Lightning and Atmospheric Elelectricity Research at GHCC

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File Cabinet and Bookshelf

The following is a collection of documents, reports, press releases and an assortment of other information related to our groups research activities.

News Items
Other Documents and Publications

News Items
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    Click to view Lightning Strikes an Odd Pattern Over the Plains: 1/10/00
A surprising pattern emerges from satellite observations of lightning
    Click to view Lightning likes Land 5/19/98
First three months of data show surprising pattern
    Click to view Florida Tornado Outbreak 2/22/98
LISDAD Lightning observations during a central Florida tornado outbreak.
    Click to view First TRMM Images 12/18/98
Examples of data obtained from the instruments on the TRMM satellite.
    Click to view LIS Public Affairs Status Report 12/2/97
The first status report on the LIS instrument.
    Click to view TRMM Launch Information 11/28/97
Images and movies of the launch of the TRMM mission!
    Click to view Lightning Sensor Launches 11/28/97
NASA/Marshall sensor to illuminate link to weather, climate
    Click to view Space-based Lightning Detectors 04/03/98
NASA/Marshall sensor to illuminate link to weather, climate
    Click to view NASA LIS Press Release 11/5/97
The offical announcement of the launch of the LIS instrument.

Other Documents and Publications
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    Click to view Publications
List of publications from the Lightning Team.
    Click to view Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document
This document defines and describes in detail the algorithm that processes the LIS data into the basic Hierarchical Data Format (HDF) orbit granule data storage structure.
    Click to view GHCC Scientist Studies Lightning From Space
Essay that describes observations made with the Optical Transient Detector (OTD).
    Click to view The Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS) on TRMM
A short paper describing the LIS instrument and its measurements.
    Click to view Research Proposals
Proposals in response to NASA Research Announcement NRA-97-MTPE-03
    Click to view Value-Added Lightning Studies
A real-tome examination of the incremental value of lightning data in diagnosing convective storm characteristics.
    Click to view NASA/MSFC/ESSD - Lightning Poem
    Click to view LIS Validation Plan {updated 4/12/00}
Science Validation Plan for the Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS).
    Click to view LIS and OTD Science Accomplishments
Recent discoveries resulting from the OTD and LIS missions.
    Click to view TRMM Data Intercomparison
A gallery of images demonstrating the relationship between the observed lightning flah rate, high radar reflectivities above the freezing level, and low microwave brightness temperatures.
    Click to view LIS/OTD Read Software [15MB compressed Tar.Z format]
Software to read LIS data.
    Click to view Release Notes [PDF format 14.0 kb]
Notes on how to use the LIS/OTD Read Software.
    Click to view Quick Start Guide [PDF format 3.6 kb]
Good starting point for getting started with LIS/OTD Read Software.
    Click to view Software User Guide [PDF format 5,235 kb]
General guide for using the LIS/OTD Read Software.
    Click to view

LMS Requirements Document
Draft of the Lightning Mapper Sensor requirements.

    Click to view LMS Requirements Document [PDF format 40.0 kb]
Draft of the Lightning Mapper Sensor requirements.

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NASA Contact: Jim Smoot
Site Curator: LIS Webteam