Title for MeetingAbstracts
Alphabetical listing of titles
Relapse among HIV prevention street outreach workers in recovery.
Relapse from safer sex among homosexual men: evidence from four cohorts in the AIDS community demonstration projects.
Relapse from safer sex: the AIDS behavioral research project.
Relapse in safer sexual practices among homosexual men: two year follow-up from the Chicago - MACS.
Relapse of disseminated mycobacteriun avium complex disease and emergence of resistance to clarithromycin despite treatment with a multidrug regimen.
Relapse of HIV-related thrombocytopenia (HIV-TCP) after switching from zidovudine (zdv) to didanosine (ddI).
Relapse of pentamidine-induced diabetes in AIDS patient.
Relapse prevention versus health education to prevent STD/HIV in heterosexual women: a randomized control trial.
Relapse Rate of Methicillin Resistant Staphyloccus aureus (MRSA) in Successfully Decolonized MRSA Carriers.
Relapse vs. Reinfection in HIV-Positive Patients Suffering from Recurrent Clostridium difficile-Associated Diarrhea (CDAD) Episodes: a Molecular Analysis.
Relapse, drug resistance and compliance to anti-tuberculosis therapy in patients with tuberculosis and AIDS: a case-control study.
Relapse-prevention theory increases understanding of consistent condom use with casual partners among gay men.
Relapsed Kala Azar (KA) in HIV positive patients as a clinical condition to start ARV: A study of 11 patients in North-West Ethiopia.
Relapses of brain toxoplasmosis (BT) in 25 AIDS patients.
Relapses of oral candidiasis in HIV infected patients under fluconazole prophylaxis.
Relapsing Helicobacter cinaedi bacteremia in an AIDS patient.
Relapsing visceral leishmaniasis despite effective protease inhibitor therapy in AIDS patients.
Relating depression to neuropsychological impairment.
Relating subjective sleep complaints, immune status, and psychological state in HIV.
Relation between adherence to anti-retroviral treatment and therapeutic outcome.
Relation between bronchopulmonary infections and development of the seropositivity state by HIV.
Relation between CD4 lymphocyte count and H.I.V. patients surgical risk.
Relation between CD4+ T lymphocyte counts, tuberculosis, other opportunistic infections (OI) or Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) in Spanish AIDS patients.
Relation between cross-reactivity and affinity of human monoclonal antibodies (HumAbs) to synthetic peptides of the V3 loop of divergent HIV strains.
Relation between decreasing seric CD4 lymphocyte count and outcome of toxoplasmosis in AIDS patients: a basis for primary prophylaxis.
Relation between decreasing seric CD4 lymphocytes count and outcome of cryptococcosis in AIDS patients: a basis for new diagnosis strategy.
Relation between HIV disease stages and the activities of HIV specific cytotoxic effector cells.
Relation between HIV infection and Non-A, Non-B hepatitis.
Relation between lipodystrophy and carotid intima-media thickness in HIV-1 infected patients.
Relation between Lopinavir Plasma Blood Concentrations and Hypertriglyceridemia in Naive and Protease Inhibitors-experienced Patients.