Title for MeetingAbstracts
Alphabetical listing of titles
Implementation of the Syndromic Approach of STD in the third Sanitary Region of Honduras.
Implementation of total quality management: facilitators and barriers.
Implementation of treatment and care programs for people living with HIV/AIDS in Cambodia.
Implementation of zidovudine for reduction of perinatal transmission of HIV-1.
Implementation Results of Risk Adjustment in State Medicaid Programs and Future Prospects.
Implementation strategies of AIDS care programmes in Brazil.
Implementing a Chronic Care Model for Depression Management in an Adult Medicaid Population.
Implementing a Community Report Card.
Implementing a community-based AIDS education through existing reproductive health programs in Kunshan county, east China.
Implementing a community-based model for the promotion of couples' voluntary counseling & testing in two African capital cities: similarities, differences & lessons learned.
Implementing a comprehensive HIV/AIDS prevention education program in a urban school setting-Miami-Dade County public schools.
Implementing a constructivist educational model for HIV/STI prevention with the leading role of adolescents (12-19 years) living in poor urban areas of Tegucigalpa, Honduras.
Implementing a culturally sensitive AIDS prevention program for Haitian immigrants in New York City.
Implementing a cystitis clinical guideline at an HMO: impact on process of care, outcomes of care, and costs.
Implementing a database to estimate the burden of post-acute coronary syndrome heart disease.
Implementing a harm reduction program (HRP) in the complex environment of Rio de Janeiro City.
Implementing a mandated curriculum.
Implementing a multi-site, disease management program for anticoagulated patients: baseline demographics and knowledge.
Implementing a national prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission program in Thailand.
Implementing a National Program for Prevention of Mother-to-child Transmission of HIV in Zimbabwe Using Short Course Nevirapine.
Implementing a new model of care for managing depression in the primary car setting of an HMO: physician training, nurse telephone followup, peer support.
Implementing a Rapid assessment and response methodology to injecting drug users in Penang, Malaysia.
Implementing a Scientifically Sound Intervention to a Community with a Different Cultural Make-up and Geographical Topography.
Implementing a Voluntary Prescribing Error Reporting System In Outpatient Primary Care Practices.
Implementing a work place HIV/AIDS prevention program through partnership with corporate world in Western Kenya.
Implementing adherence programs: Lessons from the New York State adherence demonstration project.
Implementing AIDS education into the curriculum in N.Ireland.
Implementing AIDS prevention counseling services at an STD clinic.
Implementing Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention in a Managed Care Setting.