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Pharmacist Professional Advisory Committee

Department of Health and Human Service= s


Minutes of= Meeting

03 April 2= 008

Surgeon General’s Conference Room

Parklawn Building

1300-1528<= o:p>

Members Prese= nt:


In Rockville:


CDR Beth Fabian Fritsch, FDA-Rockville, MD

CDR Patricia Garvey, FDA-Silver Spring, MD

CDR Scott Giberson, IHS-Rockville, MD

CDR Mary Kremzner, FDA-Rockville, MD

CDR Josephine Lyght, HRSA-Rockville, MD

LT Joseph Zagame, OS-Rockville, MD


Via Telephone= :

RADM = Robert Pittman (CPO), IHS-Rockville, MD

LCDR = Violette Ganoe (Chair), BOP-Bradford, PA

CAPT = James Bresette, IHS-Rockville, MD

CAPT = Lia Prela, CMS-Baltimore, MD

CAPT = Kimberly Zietlow, IHS-Red Lake, MN

CDR Christopher Allen, CDC-Atlanta= , GA

CDR C= hristine Chung, DHS-El Centro, CA

CDR R= ichard DeCederfelt, NIH-Bethesda, MD

CDR M= ichael Shiber, BOP-Washington, DC

CDR M= atthew Tarosky, FDA-Rockville, MD

CDR P= eter Vermilyea, IHS-Winslow, AZ

LCDR = Cedric Guyton, IHS-Tucson,= AZ (alternate for CAPT Robert McClella= nd)

LCDR G. Brent Hobbs, IHS-Whiteriver, AZ

LCDR Kristina Joyce (JOAG), FDA-Philadelphia,


LCDR Jeffrey Newman, BOP-Springfield, MO

LCDR Jeff Mallette (Executive Secretary), BOP-

    Pensacola, FL (alternate for CDR Michael Shiber

    for first hour of meeting)


Members Absen= t:


