Title for MeetingAbstracts
Alphabetical listing of titles
RPR202868/RPR132552, a New Oral Streptogramin: In Vivo Efficacy against Experimental Staphylococcus aureus Infections in Mice.
RPR202868/RPR132552, A New Oral Streptogramin: In Vivo Efficacy against Experimental Streptococcus pneumoniae Infections in Mice.
RPR202868/RPR132552, A New Oral Streptogramin: Intracellular Activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Legionella pneumophila in Murine Macrophages.
RQTS. quality standard of condoms based on a rheological model.
RRC Irkutsk branch HIV/AIDS activities and lessons learned.
RSC-AP: Where do we go from here?
RT-nested touchdown PCR is an effective method for gene amplification in genotypic analysis of drug-resistant HIV-1.
RT-PCR detection and sequence analysis of nef mRNA during HIV-1 disease.
RTF expression may indicate the presence of secondary infection in individuals with HIV.
RTI/STI control: field test of a strategic planning tool.
RTV and IDV therapy at 28 weeks after 32 weeks' SQV therapy - influence of HIV-1 protease mutations.
Rubella Seroprevalence among Women of Childbearing Age in Argentina.
Rubella Susceptibility Predicts Measles Susceptibility: Implications for Postpartum Immunization.
Rubella virus interferes with the expression of HIV and mumps virus in human lymphoid cell lines.
Rules for adequate care after accidental skin lesions with risk of exposure for blood borne infection.
Rumours and silences: illness perceptions and moral practice in rural Tanzania.
Runaway U.S. health expenditures: an international comparison of the components of health care spending.
Runaway/homeless street youth in Denver, New York, and San Francisco: determinants of high risk behavior.
Rupture, Invasion and Inflammatory Destruction of the Intestinal Barrier by Shigella.
Rural - Urban Differences in End-of-life Care: the Use of Feeding Tubes.
Rural AIDS cases in Mexico.
Rural AIDS cases in Mexico: a new challenge for AIDS clinical services.
Rural ambulatory medical care: patterns and determinants of a key health care technology.
Rural and Urban Hospital Outcomes after Acute Myocardial Infarction.
Rural and urban mobility and attendant sexual behavior.
Rural Chronic Disease Management in an Uninsured Population: A Pilot Study of a Large Community Health Center's Diabetes Disease Management Program for the Uninsured in Tucson, Arizona and the Surrounding Communities.
Rural Chronic Disease Management: Selected Outcomes from Five Health Systems Serving Diverse Rural Populations.
Rural clinic model for syphilis and HIV voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) implementation based on lessons learned during introduction of an antenatal rapid syphilis test in eastern Cape Province, South Africa.
Rural Communities: out of sight, out of mind.
Rural communities: out of sight, out of mind.