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CABRILLO Project Re-discovering the Southern California Coast   CABRILLO Home | Reports


Marine Environmental Research Special Issue, an OCEANO Report Perspective View of the Greater Los Angeles region, part of a CASA report
Below are a list of Open File Reports, Publications, and Digital Data Series (DDS) maps.

CASA: Salt Water Intrusion Reports

Océano: Contaminant Processes Reports

Playa: Coastal Change Reports not available

Tierra: Geologic Hazards Reports

Vida: Benthic Habitats Reports

Región: Regional Synthesis Reports not available

Digital Data Series - DDS:
Dartnell, Peter, and Gardner, James V., 1999, Sea-Floor Images and Data from Multibeam Surveys in San Francisco Bay, Southern California, Hawaii, the Gulf of Mexico, and Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada, DDS-55


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For more information, please contact: 
Project coordinator: Homa J. Lee
Web coordinator: Carol Reiss
Web developer: Lori Hibbeler

Site maintained by: Laura Zink Torresan
Modified: 2 January 2005 (lh)

US Department of the Interior   US Geological Survey   Coastal & Marine Geology Program   Western CMG