CAPT Robert McClelland, IHS-Elko, NV – excused; alternate present

CDR Nita Sood (Ex-Officio), HRSA-Rockville, MD

LCDR Patrick Romero, DHS-Clearwater, FL – excused (TDY); alternate present


Guests:<= /o:p>

CAPT Jim Imholte, ASPR-Kansas City, MO

CAPT Raelene Skerda, HRSA-Rockville, MD

CDR Thomas Berry, FDA-Raleigh, NC

CDR Michelle Dillahunt, FDA-Rockville, MD

CDR James Good, DHS-Tacoma, WA

CDR Paula LaPlant, FDA-Swanton, VT

CDR Mark McClain, FDA-Hartford, CT

CDR Mark Strong, BOP-Leavenworth, KS

CDR Jacqueline Thomas, CDC-Atlanta, GA

CDR Catherine Vieweg, FDA-Dallas, TX

CDR Teresa Watkins, FDA-Rockville, MD

LCDR Irene Ahlstrom, BOP-Dublin, CA

LCDR B. Nhi Beasley, FDA-Silver Spring, MD

LCDR Postelle Birch-Smith, FDA-Rockville, MD

LCDR Vicky Borders-Hemphill, FDA-Silver

   &nb= sp; Spring, MD

LCDR Lori Cantin, FDA-Silver Spring, MD

LCDR Jefferson Fredy, OS-Rockville, MD

LCDR Jeff Haug, DHS-Pearsall, TX

LCDR Thomas Hincliffe, FDA-Rockville, MD

LCDR Lisa Kwok, FDA-Rockville, MD

LCDR Larry Lim, FDA-Rockville, MD

LCDR Sohail Mosaddegh, FDA-Rockville, MD

LCDR Diem-Kieu Ngo, FDA-Rockville, MD

LCDR Ryan Nguyen, FDA-Rockville, MD

LCDR Keith Olin, FDA-Rockville, MD

LCDR Mimi Phan, FDA-Silver Spring, MD

LCDR Amy Osborn, BOP-Leavenworth, KS

LCDR James Saunders, FDA-Silver Spring, MD

LCDR Kendra Stewart, FDA-Rockville, MD

LCDR Christina Thompson, FDA-Rockville, MD

LCDR Chi-Ann (Ruby) Wu, FDA-Rockville, MD

LCDR Nate Yale, IHS-Gallup, NM

LT Dan Brum, FDA-Silver Spring, MD

LT Hollie Cook, BOP-Washington, DC

LT Glendolynn Johnson, FDA-Rockville, MD

LT Liatte Krueger, BOP-Rochester, MN

LT Susan Pellock, FDA-Rockville, MD

LT Juliette Toure, CMS-Baltimore, MD

LT Alex Townley, Lame Deer, MT

LT Jeffrey Vang, IHS-Mt. Pleasant, MI

LT Nicole Vesely, FDA-Rockville, MD

Janice Belknap, pharmacy student

Kayla Hatt, pharmacy student

Annalise Jencson, pharmacy student

Bic Nguyen, pharmacy student

Ryan Pederson, pharmacy student

Sara Phillips, pharmacy student

Ashley VanderSchoor, pharmacy student



Call to Order:  LCDR Violette Ganoe (vganoe@bop.gov)


  • LCDR Violette Ganoe called the April 2008 Pharmacist Professional Advisory Committee (PharmPAC) meeting to order



Acceptance of 06 March 2008 PharmPAC Meeting Minutes:  LCDR Violette Ganoe (vganoe@bop.gov)


  • Minutes from the 06 March 2008 PharmPAC meeting were accepted with no edits via motion from LT Joseph Zagame with a second from CDR Matthew Tarosky



CPO Report à RADM Robert Pittman


  • Assistant Secretary for Health (= ASH)

o   &nb= sp;    Dr. Joxel Garcia confirmed by the Senate


  • OFRD

o   &nb= sp;    Website




March = 31

o   &nb= sp;    Deployments



  • Promotions

o   &nb= sp;    2009 precepts to be released in late April

o   &nb= sp;    Officers will have until Dec 31, 2008 to meet 2009 precepts for PY2009

  • Daily Uniform Wear

o   &nb= sp;    Effective July 1, 2008 

  • Retention Bonus <= /li>

o   &nb= sp;    Increase to $15,000 monthly effective Februa= ry 21, 2008

o   &nb= sp;    End of Month pay for March 2008 reflected the monthly increase for March as well as the portion from February 21 to the e= nd of the month

  • APhA Meeting

o   &nb= sp;    Went very well

o   &nb= sp;    Received lots of interest from recruits

o   &nb= sp;    Thank you to all the volunteers and particip= ants as well as to LCDR Ganoe and CDR Fritsch for coordinating activities

  • Office of the Surgeon General (O= SG)

o   &nb= sp;    LCDR Jefferson Fredy, pharmacist officer new= ly assigned to OSG, presented to CPO Board regarding the activities of the Off= ice of Reserve Affairs<= /p>

  • Quadriennial Review of Military Compensation  =

o   &nb= sp;    Reviewed every four years

o   &nb= sp;    Proposal forthcoming for Congress to adjust military pay; RADM Pittman will disseminate proposals to the PAC members

o   &nb= sp;    Military total compensation was compared to civilian sector compensation =

  • IHS/BOP Memo of Understanding

o   &nb= sp;    Will incorporate the BOP into the IHS clinic= al certification process through the NCPS program

  • Speech to Duquesne Unive= rsity Pharmacy Students

o   &nb= sp;    RADM Pittman and other PHS pharmacists spoke with Duquesne University students that traveled to Beth= esda, MD to learn more about the = Public Health Service



Presentation of Awards/Certificates: CDR Beth Fabian Fritsch (beth.fritsch@fda.hhs.gov)


  • Unit Commendation – for outstanding work with the Public Health Pharm= acy Workgroup

o      =   LT Rosalyn Adigun            = ;            &n= bsp;            = ;    LCDR Lisa Kwok     &nb= sp;            =             &nb= sp;         

o      =   LCDR Kristina Arnwine      &n= bsp;            = ;            &n= bsp; LCDR Larry Lim     &nbs= p;            &= nbsp;      

o      =   LT Kwadwo Awuah            =                       &= nbsp;        LCDR Iain Margand     &= nbsp;         

o      =   LCDR James Barlow            = ;            &n= bsp;            = ; LCDR Binh Nguyen

o      =   LCDR William H. Bender            =             &nb= sp;     LCDR Ryan Nguyen

o      =   LCDR Postelle D Birch            = ;            &n= bsp;          CDR Nina Mezu-Nwaba

o      =   LCDR Peter Chen            = ;            &n= bsp;            = ;          CDR John Quinn

