HRSL Research Activities
Mission Projects Research Highlights


The mission of the Hydrology and Remote Sensing Laboratory is to conduct nationally orientated basic and applied research on water resources and remote sensing concerns related to the production of food and fiber and the conservation of natural resources.

The Hydrology and Remote Sensing Laboratory is one of 14 laboratories in the Animal and Natural Resources Institute at the Beltsville Agricultural Research Center. The Hydrology and Remote Sensing Laboratory was established in 1961. There are currently 7 research scientists and 4 support scientists who are involved in one or more of the following major research areas:


Quantifying Environmental Hydrology to Mitigate Detrimental Chemical Fluxes

The overall objective is to develop and evaluate methods for quantifying atmospheric, surface, and subsurface fluxes of water, nutrients, and pesticides at field, watershed, and regional scales and to develop and evaluate methods for identifying water and chemical source areas within a watershed and design and evaluate management recommendations and practices for mitigating environmental degradation.
  • Develop improved methods for evaluating subsurface water movement and chemical transport.
  • Develop pedotransfer functions for describing regional scale flow processes.
  • Develop methods to delineate plant available water zones within a watershed.
  • Develop and evaluate protocols to identify water and chemical source areas of watersheds.
  • Develop and evaluate innovative management strategies and recommendations (including grass hedges and buffer strips) to reduce soil and agricultural chemical export to neighboring ecosystems.

Spectral and spatial measurements and modeling to improve nutrient management and environmental quality

The overall objective is to exploit the spectral, spatial, temporal, and bidirectional domains of remotely sensed data for the extraction of quantitative physical and physiological information about vegetation and soils.
  • Develop remote sensing methods for quantifying nutrients and constructing nutrient budgets for crops at the leaf, field, watershed, and regional scales.
  • Develop methods for measuring crop residue cover and soil organic carbon at the field, watershed, and regional scales.
  • Develop remote sensing-based methods for quantifying and mapping zones for site-specific crop and soil management.
  • Develop and evaluate advanced remote sensing methods to detect weeds and narcotic plants.

Integrating Remote Sensing, Climate and Hydrology for Evaluating Water, Energy and Carbon Cycles

The overall objective is to develop process-based land surface algorithms and models using remote sensing technology and evaluate their utility for mapping surface states (i.e., soil moisture, surface temperature, vegetation cover, landscape roughness, soil erosion distribution, etc.) and water, energy and carbon fluxes from field and farm to watershed, regional and ultimately global scales.
  • Develop techniques for deriving local, regional, and global soil moisture, surface temperature, vegetation cover, and surface roughness distributions by integrating insitu measurements, remote sensing observations and land surface modeling products.
  • Investigate the utility of remote sensing data and water-energy-carbon flux models in evaluating the effects of spatial variability and scale on surface states and fluxes from field and farm to watershed and regional scales.
  • Develop a framework for integrating remote sensing data with land surface-atmosphere modeling schemes in order to understand the feedbacks of landscape heterogeneity (surface-air state coupling) on local and regional fluxes.
  • Integrate micrometeorological measurements of carbon exchange into regional models of ecosystem processes, which are driven by remotely sensed vegetation indices, for rangelands.

Development and evaluation of new remote sensing technologies to assess food and fiber production

The overall objective is to develop and integrate new methods for the retrieval of soil and crop information using remote sensing and complementary technologies.
  • Integrate remotely sensed information with plant growth models and other data sources to monitor and manage seasonal agricultural commodity production in a timely manner.
  • Integrate the applcation of GIS, GPS and satellite image processing technologies for monitoring and managing agricultural resources during the crop season.
  • Improve our ability to use microwave, visible, near-infrared, and therm,al data for the retrieval of biophysical plant canopy parameters to develop land-cover classification and assess productivity of agricultural crops and rangelands.
  • Evaluate new satellite sensor systems with higher spectral, temporal and spatial resolutions for applications in site specific management and crop production assessment.
  • Analyze and interpret short-term effects of global change onn weather and its influence on crop yields.

Research Highlights

Soil Hydraulic Properties

Preferential movement of surface applied chemicals to the groundwater has resulted in a need to physically model the movement of water into and through the soil. Knowledge of the matrix and macropore soil hydraulic properties is critical to describing these field scale processes. Methods were developed using fractal principles to describe macropores. The Marshall saturated hydraulic conductivity equation was modified to predict the hydraulic conductivity based on soil properties. This development enables the use of domain concept for modeling both macropores and matrix flow in soils; thus, allowing the identification of potential pollutant paths and the evaluation of agricultural practices on these paths

Walter Rawls:

Rawls, W.J., D.L. Brakensiek, and S.D. Logsdon. 1996. Estimation of macropore properties for no till soils. Transactions ASAE. 39(1): 91-95.

