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Ask Medicare Caregiver Initiative

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) launched an initiative on September 2008 to begin a conversation with people who provide care for a loved one, friend or neighbor. The Ask Medicare initiative provides information, tools and materials to assist the caregiver and their loved ones in making informed healthcare decisions.

There are over 44.4 million Americans, more than one in five adults, who provide unpaid care to a loved one valued at a staggering $350 billion (in 2006) each year. It is important to raise national awareness of the critical service provided by caregivers in communities across the country. We hope to help these caregivers navigate through the tools that can significantly improve their life and that of their loved one.

Most people don't think of themselves as caregivers; all they know is that someone that they care about needs help. The caregiver's work is exhausting, stressful, but essential - and far too often, unrecognized. CMS knows that caregiving takes a substantial amount of advocacy, energy and knowledge.

Information to Help You Care for Others

On September 18th, CMS launched a caregiver initiative through a live webcast with Acting Administrator Kerry Weems, and a number of key partner organizations at the Newseum in Washington DC. During the webcast, Mr. Weems provided an overview of the initiative and answered questions from caregivers, partners, the media, and other stakeholders through electronically submitted questions. After the webcast, Medicare's newly designed webpage will go live at www.medicare.gov/caregivers. Through the webpage, CMS will provide accurate and unbiased information to caregivers about Medicare. The new tools will provide information about what the Medicare program covers and how to access other important resources to help in their care. Through the website, CMS will feature key partner organizations that help caregivers and beneficiaries through links directly to the organizations. The site will also include personal stories of caregivers in the community.

In November, CMS launched an e-newsletter for caregivers. E-mailed bi-monthly to individuals who sign up, the newsletter provides information on important dates (i.e. open enrollment), changes in the programs (i.e. changes in coverage of certain services), and general basic information to caregivers about the Medicare program.  

Through our website and electronic newsletter CMS would like to build a relationship with caregivers to help streamline caring for Medicare beneficiaries and hopefully, lighten the load of caregiving.

Ask Medicare Caregiver Initiative Print Ad - Providers PDF [193 KB]

Ask Medicare Caregiver Initiative Print Ad - Nurse & African American PDF [223 KB]

Ask Medicare Caregiver Initiative Print Ad - Hispanic American PDF [284 KB]

Ask Medicare Caregiver Initiative Print Ad - African American PDF [309 KB]

Ask Medicare Caregiver Initiative Print Ad - Checklist PDF [250 KB]

Ask Medicare Caregiver Initiative Print Ad - Asian American PDF [201 KB]

Related Links Inside CMS
Medicare's new caregiver initiative press release (09/18/08)

Related Links Outside CMSExternal Linking Policy
Ask Medicare Website

National Conference of State Legislators--State Caregiving Information


Page Last Modified: 04/29/2009 10:05:54 AM
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