o      =   LT Benjamin Danso            = ;            &n= bsp;            = ;     LCDR Soojung S Park

o      =   LCDR Michelle Dillahunt            =             &nb= sp;     LCDR Devvrat Patel

o      =   CDR David Diwa            =             &nb= sp;            =         LCDR Paras Patel

o      =   LCDR Oluchi Elekwachi            = ;            &n= bsp;       LCDR Sandeep Saini

o      =   CAPT Simon Eng            =             &nb= sp;            =        LCDR Melaine M Shin

o      =   CAPT Sharon Gershon            = ;            &n= bsp;          LCDR Jeanne Skanchy

o      =   LCDR Renmeet Grewal            = ;            &n= bsp;            CDR Nita Sood

o      =   LCDR Tia Harper-Velazquez            =             &nb= sp;  LCDR Diane C Smith

o      =   LCDR Huijeong Ashley Hahm            =          LCDR Brenda L Stodart

o      =   CAPT Charlie Hoppes            = ;            &n= bsp;           LT Keri Ahn Suh

o      =   LCDR Elaine Hu            =             &nb= sp;            =         LCDR Vasavi T Thomas

o      =   LCDR Jinhee Lee Jahng            = ;            &n= bsp;        LT Christina Thompson

o      =   CAPT Joseph Lloyd Johnson            =             LT Jeffrey Vang

o      =   CDR William Koch           &nbs= p;            &= nbsp;           &nbs= p;    CAPT Adolph Vezza

o      =   LCDR Yoon Kong             = ;            &n= bsp;            = ;    LCDR Thuyanh Vu

o      =   CDR Alice D Knoben            = ;            &n= bsp;            LCDR Hawyee Yan



Section Lead Comments:


Career Development à = CDR Michael Shiber (MJShiber@bop.gov) / CDR Scott Giberson (Scott.Giberson@ihs.gov)


  • Immunization Update – LCDR= Keith Olin

o      =   Meeting held with the Acting Surgeon General= on March 21 – attended by RADM Robert Pittman, CDR Michael Shiber, CDR L= aura Pincock, CDR Beth Fabian-Fritsch

§o      =   2007 FOH Pharmacist Immunization Statistics<= /p>

§§§§o      =   COF Symposium


  •  Commissioned Corps Pharmacy Mentoring Network (CCPMN) – CDR Scott Giberson

o      =   Training program for mentors is undergoing a reevaluation process


  • Clinical Subgroup – CDR Sc= ott Giberson

o      =   Clinical Subgroup Webpage – LCDR Ryan Nguyen



Recruitmen= t (see attachment) à = CAPT James Bresette (James.Bresett= e@ihs.gov ) / CDR Peter Vermilyea (peter.vermilyea@wihcc.org)


o      =   WACS migration: = Domain name www.phspharmacist.org ha= s been purchased

o      =   Future home of t= he WACS website

o      =   Should be functi= onal by the end of this week

o      =   Hosting server h= as been found and fee is $19/month (includes all fees for having SQL server and reporting capabilities)

o      =   Want to ensure t= hat the private server will be capable of hosting the WACS database and report pages

o      =   Migration: plan = to have complete migration of the WACS database to www.phspharmacist.org by April 4= , 2008


  • Recruitment Website – CDR Mark McClain

o      =   Recruitment Sect= ion has a new look

§Modeled after th= e PPAC website

§Officers should = check it out and become familiar with it

§Items can usuall= y be found in two clicks – a vast improvement over the old site=

§The layout may c= hange as we gain experience in what works

o      =   2007 Recruitment Annual Report has been posted on the recruitment page of the PharmPAC websi= te

o      =   A proposal was m= ade by CDR Elizabeth Girard that we may want to have the PBKS under a new sub-head= ing like “Literature for New Applicants/Recruits” instead of under “Student Programs”


  • Student Programs – LCDR Larry Lim=

o      =   Developing a mes= sage to be sent through the Pharmacist Listserv that states we as a Pharmacy Category are willing to work with JOAG in helping match Junior and Senior COSTEPs – working in coordination with LCDR Kristina Joyce, the Pharm= PAC JOAG representative

o      =   Updated Senior Rotation contacts for the IHS, FDA, NIH, BOP, FDA and USCG related organizations on the PharmPAC Student Program – COSTEP, Residencies a= nd Externships site (http= ://www.hhs.gov/pharmacy/student.html)


