Title for MeetingAbstracts
Alphabetical listing of titles
Reduction in the risk of HIV transmission through - A 3 year Public hospital experience.
Reduction in TREC in HIV-1-infected individuals is not explained by increased lymphocyte proliferation alone.
Reduction in turnaround time for detection and identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from pulmonary specimens using nucleic acid amplification tests.
Reduction in use of human albumin: who mediated the change in response to what?.
Reduction In Valacyclovir Bioavailability Associated With A Competitive Inhibitor of HPEPT1.
Reduction in virus load leads to decrease in lymphocyte apoptosis in HIV infected patients treated with reverse transcriptase inhibitors and a HIV-specific protease inhibitor, nelfinavir (Viracept).
Reduction of addictive and risk-taking behaviour during participation in a medically controlled heroin prescription program.
Reduction of Antibiotic Consumption Can Reverse Increasing Resistance Rates.
Reduction of blood contacts (BCs) and percutaneous injuries (PIs) during gynecologic surgical procedures (GSPs).
Reduction of Bloodstream Infection 2 Years Following a Global Prevention Strategy Targeted at Vascular Access in ICU.
Reduction of Cardiac Pacemaker-Associated Infections (CPI) by Implementation of Infection Control (IC) Measures.
Reduction of CD4+ "naive" T cells of children and adults: implications for the pathogenesis and diagnosis of perinatal HIV infection.
Reduction of CD8+ cell count develops thrombocytopenia in HIV-infected hemophiliacs.
Reduction of Central Venous Catheter-Related Infection (CRI) in Cancer Patients with Severe Neutropenia: A Prospective Controlled Randomized Trial Using a Chlorhexidine and Silver-Sulfadiazine Impregnated Central Venous Line (CH-SS).
Reduction of CSF HIV RNA levels correlates with reversal of HIV-induced cognitive dysfunction.
Reduction of false positive reaction by a combination assay of two different test principles (EIA and PA) for HIV antibody screening.
Reduction of harm by HIV/AIDS care network.
Reduction of HBV DNA plasma levels after addition of tenofovir in HBV/HIV-infected patients failing or partially responding to lamivudine.
Reduction of hepatitis c viremia following extracorporeal whole body hyperthermia (ewbh) in an individual coinfected with HIV and HCV.
Reduction of HIV drug-related behaviors using a case management approach: randomized, controlled study.
Reduction of HIV in blood and lymph nodes after potent antiretroviral therapy.
Reduction of HIV infection in infants : WHO strategic approaches.
Reduction of HIV positive blood donors in Rosario, Argentina.
Reduction of HIV production and cytopathic effects by inhibitors of the NA+/K+/2CL- cotransporter.
Reduction of HIV transmission by injections.
Reduction of HLA-class II molecules on alveolar macrophages in AIDS patients is independent of interferon gamma levels.
Reduction of HTLV-I proviral load in patients with HTLV-I-associated myelopathy through Lamivudine monotherapy.
Reduction of inequalities in legislation and law application.
Reduction of maternal-infant transmission of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 with zidovudine (ZDV) treatment.