Department of Fish and Game

quagga mussels Invasive Species Program

New Zealand Mudsnail

New Zealand mudsnails around a U.S. dime
New Zealand mudsnails around a dime

New Zealand Mudsnail INFO

What you can do to prevent the spread of New Zealand Mudsnails

  • If you wade, freeze waders and other gear overnight (at least 6 hours).
  • Have extra waders and boots that are used only in infested waters. Store them separately.
  • After leaving the water, inspect waders, boots, float tubes, boats/trailers—any gear used in the water.
  • Remove visible snails with a stiff brush and follow with rinsing.
    If possible, freeze or completely dry out any wet gear.
  • Never transport live fish or other aquatic animals or plants from one water to another.
  • Snails range in size from a grain of sand to 1/8 inch in length and are black or brown in color.

News Releases