  • University Points of Contact (UPOC) – CAPT James Bresette

o      =   The UPOC enrollm= ent form is now a fillable pdf and no longer requires “wet ink” signatures so can be emailed directly using an icon in the document; not ye= t on the website due to 508 compliance issues

o      =   The spring UPOC Newsletter will be published in the next month

o      =   LCDR Hobbs is wo= rking on linking the list of UPOCs that are also ARs


  • Pharmacy's Best Kept Secret (PBKS) – CDR Peter Vermilyea

o      =   PBKS, “Imp= ortant Topics/FAQs for UPOC’s, and the “Welcome to the USPHS” documents have been updated to include the new Pharmacist Special Pay and posted to the recruitment section of the website; minor corrections were al= so made

o      =   Special thanks t= o CDR Patrick Marshall for re-calculating the new numbers for the PBKS in time for the APhA meeting

o      =   Noted that the Pharmacist Specialty Pay is no longer variable and should not be listed as = such on the PBKS


  • Associate Recruiter Program (ARP) – LCDR Christine Bina

o      =   There is still N= O lift on the hold for new AR applicants

o      =   The AR list was updated on Thursday, March 27, 2008 – please check your status

o      =   The application process for the ARP is being transitioned from a quarterly to yearly proces= s, please see PHS Pharmacists Listserv reminder email sent on Thursday, March = 27, 2008

§This means those= ARs who are coming up on their yearly anniversary (March 31) will be responsible for meeting next years activities requirements by March 31, 2009=

§For those ARs wh= ose anniversary months are June 2008 and September 2008 will also be held to the same requirements for next year – March 2009; while this technically gives less time to meet requirements it is necessary to realign the process= for improved program operation; this information will be provided in detail at = the delayed AR update training for FY08

o      =   The delayed ARP = update training for FY08 will be made available NLT March 31; ARs will have until April 30 to complete this update training to maintain their eligibility for 2007-2008

o      =   ARL Training is scheduled for April 10 and 11, 2008 in Rockville, MD

o      =   APhA Conference = had 23 volunteers staff the recruiting booth; RADM Pittman sent each a thank-you letter

o      =   A raffle was hel= d for the individuals that showed interest in the USPHS during the APhA Meeting; = the winner will receive the book “Plagues and Politics” signed by t= he Acting Surgeon General; a follow-up e-mail will be sent to each individual = with a link attached forwarding them to information regarding USPHS

o      =   There is not much interest in holding AR training at the COF symposium



Communication àCDR Richard DeCederfelt (rdecederfe@nih.gov) / LCDR Patrick = Romero (Patrick.L.Romero@uscg.mil= )


  • PLANT – LT Dan Brum

o      =   Li= st of officers to be profiled in the coming year has been compiled by LT Dan Brum= and his workgroup

o      =   Ma= ny different agencies will be represented via officer profiles during the upco= ming year

o&nb= sp;       Tw= o profiles scheduled to go out in April 2008 - CAPT Chris Bina, BOP Chief Pharmacist a= nd LCDR Krista Scardina with HRSA


  • Public Health Pharmacy Workgroup; Childhood Obesity – CDR Richard DeCederfelt

o      =   To= date, 45 volunteers presenting in 23 different elementary schools


  • National Women’s Health We= ek – CDR Richard DeCederfelt

o      =   CA= PT Sharon Gershon has obtained free information for distribution and will be coordina= ting the distribution at the FDA’s White Oak location


  • Website – CDR Richard DeCederfelt

o      =   For audio to be posted on website, a text equivalent needs to be posted to meet= 508 compliance; we can continue to record the minutes for use by the Executive Secretary, but they cannot be posted without a text equivalent

o&nb= sp;       LC= DR Romero has met with Mr. Birdsong, CDR Richard Glabach, and CAPT Nick Quagli= etta to develop a prototype for the new website; Mr. Birdsong provided a step-by-step migration process

o&nb= sp;       Mi= gration from current site must take place by end of this fiscal year as the current contract for the website will be up at this time

o&nb= sp;       Co= ntinue to deal with 508 compliance issues

o      =   Co= nsidering forming a workgroup for the migration of information from the current websi= te to the new website – =

