Title for MeetingAbstracts
Alphabetical listing of titles
Referral patterns in a comprehensive AIDS clinic.
Referral Patterns, Quality & Satisfaction, and Financial Performance of Physician-owned Specialty Hospitals.
Referral practices among Zambian traditional health practitioners to health delivery points Has the HIV/AIDS pandemic changed the practices?
Referral system for AIDS case diagnosis and reporting.
Referral system for STD management among truck drivers along the highways.
Referrals for cutaneous disorders in an outpatient HIV infected clinic population.
Refill Persistence with Beta-Blocker and ACE Inhibitor Therapy after Acute Myocardial Infarction.
Refined estimates for HIV-1 clearance rate and intracellular delay.
Refinement of rural-urban differences in service use and satisfaction using the Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey (MCBS).
Refining a Summer Camp for Children on Dialysis: A Health Service Challenge.
Refining Resource Utilization Groups (RUG) for a National Skilled Nursing Facility System.
Reflecting on the existing partnership between the volunteers' corps -- VOSEM - and the health staff of the specialties outpatient clinic of Vila Prudente a unit of Sao Paulo healthy secretary.
Reflecting the global epidemics in one country - HIV in the United Kingdom at the start of the new millennium.
Reflections on an aboriginal AIDS awareness programme in the U.N. Year of the indigenous person.
Reflections on community-based participatory action strategies in Canadian health research involving HIV-positive children.
Reflections on first round of HIV/AIDS behavioral sentinel surveillance in two sites in the Philippines.
Reflections on gender, as a catagory of analysis, in the fight to prevent STD/HIV/AIDS in specific interventions in Peru, 2001.
Reflections on problems and solutions related to the cost and access of health care for the expanding number of women with HIV disease.
Reflections on the concept of HIV treatment optimism by young gay men (YGM) in the context of rising HIV incidence in Vancouver.
Reflections: if I could live my life over.
Reflexion on a 20-year involvement of a French NGO working in the national and international fields for a new definition of the word community.
Reflexology--a relaxation exercise for AIDS patients-Rakai district.
Reform Medicare: Lessons from the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHB).
Reform of the coding and classification systems in France and Germany.
Reform of the health care system.
Reformation of legislation of federal republic of Yugoslavia in order to establish human rights for PLWHA.
Reforming payment methodologies for medical malpractice insurance costs: a system-wide approach.
Reforming technology policy: a review of the options.
Reforming the Medicaid Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) Program in the 1990s.
Reforming the Scandinavian Health Care model Major reforms of the Traditional Welfare State.