV risk behaviors in out-of-treatment injection and non-injection substance abusers.
Relationships Between Residential Substance Abuse Program Characteristics and Smoking Policies/Services.
Relationships between science and ethics in HIV/AIDS prevention trials.
Relationships between serological markers for HIV, HBV and HCV among injecting drug users in north-east Italy.
Relationships between serological markers for HIV, HBV and HCV among injecting drug users in north-east Italy.
Relationships between the physiological function of CD4 and its role as the HIV receptor.
Relationships between use of hospital services and socio-economic status among HIV positive individuals in the UK.
Relationships with Managed Care Organizations and Health Care Networks: Influence on Structural Adaptation to Medicare's Prospective Payment System for Skilled Nursing Facilities.
Relatiosnship between discharge diagnosis and access to care in HIV-infected individuals.