The essence of this informal international group is that we generally represent the heads of training for well developed training centers, and we work together to assist other countries with fewer resources than we have. Founded around 1990, we have been quite successful in several areas and continue to work toward new initiatives that can provide even more assistance. The group has no funding but rather works through the voluntary cooperation of its members. There is a coordinating committee that actually does most of the work or arranges for most the work to be done.

Coordinating Committee: 2003-2007
Name Country
Timothy Spangler (Chair) USA
Carola Sundius Finland
Ahmed Lagha Algeria
Carlos Garcia-Legaz Spain
David Bennetts United Kingdom
Jeff Wilson Australia
Henk Vershurr EUMETSAT
Jean- Pierre Bourdette France
Hans Bauer Germany
Kaliba Konare World Meteorological Organization



Article I Name

This organization shall be called the Standing Conference of the Heads of Training Institutions of National Meteorological Services and may be referenced as

Article II Objectives

SCHOTI shall provide a forum and mechanism through which national meteorological Services may collaborate on education and training for the benefit of all World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) Members giving particular emphasis to the promotion of an active cooperation in issues relating to the introduction and exploitation of new techniques and technologies in the education and training process.

Article III Membership

Members of SCHOTI shall be the directors or leaders of training organizations that serve National Meteorological Services and express interest in coordinating their activities and sharing their knowledge for the betterment of National Meteorological Services throughout the world.

Article IV Expenses

SCHOTI shall have no budget or membership dues and all members will participate at their own expense except that certain WMO Regional Meteorological Training Centres (RMTC) and Ex Officio members will participate at the discretion of the Secretary General of the WMO.

Article V Meetings

SCHOTI shall have its official business meeting every four years at the time and location of the quadrennial WMO Symposium of Education and Training. Business of the meeting will be conducted by a majority o the members present who will elect a chair to conduct the meeting as the first order of business. SCHOTI meetings are open to all who wish to attend. SCHOTI meetings shall be conducted in English.

Article VI Coordinating Committee

SCHOTI shall elect a committee, called the Coordinating Committee of Heads of Training Institutions of National Meteorological Services (abbreviated as CO-COM), at each business meeting to conduct the business of the organisation until the next business meeting. CO-COM shall be comprised of six heads of training centres or organizations including at least four members representing well developed National meteorological Services, and in addition, one representative of a WMO Regional Meteorological Training Centre for a total of seven members. The Director of the WMO Education and Training Department and the immediate past Chair of CO-COM, shall be Ex Officio members. The election of members shall proceed as follows:

  • The six representatives of heads of training centres or organisations will be nominated by CO-COM and nominations will be accepted from the floor. Ballots will be distributed and the six nominees receiving the most votes shall become the new members of CO-COM and serve until the next business meeting of SCHOTI.
  • A second ballot will be held by SCHOTI to elect a chair and vice-chair from the six newly elected CO-COM members. The Chair of CO-COM may not serve more than one consecutive term.
  • The RMTC member of CO-COM and his/her alternate will be nominated during the meeting of Directors/Principals of RMTCs, organised by WMO in conjunction with the quadrennial Symposium on Education and Training.
  • The Chair will call meetings of CO-COM at a time and place of his or her discretion in consultation with the Director of the Education and Training Department, WMO, and members of CO-COM. CO-COM may meet as often as necessary but not less frequently than once between each SCHOTI business meeting. The Chair of CO-COM may invite additional experts to CO-COM meetings as may be necessary. Four members shall establish a quorum.

The coordinating committee meets about once per year.

Article VII Working Groups

SCHOTI may, when necessary, appoint working groups to address matters of concern or interest to the organisation. Working groups will be coordinated and supervised by the Chair of CO-COM who may, after consultation with CO-COM members, replace members who resign or who are unable to serve, appoint additional members as needed, appoint chairs, and disband working groups until the next business meeting of SCHOTI at which time they must be confirmed by a majority of the members present.

Article VIII Relationship to World Meteorological Organisation

SCHOTI is a non-governmental structure and its members act in their capacity of training experts and/or managers. SCHOTI may however, given the objective stated in Article II, advise the WMO on topics and organisation of its quadrennial Symposium on Education and Training, on issues of education and training that are pertinent to WMO members, and the Chair of CO-COM may at the discretion of the Chairman of the WMO EC Panel of Experts on Education and Training be invited to attend meetings of this Panel in accordance with procedures established in the General Regulations of WMO.

Article IX Adoption and Amendments

These Terms of Reference will take effect when approved by 2/3 of the members present at the organisational meeting scheduled for July 29, 1995 in Toulouse, France, and may be amended by a 2/3 vote of the members present at any regular business meeting of the organisation.


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