= §=       =    Wo= rkgroup would be made up of PharmPAC section chairs and those who have worked on technical issues of the website

= §         Section leads are to solicit volunteer from their section to contact CDR DeCederfelt for this workgroup; others interes= ted may also contact CDR DeCederfelt


  • Boy Scouts of America – CDR Richard DeCederfelt

o&nb= sp;       CD= R Nita Sood has been in contact CAPT Hoppes and CAPT Gershon

o&nb= sp;       Ba= sed upon the recommendation of the Acting Deputy Surgeon General, they are movi= ng forward with approaching the Boy Scouts of America about how to incorporate= the idea of a PHS Youth Corps



Administra= tion à CDR Mary Kremzner (Mary= .kremzner@fda.hhs.gov) / CAPT Kimberly Zietlow (kimberly.zietlow@ihs.gov)


  • History Project – LT Jeff Vang

o      =   Nearly complete;= final draft has been routed for review

o      =   Awaiting signing= of contract

o      =   Obstacles have b= een data collection from some of the agencies and the resignation of the histor= ian officer

o      =   Hope to have fin= alized version in late April or May 2008


  • Student Awards – CDR Patricia Garvey<= /b>

o      =   Forty nomination= s were received

§o      =   17 officers have committed to presenting awards



o        Please see attachment for entire report

o      =   American Pharmaceutical Association (APhA)

§§o      =   Drug Topics Annual Pharmacy Salary Survey<= /span>

§§         Survey can be found at http://drugtopics.modernmedicine.com/drugtopics/content= /contentDetail.jsp?id=3D500075



JOAG Report à LCDR Kristi= na Joyce (Kristina.Joyce@fda.hhs.gov)

  • JOAG is planning a Forward Thinking Retreat for junior officers the weekend before the COF Symposium in Tucson, AZ to held Saturday, J= une 9 through Monday, June 11

o      =   Purpose is to look at ways to plan for the future of the Commissioned Corps over the next 20 to 30 years

o      =   COF will provide the conference room

o      =   Facilitators will be officers from the BOP a= nd JOAG voting members

o      =   There is no fee, but officers will have to provide their own travel and lodging

o      =   Goal is 30 to 40 officers

o      =   Information to be sent out via JOAG listserv=

o      =   Contact is LCDR Aimee Treffiletti (atl5@cdc.gov) 

  • JOAG Communications and Publications Committee has created the JOAG Publications Resource

o      =   Compilation of several prominent professional organizations, categorized by each USPHS category, that would be likely opt= ions for officers wishing to publish information within their specialty or other= s

o      =   Each entry lists the names of the profession= al organization’s publications (journals, magazines, newsletters, etc) a= nd contact information for use when submitting content to these publications

o      =   Junior officers are encouraged to publish articles in a variety of professional publications to increase visibility of the Commissioned Corps

o      =   Resource to be available on the JOAG website= in the near future

  • JOAG Awards Committee

o      =   Working on initiative to enhance junior offi= cer recognition with their PACs

o      =   Seeking volunteers for this intiative

o      =   Contact is LCDR Dianne Paraoan (dianne.parao= an@fda.hhs.gov)

  • Next regular JOAG meeting

Friday,= April 11, 2008 at 1300 – 1500 hours

Call-in Number:  888-322-1791

Passcod= e: 83301



PAC Chair Report→ LCDR Violette Ganoe (vganoe@bop.g= ov)


  • CDR Scott Giberson is developing an assessment survey to look at ways to enhance PharmPAC meeting format, efficiently conduct the business of t= he PharmPAC and increase interest and participation from the field
  • Thank you to the breakout speakers at the APhA meeting



2008 COF Scientific Symposium Update à LCDR Christine Bina (Ch= ristine.bina@fda.hhs.gov)


  • Flyer for June 10 social will be sent out on the listserv
  • Early bird registration ends April 21
  • Hotel reservations for the second and third hotels are almost booked
  • Junior Officers (defined as officer O3 and below) may apply for scholarships = to apply to the cost of attending the symposium

o      =   Must be a member of COA

o      =   Certify in writing that agency turned officer down for funding

o      =   Information can be found at the symposium we= bsite

  • Student scholarships are available for full-time students.  Information can be found at t= he symposium website
  • There will be a free immunization clinic held the Friday of the symposium.  Those interested should e-mai= l LCDR Keith Olin



