Table 79

Full-time Law Enforcement Employees
by State by University and College, 2007
University/College Campus Student enrollment1 Total law enforcement employees Total officers Total civilians
Central Michigan University 26,710 30 21 9
Delta College 10,149 11 8 3
Eastern Michigan University 22,950 28 22 6
Ferris State University 12,574 18 13 5
Grand Rapids Community College 15,224 14 11 3
Grand Valley State University 23,295 20 16 4
Lansing Community College 20,394 17 15 2
Macomb Community College 21,131 37 30 7
Michigan State University 45,520 107 70 37
Michigan Technological University 6,546 12 9 3
Mott Community College 10,038 7 3 4
Northern Michigan University 9,689 26 22 4
Oakland Community College 24,123 27 25 2
Oakland University 17,737 23 18 5
Saginaw Valley State University 9,543 10 8 2
University of Michigan: Ann Arbor 40,025 89 54 35
Dearborn 8,342 4 4 0
Flint 6,527 20 6 14
Western Michigan University 24,841 64 27 37

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