Title for MeetingAbstracts
Alphabetical listing of titles
Relation between marijuana use, adherence and complete viral suppression among hiv infected patients in a public health care setting in northern california.
Relation between patients' self-reports, physicians' assessment of adherence and PI plasma concentration in HAART-treated patients.
Relation between predicted and revealed willingness to participate in AIDS vaccine trials and influence of trial knowledge.
Relation between quality of life and health services, and medical cost among residents in a community in Japan.
Relation between quality of life and health services, and mortality among elderly in a community in Japan.
Relation between severity of illness, patterns of radiology services use and clinical performance in a large teaching hospital in Italy.
Relation between sexual promiscuity, drugs abuse and HIV infection in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Relation between specific computed tomography brain scan abnormalities and receptive and expressive language function in children with HIV-1 infection. Neuroscience of HIV Infection.
Relation between the practice of HIV-testing and the officially registered HIV-cases.
Relation between the rise in plasma viral load and the presence of antiviral drugs-resistance associated mutations.
Relation between Use of Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors, Mitochondrial DNA Depletion, and Severity of Lipoatrophy: Results from a Randomized Trial Comparing Stavudine and Zidovudine-based Antiretroviral Therapy.
Relation of antigenaemia, loss of antibodies to human immunodeficiency virus reverse transcriptase (RT) and impairment of cellular immunity to development of AIDS in drug addicts.
Relation of Member Characteristics and Utilization Patterns to Response to Reminders Sent for Overdue Health Screenings.
Relation of quality of life and health services to mortality among elderly in a rural community in Japan.
Relation of Recent Antibiotic Use to Respiratory Pathogen Susceptibility.
Relation of social factors to health care utilization and health status assessment in HIV-infected patients.
Relation of the increase of HIV positives between patiens of 16 to 24 years old and the school level.
Relational activities and relationship outcomes in pharmaceutical manufacturer-HMO dyads.
Relational database for research site data management with capability for billing, laboratory flowsheets, study drug accountability and screening for potential patients.
Relations between distribution patterns of leu8+/- subsets among cd4+/- and cd8+/- T-lymphocytes in the peripheral blood.
Relations between serum neutralization activity, and biological properties of V3 sequenced central African strains.
Relations between sexual behaviour, STD's, and HIV infection among low-risk women in Nairobi, Kenya.
Relations of trace element status to immunological activity markers and progression of human immunodeficiency virus infection.
Relationship among Health Status, Health Behaviors and Health Practices of Adults in a Korean Poor Area.
Relationship among primate retroviruses.
Relationship among the Amoxicillin, Clarithromycin, or Metronidazole MIC Level and the H. pylori Treatment Failure in a Pediatric Population.
Relationship among types of social support, life events, and risk behaviors among drug users.
Relationship and partner characteristics and bacterial STDs among young women.
Relationship between Access to Health Care and Prevalence of Chronic Disease in American Indian and Alaska Native Elders.