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Allaire WDDX Forums  - Welcome to the WDDX Forums! Please feel free to discuss WDDX applications, technology implementations, etc.   URL: http://forums.allaire.com/Forums/Main.cfm?CFApp=49
Exchanging Data with WDDX  - To pass chunks of data between environments–like to get information from ColdFusion to Javascript, or from a COM-enabled environment like Visual Basic to ColdFusion, you need some way to turn your recordsets, arrays, and structures into blocks of ordinary ASCII text and back again. The Web Distributed Data Exchange (WDDX) technology–addresses these kinds of challenges.<BR><BR>You can take any kind of data–whether it be a single number or a complex structure of arrays within other arrays–and turn it into a chunk of text. That chunk of text is kept in the WDDX "format" and can be passed around from place to place with reckless abandon. When it's time to use the data again, the data can be read from the WDDX format back to the way it was.<BR><BR>WDDX takes care of preserving datatypes for you. This holds true even if the data gets passed between two different programming environments. WDDX is actually XML "under the hood". Advanced ColdFusion 4 Development, by Ben Forta. Uses CFWDDX tag.   URL: http://schoolscience.rice.edu/cfdocs/weisswddx.htm
Just One More Acronym: WDDX  - Nate Zelnick explains how global Web stupidity led to the creation of a crazy-like-a-fox method of exchanging data between applications   URL: http://www.webdeveloper.com/xml/xml_101698.html
The Emerging Distributed Web  - In this series of articles, Jeremy Allaire describes the challenges that the Web, as a global application latform, presents in the sharing of structured data. He reviews the specific opportunities created by XML, and how WDDX, with its XML foundation, has broad applications in areas such as client-side databinding, server-to-server distributed data, intelligent web agents, and in enhanced DHTML user-interface controls. Jeremy Allaire - 9/98.   URL: http://www.allaire.com/handlers/index.cfm?id=4683&method=full
The XML Cover Pages  - WDDX - Web Distributed Data Exchange.   URL: http://www.oasis-open.org/cover/wddx.html
WDDX FAQ, Resources, and Web Sites  - From the Allaire Reference Desk.   URL: http://www.allaire.com/handlers/index.cfm?ID=5624&Method=full
WDDX.org: Web Distributed Data Exchange  - WDDX.ORG, the home of the WDDX SDK and related projects. WDDX.ORG seeks to empower Web developers with technology that enables them to create new forms of value on the Internet using distributed data and Web syndicate networks. The Web Distributed Data Exchange, or WDDX, is a free, open XML-based technology that allows Web applications created with any platform to easily exchange data with one another over the Web. To learn more about WDDX, check out the Understanding WDDX section of the site.   URL: http://www.WDDX.org/
WDDX: A Deeper Look  - Any standard is better than nothing at all Last time we looked at the underlying reasons why Allaire created its XML-based inter-application data transmission standard called Web Distributed Data eXchange (WDDX). As I said this is a system that is designed to move data generically between different applications so they are available with their context intact.   URL: http://www.webdeveloper.com/xml/xml_120298.html
MS PowerPoint PPT WDDX: Distributed Data For The Web - PowerPoint presentation covering: The need for Web distributed data exchange, The crisis of web applications, The need for XML middleware, Web Distributed Data Exchange (WDDX), WDDX scenarios, Demos, and Call to action. Presentation by Simeon Simeonov, Manager of Language Technology Allaire Corporation.  [PPT - 223.0K]
File: XML98_WDDX_Presentation.PPT
Author: Simeon Simeonov - June 08, 1998. URL: http://www.WDDX.org/XMLpresentation/XML98%20WDDX%20Presentation.PPT
HTML 01 WDDX: Distributed Data for the Web - During the last two years, the Web has emerged as a new platform for network applications. The combination of browsers, servers, and network protocols with application servers and back office enterprise technologies has made a new generation of business applications possible. As the Web matures, one of the most important challenges will be the exchange of complex data within applications and between application environments. This paper describes a new technology proposed by Allaire, Web Distributed Data Exchange (WDDX), designed to facilitate the exchange of complex data structures between common web programming environments. WDDX is a pragmatic solution to an important problem faced by developers today. It compliments other standards and technologies that are available or proposed. Finally it's applicable now to a wide range of applications, and already available for many of the most popular language environments on the Web.   [HTM - 27.6K]
File: DistributedDataForWeb.htm
Author: Simeon Simeonov - December 07, 1998. URL: http://www.WDDX.org/DistributedDataForWeb.htm