OESE: Office of Elementary and Secondary Education
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  • National Advisory Council on Indian Education Charter Renewed
    The National Advisory Council on Indian Education (NACIE) charter, which governs its activities was recently renewed and can be downloaded here.
    [download file] PDF (14K) | MS WORD (27K)
    (May 4, 2007)

Past News & Events...

  • TITLE VII Indian Education 2007 Formula Grant Application Posted in Federal Register
    A Federal Register notice was published on Tuesday, April 3, 2007 for Part 2 of the new online application system for the Indian education formula program. The closing date for Part 2 is May 3, 2007. The notice is available at:

    (April 3, 2007)

  • National Indian Education Study - Part I Performance of American Indian and Alaska Native Fourth- and Eighth-Grade Students on NAEP 2005 Reading and Mathematics Assessment (NCES 2006-463) was released today, May 23, by NCES.
    The report can be found at National Indian Education Study (NIES) conducted by NCES at the request of Office of Indian Education, U.S. Department of Education. It is a two-part study; Part I provides a snapshot of what American Indian/Alaska Native students in grades 4 and 8 know and can do in Reading and Mathematics assessments of the National Assessment of Educational Progress. Part II is an additional background survey that focused on culture and language relevant to such population (the results of which will be released later on).

    Part I is based on an augmented sample that includes American Indian and Alaska Native students attending schools that are public, private, and those overseen by the Bureau of Indian Affairs. The report provides results for the nation, five regions, and selected states that have a high proportion of American Indian/Alaska Native students. At both grades 4 and 8, American Indian/Alaska Native students had lower average scores than those of all other students in the nation in reading as well as in mathematics. Approximately fifty percent of the American Indian/Alaska Native students performed at or above Basic level, and less than twenty percent of the students performed at or above Proficient in reading and mathematics. Compared to other race/ethnic groups, American Indian/Alaska Native students' average scores were higher than their peers identified as Black, and lower than White and Asian/Pacific Islander.
    (May 23, 2006)

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Last Modified: 05/04/2007