Title for MeetingAbstracts
Alphabetical listing of titles
Role of window phase in transfusion mediated infection of human immunodeficiency virus.
Role of youth in AIDS education.
Role of zinc coordinating amino acids of nucleocapsids in the HIV life cycle.
Role of zinc in the structure and function of HIV-1 integrase.
Role on monocytes in recall antigen responses and cytokine dysregulation in HIV infection.
Role plays as education technique for preventing AIDS: an experience shared among some prostitutes of Kinshasa living in a well known neighbourhood.
Role the immunodeficiency virus nef gene and the production in CNS tropism.
Role utilization of nurses in public psychiatry.
Role(s) of the NF-kB protein and of endogenous cytokines in the increased HIV expression in chronically infected U937 cells upon in vitro differentiation by hydroxy-vitamin D3.
Roles and functions of two types of programs to support HIV-positive orphans in Nairobi, Kenya.
Roles of academic institution in enhancing care for people living with HIV and AIDS.
Roles of Adult Primary Care and Obstetrics/Gynecology Practices In Providing Gynecologic Care to Women in a Managed Care Organization.
Roles of Buddhist philosophy in facing HIV/AIDS in northern Thailand: Faith based interventions.
Roles of CDR2- and CDR3-like domains of CD4 in functional interactions with HIV envelope glycoproteins and immune function as defined by monoclonal antibodies and synthetic peptides.
Roles of conserved glycosylation sites of HIV-1 gp41.
Roles of Distance to Providers and Access in the Relationship of Remoteness to Length of Stay in Psychiatric Wards of Taiwan.
Roles of HTLV-1 and genetic background in rat model of HAM/TSP.
Roles of mutagenically-separated PCR as a tool for monitoring antiretroviral drug resistant HIV-1 in resource limited setting.
Roles of PWA groups.
Roles of sialic acid in HIV-1 infection.
Romance and safer sex: a semi-humorous neuro-literary exploration.
Romance, tourism, and AIDS: community organizing and empowerment in Santo Domingo, D.R.
Romanian American HIV prevention project to train primary care providers in Romania.
Romantic relationship phases of African American gay/bisexual male adolescents.
Romantic relationships: Negotiation of social purity and its implications on sexual safety of college-going young people in urban Bangladesh.
Room for improvement: informing and evaluating prevention communication programs for adolescents through phone surveys.
Room for Improvement: Poor Quality of Evaluation of Interventions for Improving Antibiotic Prescribing to Hospital Inpatients.
Root caries and oral conditions in people with HIV.
Root growth physiology of the tomato mutant diageotropica.
Root-zone temperature effects on continuous irradiation injury on potato.