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Youth Friendly Services - An investment in Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, 20 years of Swedish experience.

Rogala C; International Conference on AIDS.

Int Conf AIDS. 2000 Jul 9-14; 13: abstract no. ThPeC5382.

C. Rogala, RFSU Clinic, Box 12128, S-102 24 Stockholm, Sweden, Tel.: +46-8-6920787, Fax: +46-8-6532821, E-mail:

All children and adolescents need sex education that includes accurate, updated information about methods to prevent STIs, including HIV- infection and unintended pregnancies. It is important that this knowledge is available before they begin to be sexually active. However, education and knowledge is not enough, as they also need access to services. In Sweden, investments in STI / HIV- and abortion preventive work have been made since the middle of the seventies. Youth Friendly Services have been initiated all over Sweden. Every clinic is somewhat different from the other, adjusted to the present needs of the surrounding community. Today, there are more than 200 Youth Friendly Services in Sweden. The primary purpose of these measures was to prevent unwanted pregnancies and abortions but it has become more clear that adolescents also have other needs. The Swedish experience is that, by given access to knowledge and services, adolescents will take responsibility for their sexual health. Today, a Youth clinic is seen as a forum where help can be given based on a holistic view of young people and their different needs of not only medical but also social and psychological kind. The Youth Friendly Services can be seen as an investment in giving the youths Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights.

Publication Types:
  • Meeting Abstracts
  • Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
  • Adolescent
  • Adolescent Health Services
  • Child
  • Female
  • HIV Infections
  • Health Services Needs and Demand
  • Humans
  • Investments
  • Pregnancy
  • Reproductive Medicine
  • Sex Education
  • Sweden
  • economics
  • education
Other ID:
  • GWAIDS0004428
UI: 102241925

From Meeting Abstracts

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