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HEASARC: Observatories

Orbiting Solar Observatories Bibliography

photo of OSO

* Publication list from ADS

The Orbiting Solar Observatories (OSO) publication list through June, 1999 is the result of a query to the ADS service. Note: the following 5 links are not section 508 compliant.

* Useful OSO references

On the missions
  • OSO 1 Orbiting Solar Observatory Satellite, 1965, NASA SP-57.
  • OSO 4 Ball 1970, Spaceflight, 12, 244.
On OSO 3 Observations
  • Observation of High-Energy Cosmic Gamma Rays Clark et al 1968, Ap J L, 153, L203.
  • The Hard Solar X-ray Spectrum Observed from the Third Orbiting Solar Observatory Hudson et al 1969, ApJ 157, 389.
  • The Isotropy of the Diffuse Cosmic X-rays Determined by OSO-III Schwartz 1970, ApJ 162, 439.
  • The Spectrum of Diffuse Cosmic X-rays: 7.7-113 keV Schwartz et al 1970, ApJ 162, 431.
  • High-Energy Cosmic Gamma-Ray Observations from the OSO-3 Satellite Kraushaar et al 1972, ApJ, 177, 341.
On OSO 5 Observations
  • The Diffuse X-ray Spactrum from 14 to 200 keV as measured on OSO-5 Dennis et al. 1973, Ap J, 186, 97.
  • Experiment to Measure Hard Solar and Celestial X-rays from the Fifth Orbiting Solar Observatory Frost et al. 1971, New Techniques in Sp Astron, IAU Symp 41, pp. 185-191.
On OSO 6 Observations
  • Hard X-ray Solar Bursts Observed from the OSO-6 Satellite Brini et al. 1973, A&A, 25, 17-27.
  • Hard X-ray Spectra of Cosmic Gamma-ray Bursts Kane and Share, 1977, ApJ, 217, 549-564.
  • Gamma-ray Burst Observed by a Hard X-ray Experiment Aboard OSO-6 Pizzichini et al. 1975, ApJ, 195, L1-L5.

[About OSO 1] [About OSO 3] [About OSO 4]
[About OSO 5] [About OSO 6] [About OSO 7] [About OSO 8]

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