Title for MeetingAbstracts
Alphabetical listing of titles
Rehabilitation in a stroke unit compared to a general medical ward: a systematic clinical review.
Rehabilitation in the context of HIV: CWGHR, a multisectoral model defining policy issues for Canada.
Rehabilitation in the context of HIV: the Canadian Working Group on HIV and rehabilitation addressing the issues for people living With HIV/AIDS.
Rehabilitation of commercial sex workers as lending to poverty alleviation.
Rehabilitation of counselling services in a rural area of Zambia.
Rehabilitation of Mathammas, Joginis, Bagiselis and Devadasis.
Rehabilitation of people with HIV/AIDS (case studies and experiences from community health development centre-CHDC-Lalitpur, Nepal.
Rehabilitation programme for HIV/AIDS afflicted street children in a district of south India.
Rehabilitation reduces disability in patients with knee osteoarthritis.
Rehabilitation Services Following the Implementation of the Nursing Home Prospective Payment System.
Rehabilitation services for people living with HIV.
Rehabilitation Services for Physically Disabled Children in Montreal.
Rehabilitation therapy dose - functional response relationships for stroke, brain injury and spinal injury.
Rehabilitation Therapy in Skilled Nursing Facilities: Effects of Medicare's New Prospective Payment System.
Rehospitalization in Schizophrenia: Reducing the Risk with Outpatient Mental Health Care.
Reigiois and religious institution.
Reimbursement and Compliance Issues: Getting Paid for Reasonable and Necessary Tests.
Reimbursement for Inpatient Hospital Days: A Test of Mental Health Parity.
Reimbursement Model For Home Health: Characteristics Of Visit Patterns By Professional Disciplines And Patient Severity.
Reinfection in Tuberculosis: How Common is It?
Reinforce the information, reduce the stigma, and create conscience in young people through a massive campaign designed specifically for them, Red Code Operation.
Reinforce the role of safer sex by homosexuals.
Reinforcing community's participation.
Reinforcing HIV/AIDS/STI prevention through community radios in a resource poor setting in Sao Paulo city, Brazil.
Reinforcing safer sex and preventing relapse to high-risk behaviors among gay men.
Reinforcing spleen and stomach is key therapeutic method in treating AIDS with TCM.
Reintegrating HIV+ incarcerated individuals into the community: Preliminary outcomes of the Massachusetts transitional intervention project (TIP).
Reintegration into a family network for people affected by HIV/AIDS.
Reinvestigation of AIDS cases classified in the category of transfusion exposure, Brazil, 1999/2000. Brazil; 2003.
Rejecting the acceptance of idiocy -- Demanding support for programs that save lives: syringe exchange, safe injecting rooms and heroin prescription.