Title for MeetingAbstracts
Alphabetical listing of titles
Knowledge of HIV/AIDS and sexual practices in Sri Lanka.
Knowledge of HIV/AIDS prevention and transmission among tenth and twelfth grade students in Delhi, India.
Knowledge of HIV/AIDS transmission and prevention among students in a junior high school in Jakarta.
Knowledge of HIV/AIDS/STI of sailors, truckers, and public transport drivers and the prevalence of sti symptom in six cities in indonesia 1998-2000.
Knowledge of HIV/AIDS/STIS of adult male and the prevalence of STI symptoms in six cities in Indonesia 1998-2000.
Knowledge of HIV/AIDS/STIs of adult male and the prevalence of STI symptoms in six cities in Indonesia 1998-2000.
Knowledge of hygienic practices of Haitian women.
Knowledge of Lagos University students about HIV (1988 - 2000).
Knowledge of Medicaid Family Planning Services Eligibility and Attitudes toward Birth Control and Family Planning among Florida Women.
Knowledge of mother to child transmission and prevention among female youth and high-risk women: Findings from the Kenya Behavioral Surveillance Survey.
Knowledge of Mother-To-Child Transmission (MTCT) of HIV: "A Comparison between mothers of children aged 0-11 months, Women 15-49 years and Men 15-54 years in Bushenyi District, Rural South Western Uganda.".
Knowledge of Ovarian Cancer Screening in a Low-Risk Population.
Knowledge of partners HIV serostatus among men who have sex with men.
Knowledge of perinatal HIV transmission in women with HIV infection: Comparisons of pregnant and non-pregnant women in Houston, Texas.
Knowledge of preventive practices, awareness of chances of being infected, and reported condom use prevalence among commercial sex workers.
Knowledge of preventive practices, awareness of chances of being infected, reported sexual behavior, and condom use prevalence among youth.
Knowledge of Prostate Cancer Screening and Treatment.
Knowledge of qualitative differences in students' conceptions of AIDS crucial for AIDS-education in Sweden.
Knowledge of risk factors and avoidance of AIDS in the Gambia, West Africa.
Knowledge of safer sex among Lagos University undergraduate students.
Knowledge of serostatus and change in risk behavior among HIV-infected women without AIDS.
Knowledge of serostatus and/or access to preventive therapy influence AIDS incidence in the FRG.
Knowledge of STD/HIV/AIDS and adolescent sexuality : an intervention using a methodology of peers in the province of Callao (Peru) -2001.
Knowledge of STD/HIV/AIDS and adolescent sexuality: an intervention using a methodology of peers in Peru-2003.
Knowledge of STDs, HIV/AIDS and condom use among adolescents in rural Burkina Faso. Lessons for prevention programmes.
Knowledge of the time of HIV seroconversion is necessary for unbiased estimates of survival: CASCADE group.
Knowledge of universal precautions for bloodborne infections among health-care workers at long-term care facilities.
Knowledge of university students regarding HIV/AIDS and their attitude toward acquisition of HIV/AIDS in dental office in Iran, Shiraz, 2003.
Knowledge of women consulting in primary health care services on MTCT of HIV in Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso.
Knowledge on AIDS and sexual behavior patterns in young people of Chelyabinsk.