Environmental Fate of Agricultural Chemicals

Tilled Field

Top View

No-till Field

Corn rows from Tilled and no-tilled fields

Volatilization and leaching losses of agricultural chemicals are not only an economic loss to the farmer but pose a threat to water quality. If truly sustainable production systems are to be developed, methods for accurately quantifying the effect of various production practices on chemical behavior must be developed. Recently, complex photographic techniques and image analysis of a soluble dye were linked to bromide tracer and pesticide leachate concentrations so that the effect of tillage on spatial flow patterns could be determined and visualized. Visual observations and chemical breakthrough curves showed that preferential chemical transport was common under both tillage regimes. However unlike the flow pathways observed in the tilled field, no-tillage flow pathways were associated with bio-pores. The bio-pores were not only effective in transporting the applied chemical but gave evidence of enhanced microbial activity. As a result, linkage of preferential flow pathways and microbial activity will not only be paramount to the development of production systems but also for modeling efforts that attempt to accurately simulate the impact of agricultural chemicals in the field.

Tim Gish:

T.J. Gish, A. Shirmohammadi, R. Vyravipillai, and B.J. Wienhold. 1995. Herbicide leaching under tilled and no-tillage fields. Soil Sci. Soc. Am J. 59:895-901.

Grass Hedges for Erosion Control

Concentrated flow erosion is a major concern in agricultural areas around the world. In a series of recent studies, quantitative data has been collected showing that narrow, stiff grass hedges act as a filter to slow and broaden the flow area, resulting in ponding that increases settling times for suspended material to be deposited. This causes the development of terraces that further reduce the steepness of slopes giving even larger areas for the water to spread. Narrow, stiff grass hedges should not be seen as a panacea but as another tool to control soil loss from agricultural fields. Stiff grass hedges are an alternative conservation practice for reducing soil loss and dispersing runoff from areas of concentrated flow erosion in agricultural fields.

Jerry Ritchie:

Ritchie, J.C., W.D. Kemper and J.M. Englert. 1997. Narrow stiff grass hedges for erosion control, pp.195-204. In: D.E. Walling and J.-L. Probst (eds.), Human impact on erosion and sedimentation, Intl. Assoc. Hydrological Sci. Publ. No. 245.

Spatially Distributed Basin Fluxes

Sensors attached to a yoke enable workers to gather data on vegetation and soil properties The capability to compute spatially distributed energy and water fluxes over a basin is essential for identifying sources and sinks of hydrologic, atmospheric and biogeochemical fluxes. Remote sensing information provides key spatial information which has been used in operational models for extrapolating local fluxes to whole basins. This technique has been tested at field and basin scales over agricultural and natural landscapes. For area averaged regional scale fluxes, similarity formulations for the atmospheric boundary layer have been combined with surface temperature and reflectance data collected over large areas. The models developed are the first of their kind for computing all components of the energy balance in a spatially distributed manner using primarily remote sensing technology in climate and hydrologic research. The model-derived fluxes will provide one of the few independent methods for evaluating new techniques and concepts used in prognostic hydrologic and climate models for computing spatially distributed fluxes at regional scales.
Bill Kustas:

Kustas. W.P., T.J. Schmugge and L.E. Hipps. 1996. On using mixed-layer transport parametrizations with radiometric surface temperature for computing regional scale sensible heat. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. pp. 205-221.

Measuring Landscape Properties Using an Airborne Laser Altimeter

Measurement of landscape surface properties have been made using a laser altimeter mounted in an airplane and analyzed to provide data on topography, surface roughness, stream and gully cross-sections and vegetation canopy properties. Laser measurements of vegetation cover and height were correlated to ground measurements made with line intercept methods. Measurements of topography can contribute to a better quantification of the movement of water over landscape surfaces. Airborne laser altimeters offer the potential to measure large areas quickly and easily, providing valuable data for understanding and managing natural resources at large scales. Dr. Ritchie monitoring laser altimeter inside the airplane
Jerry Ritchie:

Ritchie, J.C. 1996. Remote sensing applications to hydrology: airborne laser altimeters. Hydrological Sci. J. 41(4):625-636.