Agency Reports – LCDR Violette Ganoe <= span style=3D'text-decoration:none;text-underline:none'>(vganoe@bop.gov)

  • National Institutes of Health (NIH) – CDR Richard DeCederfelt

o      =   Pharmacotherapy Frontiers Continuing Educati= on Symposia Series continues on Saturday, April 12, 2008 from 7:30am to 12:25p= m; 0.4 ceu available; information can be found at http://= www.cc.nih.gov/pharm/pharmacotherapy_frontiers.html

o      =   CAPT (ret.) Robert DeChristoforo was named as chief of clinical center pharmacy department thus ending a period of a year without a chief pharmacist

o      =   Annual Continuing Education Symposium series hosted at NIH -   - Satur= day, April 12, 2008 – 4 hour program with four speakers – topics: anti-viral therapy update, treatment of multi-drug resistant gram-negative organisms, perspectives on prescription drug promotion, pharmacists role is SIDS risk reduction – enroll through the NIH website

  • Food and Drug Administration (FDA) – CDR Matthew Tarosky

o      =   CDR Tarosky provided a written report (please see attachment)

  • Bureau of Prisons (BOP) – LCDR Jeffrey Newman

o      =   BOP Pharmacists Meeting

§         April 14-18, 2008 in = Norman, OK

§         Topics include Anticoagulation training, APhA Pharmacy Based Lipid Management certification and APhA Pharmacy Based Immunization certification

  • Indian Health Service (IHS)

o      =   No report

  • DHS - United States= Coast Guard (USCG) – LCDR Patrick Romero (USCG) & CDR Christ= ine Chung (Immigration)

o      =   USCG – No Report

o      =   Immigration – March 13 teleconference outlining new capabilities available to ICE pharmacists

  • Heath Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) – CDR Josephine Lyght

o      =   National Poison Prevention Week

§         March 16-22, 2008

§         Online poison health campaign

§         Radio ads (bilingual)

  • Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)- CAPT Lia Prela

o      =   CAPT Prela provided a written report (please= see attachment)

  • Ex-Minimus Agencies – CDR Chris Allen – Centers for Disease Contr= ol and Prevention (CDC)

o      =   CDR Allen provided a written report (please = see attachment)

  • Office of the Secretary (OS)

o      =   No Report




Old/New Business:


  • COER

o      =   LT Jeff Vang inquired as to an update of the= new COER system being implemented next No report given

o      =   No new information is available at this time=



PharmPAC Business Meeting (Members/Alternates Meeting only; guests were asked to excuse

       themselves; LCDR Mallette conducted a membership roll call and all members listed above in the <= /o:p>

       attendance section were pres= ent and a quorum was formed)


  • OFRD Readiness – LCDR Viol= ette Ganoe

o      =   Proposed policy of “one and done” for readiness status was discussed among the membership

o      =   The majority of the membership, while acknowledging a system should be in place to ensure officers proactively pursued OFRD readiness, was very concerned about the ease with which any officer can fall off “ready” status with the current system = 211; there is no notification of upcoming requirement (ppd, bls, licensure, etc)= and the check is only quarterly.  = This proposal can provide too harsh a result on officers due to one lapse

o      =   Please provide further comments to LCDR Gano= e


  • Filling an Unexp= ired Term – CDR Mary Kremzner 

o      =   SOP Workgroup pr= oposed a review of this SOP topic and has proposed the following three options as possible changes:

§Version 1: In the event of an OPDIV change or reassignment of a member during the normal 3-ye= ar term, the member may complete the remaining time for the operational year for that OPDIV.  The vacancy will then = be announced to fill the remainder of the term.

§Version 2: In the event of an OPDIV change or reassignment of a member during the normal 3-ye= ar term, it will be at the discretion of the CPO and PAC Chair to allow the member to complete the term.

