Hawaii State Department of Health

Department of Health Hawaii
Developmental Disabilities Division
Case Management and Information Services Branch

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CMISB Services

Case Management Services

Case Managers who provide case management services:

Determine DD/MR eligibility:

Provide outreach to the community, including community education and information; Get to know the person with DD/MR, including finding out what is important to the person; Identify what supports the person has, wants, needs; Identify what supports are necessary to assure the individual’s health and safety and well-being; Assist individuals in developing a plan to support them in their desired life; and Assist individuals in obtaining supports and services needed, including supports provided or funded by the Developmental Disabilities Division. Home and Community-Based Services for individuals with developmental disabilities and mental retardation

This federally funded match-grant provides for an alternative to institutional living. Services funded through this Medicaid Waiver assist individuals living within the community. Services may include Adult Day Health (ADH), Chore, DD/MR Emergency Outreach, DD/MR Emergency Respite, DD/MR Emergency Shelter, Non-Medical Transportation, Personal Assistance/ Habilitation aka 'PAB', Personal Emergency Response System (PERS), Residential Habilitation aka 'RES/HAB', Respite, Skilled Nursing, Supported Employment, and Training and Consultation.

Click on a Quick Link below to find a Service Definition: Adult Day Health (ADH), Chore, DD/MR Emergency Outreach, DD/MR Emergency Respite, DD/MR Emergency Shelter, Non-Medical Transportation, Personal Assistance/ Habilitation aka 'PAB', Personal Emergency Response System (PERS), Residential Habilitation aka 'RES/HAB', Respite, Skilled Nursing, Supported Employment, Training and Consultation.

Adult Day Health (ADH)

Adult Day Health (ADH) services are full day (6 hours) or half day (3 to 6 hours) in a group setting to help individuals become more independent and involved in the community. Services may include skill development, pre-vocational training, and supports for an individual living in the community. Transportation to and from the ADH center, to the community during ADH time, and meals are included as part of ADH.
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Services needed to maintain the home in a clean, sanitary and safe environment. These services are provided only when the PARTICIPANT or anyone else in the household, or other relatives, caregiver, landlord, community/volunteer agency, or third party payor is not capable or responsible for performing or financially providing for them.
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DD/MR Emergency Outreach

Immediate on-site support for situations in which the PARTICIPANT'S presence in his/her home or program is at risk due to the display of challenging behaviors that occur with intensity, duration, and frequency that endangers his or her safety or the safety of others or results in the destruction of property.
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DD/MR Emergency Respite

Emergency out-of-home placement for PARTICIPANTS over the age of eighteen (18) years with potential for danger to self or others and their significant support systems due to the PARTICIPANT'S challenging behaviors.
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DD/MR Emergency Shelter

Emergency out-of-home placement of PARTICIPANTS in need of intensive intervention in order to avoid institutionalization or more restrictive placement and for return to the current or a new living situation once stable.
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Non-Medical Transportation

This service enables individuals to gain access to waiver and other community services, activities, and resources specified in the Individual Service Plan (ISP). Transportation for medical service is not included.
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Personal Assistance/Habilitation aka 'PAB'

A range of assistance or training to enable program PARTICIPANTS to accomplish tasks that they would normally do for themselves if they did not have a disability.
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Personal Emergency Response System (PERS)

PERS is an electronic device that enables waiver PARTICIPANTS to secure help in an emergency. The PARTICIPANT may also wear a portable "help" button to allow for mobility.
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Residential Habilitation aka 'RES/HAB'

A service provided in a certified or licensed home for individuals with developmental disabilities. The service consists of supports over and beyond the room, board and supervision covered by SSI and SSP, commonly referred to as Level of Care or domiciliary care payment. It consists of supports to increase an individual's ability to be more independent in daily life.
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Services provided on a short-term basis to relieve the person normally providing the care. Respite may be furnished at various locations.
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Skilled Nursing

Services within the scope of the State's Nurse Practice Act, provided by a registered professional nurse, or licensed practical nurse under the supervision of a registered nurse, licensed to practice in the State of Hawaii.
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Supported Employment

This service consists of intensive, ongoing supports that enable PARTICIPANTS, for whom competitive employment at or above minimum wage is unlikely, and who, because of their disabilities, need supports to perform in a regular work setting.
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Training and Consultation

Services for individuals who provide support, training, or supervision to PARTICIPANTS. Training includes instruction about treatment regimens and other services included in the ISP and/or WAP, use of equipment specified in the service plan, and included updates as necessary to safely maintain the PARTICIPANT at home.
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Purchase of Service (POS) Programs

CMISB has two, 100% state funded POS contracts that assist eligible individuals with developmental disabilities and/or mental reatradation to live in the community. The two POS contracts are the Partnerships in Community Living (PICL) program and Long-term Adult Supports and Resources (LASR) program. Partnerships in Community Living (PICL) is designed to assist an individual in meeting his/her needs as identified in his/her Individual Service Plan (ISP). Once the support or service is identified to meet the need reflected in the individual's ISP and it is determined that no other resources are available, PICL funding is available to purchase the support or service. Long-term Adult Supports and Resources (LASR) is designed to provide long-term support for adults. LASR encourages individuals to receive needed supports and services in the community rather than through a facility-based day program setting.

Family Support Services Program (FSSP)

The Family Support Services Program (FSSP) is a state funded program that supports an individual’s living situation in the family home by reimbursing families for monies spent on services and supports. Families of children or adults with developmental disabilities and/or mental retardation who live in the family home and who qualify for services through CMISB may be eligible for FSSP. Families are reimbursed after they have completed the purchase of the service or product. FSSP is available to families after all personal, philanthropic, private and government resources have been explored and exhausted. It is not intended to supplement or duplicate other existing programs but is aimed at providing services to families to complement family resources. FSSP does not offer respite. Allocations made for each family are based on a family and state partnership in cost sharing. Identification of services is determined between your family and your case manager (CM). The CM then submits an application form identifying the type of services or supports and the amount of each requested. The CM will be notified whether your family is eligible for services or placed on a waitlist.
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Examples of services/supports requested by families in FSSP may include:
• Adaptive equipment
• Chore services
• Limited modification to home and vehicle
• Training and education services
• Limited transportation services
• Supplies not covered under family’s health insurance
• Adaptive supplies

Department of Health Respite Program

The DOH Respite Program is a state funded program that reimburses families for respite services. Families of children or adults with developmental disabilities and/or mental retardation who live in the family home and who qualify for services through CMISB may be eligible for the for the DOH Respite Program. Respite is a period of short-term relief for families who have ongoing care giving responsibilities for a child or adult with special needs. These families often experience isolation, frustration, and even depression when they cannot get a temporary break from constant care giving. Respite provides families the relief they need to avoid burnout. Respite care can occur in or out of the home depending on the families’ needs. CMISB accepts respite applications during open enrollment periods announced in the Family Support Bulletin. back to top