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  Loading and Unloading Your Bike on the Kaua'i Bus Minimize

It is very important to get the Driver's attention before you load or unload your bicycle.

As the bus approaches, have the bike ready to load.
Remove water bottles, pumps or any loose items that might fall off.
Make eye contact with the Driver and acknowledge your intention to utilize the Bike Rack.
Wait until the Driver tells you to proceed to the front of the bus to use the Bike Rack.
Load bike from curbside or from the front of the bus, never street side.
Squeeze the handle and pull down to release the folded Bike Rack and lower into place.
Lift the bike onto the rack, fitting wheels into the slots.
Each slot is labeled for front and rear wheels. Please load your bike in the slot closest to the bus first, if vacant.
Raise and release the support arm over the top of the front tire. Make sure the support arm is resting on the tire and not the fender or frame.

When arriving at your destination let the Driver know that you will need to remove your bike off the rack. Before approaching the Bike Rack make eye contact with the Driver and wait until the Driver tells you to proceed to the front of the bus to remove your bike.
Unload bike from curbside or from the front of the bus, never street side.
Raise the support arm off the tire. Move the support arm down and out of the way to the support lock position.
Lift the bike out of the rack.
Return the rack to the upright position if there isn't another bike on the rack.
Proceed to sidewalk with the bike and stand clear of bus.

Be sure to follow the Driver's instructions at all times especially when proceeding to the front of the bus to get to the Bike Rack.
Be careful of support arm tension.
Close Bike Rack when not in use.

If you forget to retrieve your bike, or the Driver pulls away before you've unloaded it, please call our office at (808) 241-6410.

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