Title for MeetingAbstracts
Alphabetical listing of titles
Reliability, validity and usefulness of MOS-HIV and WHOQOL health survey tools in African socio-cultural context.
Reliability, validity, and usefulness of touch-screen administration of QOL and adherence instruments in an outpatient clinic.
Reliable CD4 T-cell enumeration in Brazil. The impact of single platform absolute counting technology with a linage specific marker and an external quality assessment program.
Reliable Diagnosis of Neonatal HIV-1 Infection by Real Time PCR in Congo.
Reliable diagnosis of pediatric HIV infection within four months of life by combined use of polymerase chain reaction and virus culture.
Reliable differentiation between anti HIV-1 and anti HIV-2 antibodies using a competitive assay.
Reliablity of a quality measurement tool in assessing suicide prevention studies.
Reliance on activated CD4+ T lymphocytes for clearance of Cryptococcus neoformans from the central nervous system.
Reliance on VA/Medicare by Dually Eligible Veterans with Diabetes.
Religion and HIV knowledge among African immigrants living in New York City.
Religion and HIV risk perception among African immigrants living in New York City.
Religion and HIV/AIDS:an interfaith response.
Religion and the formation of HIV/AIDS prevention views and choices in Mozambique.
Religion as a tool in preventing the spread of HIV in Uganda.
Religion, behaviours, and circumcision as determinants of HIV dynamics in rural Uganda.
Religion: a major component for the prevention of HIV/AIDS and care of HIV-infected people.
Religions and school AIDS education: diversity of approaches.
Religious action at the international level in Africa: The example of international religious alliances against HIV in Africa (ARIVA).
Religious and cultural aspects: an intergrated approach to AIDS in Uganda (Africa).
Religious and cultural norms versus safe sex program for school children: the case of Tanzania.
Religious and HIV/AIDS prevention-implementation in Mpwapwa District.
Religious and individual influences on the dynamics of a therapeutic support group of Muslim people living with HIV/AIDS.
Religious beliefs and dogmas on population issues and HIV and AIDS prevention.
Religious beliefs and sexual behaviour of tertiary level students in Zambia.
Religious ethics and struggle campaigns against HIV/AIDS.
Religious leaders as AIDS educators in Sierra Leone.
Religious leaders in Sao Paulo Brazil join the AIDS prevention and control.
Religious leaders in Sao Paulo, Brazil: an overtime challenge for AIDS prevention.
Religious NGOs involvment to enhance HIV prevention and AIDS care.
Religious organisation and instutions.