Title for MeetingAbstracts
Alphabetical listing of titles
Role of host factors and AIDS pathogenesis.
Role of host factors in the resistance to intracellular pathogens.
Role of host-cellular proteases on HIV-1 infection.
Role of HTA during priority-setting within regional health authorities in Alberta.
Role of human cytomegalovirus immediate-early2 protein in transcriptional activation of the c-jun promoter.
Role of Human Metapneumovirus and Other Common Respiratory Viruses in Children's Hospitalization for Acute Respiratory Tract Infections: a Two-Year Study Using Multiplex PCR.
Role of Human Toll-like Receptor 4 (TLR4) in Lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-Induced NF-k B Activation in Endothelial Cells (EC).
Role of IFN-g, IL-10, and MIP-1a in Experimental Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Pneumonia.
Role of IL-18 in Mycobacterium-induced granuloma formation in IL-18 knockout mice.
Role of Immune Hyperactivation and Failing Thymic Homeostasis in the Pathogenesis of AIDS.
Role of in-hospital palliative care service.
Role of Influenza Infection in Different Settings of Pediatric Practice.
Role of informal health care providers in prevention and control of HIV/AIDS.
Role of information system on AIDS prevention in Pakistan.
Role of Integrase Interactor-1 (INI1)/hSNF5 in Early and Late Events of HIV-1 Replication and in Cellular Function.
Role of interferon beta in the restriction of HIV replication in human monocyte/macrophages.
Role of Interferon-Gamma and Interleukin-1 in Inflammatory Responses in Murine Respiratory Infection with Legionella pneumophila.
Role of Interferon-Gamma in Inflammatory Responses in Murine Respiratory Infection with Legionella pneumophila.
Role of interleukin-18 in patients with HIV-1 infection.
Role of laccase in the virulence of Cryptococcus neoformans.
Role of LBP and CD14 in Bacterial Sepsis.
Role of legislation in the establishment and success of condom social marketing programs.
Role of Leptin in Streptococcus pneumoniae Induced Pneumonia.
Role of leucine-100 in the binding of NNRTIs to HIV-1 RT: implications for NNRTI therapy and drug resistance.
Role of LpxC, a Target for Novel Antibiotic Discovery, in Natural Resistance to Antibiotics.
Role of lymphocyte adhesion molecules in the spreading of HIV infection.
Role of Macrophage Mannose Receptor in the Binding and Transmission of HIV-1.
Role of macrophages in pathogenesis of HIV.