Title for MeetingAbstracts
Alphabetical listing of titles
Renal alterations associated with sulfadiazine therapy in AIDS patients.
Renal disease in HIV infected subjects: The deleterious effect of smoking.
Renal disease in women infected with HIV.
Renal dysfunction with tenofovir DF containing HAART regimens is not observed more frequently: a cohort and case control study.
Renal failure in HIV/AIDS - clinical experience at Jodhpur, India.
Renal handling of soluble CD4 (ST4): a gamma scintigraphic and auto-radiographic evaluation.
Renal involvement by oppotunistic infections in patients with HIV/AIDS - An autopsy study.
Renal involvement by oppotunistic infections in patients with HIV/AIDS -An autopsy study.
Renal status in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infected children: a prospective study.
Renal tissue levels of MHC protein and interferon in HIV nephropathy.
Renal tuberculosis among HIV infected patients.
Renal tubular acidosis related to nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NRTI) containing HAART regimen. An unusual case report.
Renal Tubular Injury and Severe Hypophosphoremia (Fanconi Syndrome) Associated with Tenofovir Therapy.
Reorganizing Community Leg Ulcer Care: A Pre-Post Implementation Study.
Reorganizing district hospital system, the second step to improve care for PHAs.
Reorganizing prevention under the viewpoint of changes in the epidemics in Sao Paulo: an experience.
Repatriation in eastern Angola: knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) on AIDS.
Repeat HIV antibody testing among men who have high-risk sex with men in San Francisco.
Repeat HIV antibody testing: are persons who test most frequently at highest risk of seroconversion?
Repeat HIV testing, subsequent risk behaviors, and HIV seroconversion among young men who have sex with men: implications for HIV prevention counseling.
Repeat HIV-negative testing: Public rules and private realities.
Repeat pregnancies in Human Immunodeficiency Virus infected women in a multi-ethnic urban center.
Repeat versus regular HIV testing in Hispanic men who have sex with men.
Repeated assessments as a behavior change strategy for adults living with HIV.
Repeated measured meta-analysis of clinical trials.
Repeated National Prevalence Surveys: Evidence for an Impact and Cost-Effectiveness.
Repeated phenotypic switching of HIV-1 in AIDS patients sampled regularly over 2 years.
Repeated surveys as a tool for HIV surveillance among IDUs: the circus project.
Repeating mistakes: press coverage of HIV/AIDS.
Repertoire Diversity of HIV-1 p24-specific CD4+ T Cell Clones.