§Version 3: In the event of an OPDIV change or reassignment of a member during the normal 3-ye= ar term, the member has the option of completing the term or offering the PAC Chair a letter of resignation within 30 days.

o      =   Much discussion ensued, including other possibilities

o      =   No consensus was decided upon

o      =   CDR Kremzner is = to reword the possible options and send out via e-mail to the membership for an e-mail vote


  • PharmPAC Membership – CAPT= James Bresette

o      =   SOP Workgroup proposed a review of this SOP topic and has proposed five potential options (options e-mailed to PharmPAC= membership)

o      =   Much discussion ensued about the options including the possibility of having the Surgeon General raise the PharmPAC membership ceiling greater than 20.  Also discussed was the ex-minimus position and the fact that the CDC= now has more than 10 pharmacists.  Currently, an agency with more than 10 pharmacists qualifies for a voting membership position.

o      =   CDR Kremzner made a motion to leave the SOP = as is for now and to inquire from the Surgeon General’s office the possibility of having the PharmPAC membership ceiling raised to more than 20.  The motion was seconded b= y CAPT Bresette and approved by the membership with no dissenting votes.


The meeting w= as adjourned @ 1528 by motion from LCDR Violette Ganoe and second from CDR Mary Kremzner



Next Meeting Date:


01 May 2008, from 1300 to 1600 EST, Surgeon General’s Conference Room; Agenda and call-in information will= be distributed prior to the meeting


Useful Links and Contact Info:


¨       Emails: = ;      PharmPAC@list= .nih.gov

PHS-Ph= armacists@list.nih.gov

PHS-RX-JOBS@list.nih.gov<= /o:p>



¨       Listservs:&= nbsp;   PHS Pharmacists      https://list.ni= h.gov/archives/phs-pharmacists.html

    PHS Rx Students   &nbs= p;   https://list.ni= h.gov/archives/phs-rx-students.html 

     OFRD        &= nbsp;           &nbs= p;  https://list.nih.gov/archi= ves/ccrf.html

     RPh Job Vacancies  https://list.nih.go= v/archives/phs-rx-jobs.html

   CCMIS            =            https://list= .nih.gov/archives/ccinformation-l.html

   CC Vacancies        &= nbsp;  https://list.n= ih.gov/archives/ccvacancies-l.html 

PHS Immunizing Pharmacists    https://li= st.nih.gov/archives/phs-immunizing-pharm.html


¨       Websites:       PharmPAC        &= nbsp;         http://hhs.gov/pharmacy

      CCMIS        &= nbsp;            http://dcp.psc.gov

      USPHS         &= nbsp;             http://www.usphs.gov

      OFRD        &= nbsp;                http://oep.osophs.dhhs.gov/ccrf


--Respectfully Submitted,


____________________________= ___________/__________________

LCDR Jeff Mallette, Executive Secretary     &nbs= p;            &= nbsp;           Da= te


____________________________= __________/___________________

LCDR Violette Ganoe, Chair                =             &nb= sp;            =     Date


____________________________= __________/___________________

RADM Robert E. Pittman, CPO<= span style=3D'mso-tab-count:3'>        &= nbsp;         =                  =         Date




  1. Recruitment Section Report
  2. FDA Report
  3. CDC Report
  4. CMS Report
  5. Liaison Reports


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AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAj6RGiwAAIABJREFUeJztXQlj4jiy9jBACA6EcB/m 7axJ0jnoXFzmRv//T20dOo1NQk/P9Lxd10wHsKVSSZ+qVCoXwvMyyiijjDI6h6q+Rb9amIxOkx8I EcA/Sfg2yED7p5IP6IhhGIS3isIwGMFnEfxq0TI6IsAqGAWj29shYxXwC34CyEJxDq/1XpH+sLVu R7tOt7tfet4uveJunch5i/eW+uNSs95098mybBXHrStWKh0VSK+xbXe7rXVCP05Q1O6sziieSiIM h6NbUKZQEFAjwXoWCgIwGJ4H2f4A1F9KEQ+9pXVvMxjs1uvWoNPqHlfcYcX2vod/owTGXbhhYbmB j8hlCa/bhOLYfAdZdqK4WGm0HEAZxT5+waZV79Bar3f93n5wkqFLbRDgjOIphOrF8IBOjfAdGkdC SuJ3C6ZSnLGa4cioaRkdNtad9eFAU2zZOyQARhUBkS289BIQ27uAeRKwFbymzfP1wdSxxUqjrsZn 041dsCkacIswHxPuphJMn3PwTaQAVirCCuCB94QTGEFSMaloCOjoHMickXGGuK9wigYnAPNQx1rH t1MA81qHbpJCIv0wYErAZMAMTt2Eu6m06g9STMFXKQBrSJAMCR/AbojYhKx0rHkjVL5gCJe/6n6k 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