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Web Developer References \  Programming Languages \  CSS

CNET Builder.com: CSS Reference Table  - We've boiled down the most important information about each CSS property and its available values and packed it all into one giant table. (Default values appear in bold throughout the table.) If you want more information about a specific property, just click it to go to the pertinent chapter of the W3C's CSS specification.   URL: http://builder.cnet.com/Authoring/CSS/table.html
CNET Builder.com: Get started with cascading style sheets  - To help you get started, we'll show you the basics of building high-impact pages using CSS and CSS positioning. We've put together a reference table of all the CSS properties, and included a tool called the Style-o-Mattic to help you build your pages.   URL: http://www.builder.com/Authoring/CSS/?st.bl.fd.gh2.feat
CNET Builder.com: Style-o-Mattic ***** - Developing style sheets is often a matter of trial and error. But we've made it easy for you with the Style-o-Mattic, courtesy of CNET staffer Matt Rotter. Just enter some text into the text field; then select from the font, background, text, and box properties and their values. Your results will appear in the window below. If you don't like what you see, just make a few new selections. To start over completely, click the Reset button.   URL: http://www.builder.com/Authoring/CSS/ss12.html
CSS Frequently Asked Questions - The HTML Writers Guild  - What is CSS? What are Style Sheets? What is external Style Sheet? How to link? What is embedded style? How to link? What is inline style? How to link? What is imported Style Sheet? How to link? What is alternate Style Sheet? How to link? What is persistent style? What is preferred style? How do I combine multiple sheets into one? What is CSS rule 'ruleset'? What is CSS rule 'at-rule'? What is selector? What is CLASS selector? What is ID selector? What is contextual selector? What is attribute selector? [CSS2] What is parent-child selector? [CSS2] What is CSS declaration? What is 'important' declaration? What is property? What is shorthand property? What is value? What is initial value?   URL: http://www.hwg.org/resources/faqs/cssFAQ.html
Everything you ever wanted to know about style  - Cascading style sheets enable much more sophisticated page design (typography and layout) than web developers have been used to, and they help us manage the complex tasks of developing and maintaining sites, and keeping them up to date. But this power comes at the price of learning a new technology. Looking around the web over the last year or so I have found many sites that do a great job talking about one or more aspects of style sheets. I find that most guides cover properties really well, explaining the different styles you now have access to. What is often missing is a thorough coverage of the trickier concepts, like <b>Selectors</b>, <b>Cascading</b> and <b>Inheritance</b>. There are also great technical resources that help the technical developer get to the bottom of style sheets. What I believe has been lacking is a single resource that covers the major features of style sheets in some detail, but from the perspective of the web developer. By John Allsopp.   URL: http://www.westciv.com/style_master/academy/css_tutorial/index.html
W3C CSS1 Test Suite *** - The CSS1 Test Suite is provided as a way for vendors and page authors to test their browser's conformance to the CSS1 specification. This test suite is organized around individual properties of Cascading Style Sheets, Level 1 (CSS1).   URL: http://www2dev.ihs.gov/publicaffairs/director/
Web Review - The Master List **** - This is the mother of all CSS charts, listing every aspect of the CSS spec and identifying how well it is supported by Netscape 4, Internet Explorer 3 and Internet Explorer 4 for both Mac and Windows 95.   URL: http://webreview.com/wr/pub/guides/style/mastergrid.html