Title for MeetingAbstracts
Alphabetical listing of titles
Role of Plasmid and Chromosome in Ertapenem Resistance of Klebsiella pneumoniae.
Role of PLWAs.
Role of podophyllin resin therapy in oral hairy leukoplakia in HIV infection: clinicopathologic study.
Role of Prayer in the Treatment of Arthritis: Is There an Ethnic Difference in Perception?
Role of private sector business in workplace interventions on HIV/AIDS prevention, care and control.
Role of Probus Clubs( Clubs for senior citizens-retired and retiring, sponsored by Rotary Clubs International ) in serving prevention of HIV spread and care & support.
Role of professionally trained counselor at community based care center for PLHA (people living wIth HIV/AIDS).
Role of proinflammatory mediators and CD11a-ligand interactions in HIV-1 infected macrophage transmigration across an activated HEC-1 cell monolayer.
Role of publications in disseminating correct AIDS/HIV information and influencing behaviour among the youth.
Role of pulmonary consultations in diagnosis (and treatment) of HIV/AIDS patients.
Role of pulmonary function tests (PFT) and CD4 lymphocyte count for diagnosing lung complications in AIDS.
Role of Putative Efflux Pumps in Fluoroquinolone Resistance of Streptococcus pneumoniae.
Role of PWA's in promoting positive behaviour change.
Role of RANTES Gene Polymorphisms in HIV Infection Is Neutralized by HCV Co-infection.
Role of religion in HIV infection control.
Role of religious leaders in creating demand for VCT services in Tanzania, experience from ANGAZA program.
Role of Resistance and Fitness in Driving the Evolution of the Protease in Patients Failing Treatment with Protease Inhibitors.
Role of Rev regulation in HIV replication and pathogenesis.
Role of rhesus cytomegalovirus (CMV) and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) in SIV-associated pneumonia.
Role of scout movement on AIDS education.
Role of service staff of STD clinics in targeted intervention programmes for SWs and other marginal communities.
Role of SHP-1 Deregulation in HTLV-1 Leukemogenesis.
Role of SIV-specific cellular and humoral immunity in protection against SIV infection in macaques.
Role of Small Colony Variants of Staphylococcus aureus in Infections.
Role of social workers in mainstreaming HIV in Southern Africa.
Role of Structured Regions within the R-U5 Intron of Simian Immunodeficiency Virus in RNA Packaging and Dimerization.
Role of substance use in influencing HIV/STD risk behavior in four American countries.
Role of supervision and mystery client surveys in maintaining quality of counseling in VCT services, experience from ANGAZA program.
Role of T-cell Activation in Determining CD4+ T-cell Count Changes among HIV-infected Patients with Drug-resistant Viremia.
Role of T-tropic HIV-1 V(3) loop in viral entry into cells analyzed with 3 different anti-CXCR-4 monoclonal antibodies.