Gathering snow depth data

Climate Change Effects on Water Supply

A hydrological model is the best tool known today to project the potential effects of climate change on water supply. Because the majority of water in the West comes from snowmelt, the Snowmelt Runoff Model (SRM) has been employed for such projections. In addition to changes in temperature and precipitation which can be input directly, an algorithm has been developed that calculates changes in basin snow cover under the new climate. It has been discovered that many model parameters, overlooked by other investigators, will also change in a response to the changing climate. Use of SRM under conditions of climate change has shown that the spring runoff peak will shift by 2-4 weeks earlier in the year. The average proportion of winter runoff/summer runoff in the Rockies will change from 13/87% to 28/72%. Water resources management for irrigation, hydropower, and domestic supplies will have to change to keep pace with the changes in climate.

Al Rango:

Rango, A. 1995. Effects of climate change on water supplies in mountainous snowmelt regions. World Resource Review 7(3):315-325.

ARS Water Database

The ARS Water Database is a collection of precipitation and streamflow data from small agricultural watersheds in the United States. This national archive of variable time-series readings for precipitation and runoff contains over 16,000 station years of data. Watersheds used as study areas range from .2 hectare (0.5 acres) to 12,400 square kilometers (4,786 square miles). Raingage networks range from one station per watershed to over 200 stations. The period of record for individual watersheds vary from 1 to 50 years. Various types of ancillary data include maximum-minimum daily air temperature, land management practices, topography and soils information. These data are useful to researchers, hydrologists and engineers for climate change studies, hydrologic modeling and comparing management strategies. A CD-ROM is available with management software designed to run in a Microsoft Windows environment. Internet access is available using the URL: html.

Jane Thurman:

Thurman, J.L. and R.T. Roberts. 1996. Comparative study of distribution strategies for the ARS Water Database. ASAE 6th Intl. Conf. Of Computers and Agriculture. Proc. of Computers in Agriculture. pp. 762-768.

Successive Soil Moisture images showing drying down of the soil

New Antenna Technology Evaluated for Soil Moisture Applications

A multibeam aircraft passive microwave radiometer using new synthetic aperture technology was built and installed on a NASA aircraft. Through the cooperative efforts of ARS, NASA, and the University of Massachusetts, the performance of the prototype instrument was successfully verified in two large-scale experiments. In Walnut Gulch, AZ, a short duration experiment showed that soil moisture estimates had accuracies comparable with ground sampling and other aircraft sensors. A longer duration experiment in the Little Washita watershed, OK involved mapping over 600 sq. km at a 200m resolution every day for an eight day period. The resulting data revealed significant spatial patterns in soil moisture that have been associated with the soil texture distribution of the region.

Tom Jackson:

Jackson, T.J. 1997. Soil moisture estimation using special satellite microwave/imager satellite data over a grassland region. Water Resources Research. 33(6): 1475-1484.

Estimating Surface Temperature Remotely

Surface temperature is a key remotely sensed variable for estimating the partitioning of available surface energy into heat and moisture fluxes from the surface to the atmosphere. However, the emissivity of the surface must be known in order to convert radiometric temperature measured with remotely sensed data to a physically meaningful temperature. Appropriate values of that parameter for semi-arid ecosystems are not well known. Ground-based remotely sensed data were used to estimate surface emissivity for two very typical semi-arid ecosystems (desert grasslands and shrubland).

Tom Schmugge:

Chanzy, A., T.J. Schmugge, J.-C. Calvet, Y. Kerr, P. van Oevelen, O.Grosjean, J.R. Wang. 1997. Airborne microwave radiometry on a semi-arid area during HAPEX-Sahel. Hydrology. pp. 285-309.

Interdisciplinary Field Experiments

An essential element of research in hydrology is the collection, analysis and interpretation of experimental data for developing and testing hypotheses, which eventually leads to improved modeling of hydrological processes. Hydrology and Remote Sensing Lab scientists have lead or participated in a wide range of field studies. They include NASA supported large scale field experiments for improved modeling of land surface and climate processes and for evaluating the utility of remote sensing (HAPEX-Mobilhy, FIFE, HAPEX-Sahel, Monsoon '90, Washita '92, Washita '94 and SGP '97) and USDA sponsored studies related to Global Climate Change (Jornex '95, '96, '97). Data from these studies are being used by Hydrology and Remote Sensing Lab scientists and cooperators for improving model parametrizations of hydrologic and atmospheric processes and for evaluating the utility of remote sensing in providing spatial and temporal information of key landscape variables including soil moisture, vegetation cover, snow cover, surface roughness and topography, and surface temperature.

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Last updated:  Hydrology and Remote Sensing Home Beltsville Agricultural Research Center Agricultural Research Service U. S. Department of Agriculture